Six hundredth 70 chapter breaks the law

“Demi-God!” Yun Bufan blinked in the eyes, staring at Ye Hongchen, slowly opening the mouth and said: “Ye Hongchen, I didn’t expect you to hide so deep, comparable to the strength of Demi-God, even every time The battles only play the fighting power of the Tenth Emperor. It seems that you use all your strength and you have some damage to yourself?”

“Yes!” Ye Hongchen’s voice in the flame hoarsely said: “This is a secret method. After using it, my strength can be raised to the level of Demi-God, but the same damage to me is very large, especially I will also have a lot of damage to my breakdown in the future. If it is not forced, I will not use this secret method at all!”

“What really surprised me is you, Yun Bufan!” Ye Hongchen stared straight at Yun Bufan, and he said with a smile: “I am afraid that no one will think of it, but you have just reached the tenth level.” More powerful than Demi-God, should it be the reason for several Divine Artifacts on your body?”

鈥淪ome of the Divine Artifact reasons?鈥?Yun Bufan slightly paused, then laughed nodded: 鈥淎lso say it!鈥?/p>

“I will let you know today, Divine Artifact is more, it is useless, really useful Divine Artifact, one is enough, Yun Bufan, I do not use the secret law of Ye Hongchen, once you use the secret method, you must fall!” Ye Hongchen鈥檚 flames skyrocketed, and a red long sword suddenly appeared in his hands, emitting a horrible Divine Artifact breath!

“hu!” The long sword in Ye Hongchen’s hand suddenly turned into a fierce flame. Yun Bufan smiled lightly, and his eyes flashed brightly: “Ye Hongchen, you are destined to be the same as me, you are just like Demi-God, and I, It鈥檚 too much to be above Demi-God, so you can鈥檛 be my opponent at all!鈥?/p>

“hong long long!” The sound of the roaring sounded, Ye Hongchen still wanted to talk, a silhouette has already swiftly flew over to him, a burst of rays of light flashed, a clip with Dao Aura’s sword glow, fiercely The red dawn of the morning leaves!

Ye Hongchen’s eyes are red, and it is loudly roared. A sword greets up and the two swords collide. The strong explosion of “bang!” sounded loudly. The collision of two Divine Artifacts caused a room to collapse and even the entire sword. The building is turned into pieces!

The battle between Yun Bufan and Ye Hongchen almost wiped the entire Sword Emperor. The Swordsman star looked up at the sky. This battle was the battle of the Supreme Master of the Swordsman against the outsiders. Everyone is looking forward to it. Ye Hongchen鈥檚 victory, because they are a part of the sword star!

“bang!” The blast was bombing, and the silhouette of Ye Hongchen was suddenly blown out. Ye Hongchen was crazy and roar said: “Impossible, this is impossible, your strength, how might your strength be so powerful!”

“I said, you are just comparable to Demi-God, and I, I am much stronger than Demi-God, Ye Hongchen, today is the day of your swordsman’s fall!” Yun Bufan turned into a shadow, Directly toward Ye Hongchen, he flew in the past!

“No!” Ye Hongchen was terrified in his heart, “bang!” “bang!” “bang!” Yun Bufan’s silhouette suddenly appeared around him, and a sword continued to kneel down, and a burst of bombing continued to ring. Ye Hongchen At the time, it became a real target, just like a small boat in the storm, only the force of parry!

“His strength, why is it so terrible!” Ye Hongchen鈥檚 gnashing teeth looked at Yun Bufan, and the flames were constantly flashing, but Yun Bufan鈥檚 speed and strength almost completely suppressed him. Ye Hongchen鈥檚 chances of returning to the game were all No!

Yun Bufan鈥檚 eyes flashed in the blink of an eye: 鈥淚t鈥檚 this time, completely destroying this leaf red morning, even if it is dead, he must die first!鈥?/p>

“Bang!” The horrible hegemony of the sky is rising, and Ye Hongchen suddenly screams: “No!”

“Kid, wait a minute!” In Ye Hongchen鈥檚 horrified gaze, Yun Bufan鈥檚 sword slammed down, and at halfway, Mo Qilin鈥檚 voice suddenly sounded in Yun Bufan鈥檚 mind, Yun Bufan frowned, a sword Crossed, “Ch墨!” Originally, a sword from Ye Hongchen鈥檚 head directly turned into the chest of Ye Hongchen!

Blood fluttered, Ye Hongchen mouth spurt blood sprinkled out, the whole person was suddenly smashed out, his face was pale, looked at Yun Bufan with horror, just now, the feeling of death, so close to him!

“Why, why didn’t he kill me? Just a sword, I didn’t have any possibility of avoiding it. Why should he keep his hand?” Ye Hongchen kept wondering in his heart, just now, Yun Bufan could take him with that sword. Directly killing, but at the last moment, Yun Bufan is closing his hand, although he seriously injured him, but left him a life!

“Ink girl, why should I spare him a life?” Yun Bufan asked Mo Qilin, but just now, Yun Bufan was preparing a sword to kill the Ye Hongchen, but Mo Qilin suddenly let him stay. Hand, this is the place he can’t think of!

