Chapter 663 removes the mark of the soul

“It’s only a long time. It seems that they really want to leave. This Yunling is also a decision, not dragging, Yunxiong, it seems that we have to prepare for it!” Smile!

Yun Bufan also laughed at nodded: “I can make such a decision in such a short period of time. This Yunling is also a big decision. Go, go crazy, let’s meet them!”

Yun Bufan smiled and greeted him. The war madness also followed. They just opened the door. Zheng Yunfeng took a group of people from Yunling and walked in. This group of people is only a dozen people, but almost every one is Yun Bu strength, Yun Bufan laughed, these should be the real high-level power of Spiritcloud Peak!

“Yun Bufan!” Zheng Yunfeng took the crowd and rushed in, then pointed to Yunling with a smile: “This is my Spiritcloud Peak sect founder, Yunling Founder!”

“Ten-level Peak Xiandi!” Yun Bufan pupils shrank, then a respectful ceremony for Yunling, respectfully said: “Yun Bufan has seen Yunling Founder!”

“Good!” Yunling’s eyes flashed, said with a smile: “out of the ordinary, you don’t have to be so polite, you were my Spirit Cloud Peak at the time of Culture World, but now you are Immortal World The famous Heaven Destroying star owner is the identity of my Spiritcloud Peak sect founder and it is far less than your status!”

“When Yun Bufan was at Cultural World, thanks to Zheng Yunfeng, I was trained as a Spiritcloud Peak. You are the sect founder of Spiritcloud Peak, and it is my elder!” Yun Bufan smiled. Shook the head, Yunling eyes are full of appreciation!

The other cents of the Emperor are also secretly relaxed. They are afraid that Yun Bufan will put them on the shelf, but even if Yun Bufan is on the shelf, they can’t help but just feel very uncomfortable. Seeing this scene, they know, Yun Bufan and Not the kind of villain!

“Yun Bufan, we have to hurry up this time. You are not saying that there is a 10% confidence that you can remove Founder’s soul mark? It’s not too late, we will start right away, then go out to the city and meet our people because there are more than a thousand People, the goal is too big, we talents come first!”

Zheng Yunfeng looked at Yun Bufan, his eyes filled with hope and anxious, Yun Bufan nodded: “Okay, let’s not waste time, Yunling Founder, please wait a moment, I will find the soul that is with you for the body.” Imprinted person!”

Yunling gave a slight glimpse, then laughed nodded, sat down on the knees, Yun Bufan closed his eyes, his body flashed blue, and the huge fairy sensation suddenly poured into the Immortal Mansion, directly finding out what is being practiced in the knee. Lin, softly opened the mouth and said: “He Lin, you come out first, help me do things!”

“Young Master, what?” He Lin slowly opened his eyes, his eyes flashed, doubts open!

Yun Bufan said with a smile : “Let you pull out a soul mark, you first come out of Immortal Mansion, then I will talk to you again!”

“weng!” Yun Bufan’s blue light flashed, and He Lin appeared directly beside Yun Bufan. Yunling suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the flash of his eyes. He couldn’t help but be a ten-level Peak. Ah, can’t you detect the strength of the other party?

“He Lin, this is the sect founder of my Culture World Spiritcloud Peak. Yunling, he was planted by Ye Hongchen with a soul mark. You can help him to remove it!” Yun Bufan pointed to Yunling, then smiled at He Lin. Mouth and said !

He Lin has the soul of the soul, and the removal of the soul mark is just a matter of raising his hand. This is very simple for He Lin. He Lin has a slight glimpse, then said with a bitter smile: “Yes, Young Master!”

“Okay, I know that removing the soul mark of his within the body will hurt you a lot, but I forgot to tell you, the divine object I got in the ancient gods this time, the same is Soul Grass!” Yun Bufan smiled and looked at He Lin, slowly opening!

“Soul Grass!” He Lin’s eyes flashed, showing a happy color, Yun Bufan laughed: “Go, first remove the soul mark of Yunling Founder within the body, then you return to Immortal Mansion, I will give you Soul. Grass take!”

“Yes!” He Lin did not hesitate, and even some could not wait, he slowly sat down opposite Yunling Founder, watching Yunling Founder quietly opened the mouth and said: “Ye Hongchen is ten Emperor Xian, the soul mark he planted, is that I have to pay a great price to get rid of it. If it was not the instructions of Young Master, I really don’t want to do this kind of thing!”

Yunling just wanted to speak, He Lin continued to speak the mouth and said: “Yunling, you hold your mind, let go of your soul consciousness sea, wait for me to completely remove the soul mark of your soul consciousness sea, But remember, don’t attack me. Otherwise, if the power is shocked, your soul will be greatly hurt!”