“Kill him, you really have no chance to leave!” Mo Qilin’s voice rang slowly, but Yun Bufan was overjoyed: “Ink girl, you mean, have you found a way to leave?”

“There is no great array. There is no weak spot. His great array is very mysterious. There is almost no weak spot. Hard attack can’t be done. It can’t run away. However, there is almost no weak spot. There is no weak spot. The greatest array of his great array. The weak spot is his own, which is the array eye of the great array !”

Mo Qilin said coldly: “As an array eye, he is alive. Once he dies, the great array is broken, but you have to face the joint of 10,000 immortals. You are absolutely dead, so he can’t Dead, and, you must rely on him to break this great array, only to have a line of opportunity to live!”

“Can’t kill him, then how do I break?” Yun Bufan brows frowned, Mo Qilin faint opened the mouth and said: “This great array will passively attack people, you just touch the great array, the attack of the great array will appear Direct attack on you, and your speed is stronger than him, the strength is stronger than him, do you not know about bringing troubles to others?”

“You mean?” Yun Bufan eyes shined, Mo Qilin faintly opened the mouth and said: “You don’t forget, he is the array eye, and he is one of the Three Sovereigns, he can’t bear to die, just now You kill him, he has no choice, but once the great array attacks him, even when he is in danger, he will automatically lift the great array!”

“Can the great array break, I have to face is 10,000 immortals, I am dead and dead!” Yun Bufan brows frowned, Shen Sheng said!

“I will ask you again, 10,000 people attack at the same time. If you hang around the leaves red morning, do they dare to attack? Even if the air machine locks you, the explosion caused by this is enough to make Ye Hongchen follow the fall. Ye Hongchen is not a fool, he is afraid of death. So he doesn’t dare let them attack you, and this is your only chance to escape!”

Mo Qilin’s eyes flashed, Yun Bufan eyes shined: “Yes, chance, this is the only chance!”

鈥淵e Hongchen!鈥?Yun Bufan suddenly starred at Ye Hongchen coldly smiled, Ye Hongchen鈥檚 heart suddenly broke out: 鈥淣ot good, he definitely wants to deal with me, but what exactly does he want to do?鈥?/p>

Yun Bufan suddenly sneered, Ye Hongchen complexity changed, “hu!” Yun Bufan directly flashed, rushing toward Ye Hongchen, Ye Hongchen complexion greatly changed: “He still wants to kill me? But just now, why didn’t he kill me? He really wants What are you doing?”

Ye Hongchen with the slightest hesitation turned and ran, nonsense, his own strength, is not the opponent of the other party, with Ye Hongchen’s eyesight, he naturally sees it, Yun Bufan’s strength is no longer weak than the dark iron steel bear of the ancient gods The black iron steel bear, but the Demi-God powerhouse with Divine Physique!

“bang!” A sword squatted, Ye Hongchen was like a cannonball and flew out. Ye Hongchen was angry and said: “Bastard, this Yun Bufan, what exactly does he want to do? Want to kill me, or do you want to kill me?”

“Ch墨!” Yun Bufan suddenly smashed dozens of swords around the 10,000 cents, Ye Hongchen coldly smiled: “Yun Bufan, you don’t have to work hard, you can not break the great array, it will also cause the sword in the great array. Qi’s counterattack will be exhausted in the great array sooner or later!”

鈥淵es?鈥?Yun Bufan smiled indifferently: 鈥淭he counterattack that caused the great array is affirmative, but it鈥檚 not me who resists this counterattack, but you, Sword Emperor Ye Hongchen!鈥?/p>

“What?” Ye Hongchen gave a slight glimpse, and Yun Bufan’s attack finally caused a counterattack from the great array. Dozens of sword qis spurred directly toward Yun Bufan. Every word qi was almost comparable to the ten-level Emperor. One hit, no wonder, no wonder this great array will be so scary!

Seeing this scene, Yun Bufan couldn’t help but secretly shut the head, and in his heart, when the dozens of sword qi attacked Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan smirked at Ye Hongchen and flew directly toward Ye Hongchen. The speed of the wind and the wings of the wind plus his strength, Ye Hongchen has no chance to escape!

“Ch墨!” “Ch墨!” “Ch墨!” Dozens of swords qi, and suddenly rushed toward Ye Hongchen, Ye Hongchen suddenly changed his face, and when Yun Bufan said something, Ye Hongchen could not help but anger: “Yun Bufan , bastard, you turned out, you actually led this sword qi to attack me!”

“This is what you are looking for!” Yun Bufan coldly smiled: “Ye Hongchen, I will not kill you by hand, I want you to die under your own great array and die in your own hands, so that you will feel Endless pain, know why I don’t kill you? I just want you to die in pain, not to die or die!”

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” dozens of sword qi blasted, some of them attacked Yun Bufan, but most of them rushed to Ye Hongchen, Yun Bufan had Dragon God and ancestor Dragon Jade Pendant Twelve times the defensive bonus, so the attack is relatively weak, and Ye Hongchen is not so lucky, a large mouth of blood sprayed out!

“Ye Hongchen, this is just the beginning!”

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