“Reassured, I believe in you!” Yunling is also solemnly nodded, let go of his soul consciousness sea, no doubt is to hand over his life to the other’s hands, the other few Imperial Capital some hesitate, but see Yunling The smear in the eyes, they have been following Yunling for a long time, knowing that they can’t change the decision of Yunling, they will wait and see!

“Weng!” He Lin’s body of black ray of light rose up, countless gray silk lines floated from his with the body, He Lin suddenly opened the eyes, the eyes flashed, a palm directly pressed to the Yunling Above the head, the black power surged, and the gray silk thread rushed into the top of Yunling!

“weng!” “weng!” Yunling’s body bursts of black rays of light, the gray mist on the top of the head is constantly filling out, Yunling’s face is actually a painful expression, everyone is watching intently He Lin and Yunling, a look of tension!

“This is Ye Hongchen’s soul imprint. It is really powerful. It directly controls the soul of Yunling. It is no wonder that Yunling must listen to his orders. This leaf red morning single thought head can make Yunling die outside 10 Million Li. “He Lin feels the strong soul mark in the soul-conscious sea of ​​Yunling, and the heart can’t help but contemplate it!”

“This soul mark must be removed by one stroke. Otherwise, Ye Hongchen will inevitably notice that he can only burn the power of the soul. Fortunately, Young Master has Soul Grass there. Otherwise, it will be a big loss!” He Lin thought secretly, and suddenly there was a three-inch spark on his head!

“burning the soul?” Everyone saw this scene, they were all startled, and then they were silent. He Lin did this step, which means that the other party can definitely remove the soul mark of Yunling within the body, and absolutely no Any bad thoughts!

“Give me out!” He Lin, who burned the soul, suddenly opened his eyes, and shouted loudly, his body black light skyrocketed, “Chī!” “Chī!” A strange sound rang, everyone stared tightly He Lin and Yunling, the eyes are full of anxious colors!

“Ah!” is the strength of Yunling, but I can’t help but cry down. It can be seen that this removal of the soul seal remembers how much pain it bears, but if you can remove the soul mark, believe in the great pain, I will definitely be willing to bear it!

“Chī!” A quirky red mark was pulled out of Yunling’s head by a pair of gray silk threads. Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse: “red? This leaf red morning, his strongest power is the power of fire?”

Controlling the ten-level Peak Xiandian powerhouse like Yunling, Ye Hongchen will definitely plant the most powerful soul mark, and this soul mark is red, which means that the strongest power of the other party should be the power of fire!

“Young Master, success!” He Lin staggered and stood up. The pale face was full of tired expression, Yun Bufan smiled nodded, his body green rays of light flashed, and a green grass appeared. In his hands: “Take it, even my Immortal Mansion is well cultivated and restored!”

“Soul Grass!” He Lin’s eyes flashed, and Yu Bufan grinned, nodded, Yun Bufan’s blue light flashed, and He Lin’s silhouette suddenly disappeared. At this time, Yunling slowly opened his eyes!

“My strength, this feeling, a feeling of easy!” The soul imprint was removed, Yunling could not help but feel that his power has increased. The most important thing is this feeling, this relaxed feeling, this is He is looking forward to the feeling for a long time!

“The seal of the soul, removed, it really is removed!” Yunling whispered in silence, except for the excitement or excitement in the eyes, including Zheng Yunfeng, everyone yelled at Yun Bufan on one knee and shouted in unison: Many thanks Yunxing Lord!”

At this time, Yunling only responded, and also paid to Yun Bufan said solemnmn: “Yun Bufan, I Yunling owes you a life!”

“Everyone, we will be our own people in the future. Don’t you need to be so polite?” Yun Bufan looked at Zheng Yunfeng on one knee and Yunling on his own, and he couldn’t help but sigh, but his eyes flashed a glimmer of light. !

Everyone heard the anger in Yun Bufan’s words, and they couldn’t help but stand up immediately. One of the seven emperors stepped out and solemnly opened the mouth and said to Yun Bufan: “Cloud Star Lord, from then on, my Spiritcloud Peak all the disciples, will be the Heaven Destroying star, we, willing to join the Heaven Destroying!”

“Yes!” “Yes!” “We are willing to join Heaven Destroying!” The other Emperor also looked at Yun Bufan, solemnly speaking, Yun Bufan suddenly stunned, and Yunling smiled at the head: ” We have already discussed it when we were on the road. If you can remove the soul mark for me, we will join the Heaven Destroying and become part of the Heaven Destroying!”

“If I can’t get rid of it?” Yun Bufan looked at Yunling very curiously. Yunling’s faint shook the head: “There is only one way, I am dead, they escape the scope of Swordmaster control!”

Yun Bufan Silent, Yunling said with a smile : “Yun Bufan, you are still ready, I think that Yi Shuihan will soon find out that we collectively flee, he is very smart, maybe, will bring people soon Siege us!”

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