Chapter 659 Divine object allocation

“Ten-level Emperor, really strong feeling!” Yun Bufan felt the strength of the body, the heart could not help but a burst of joy, the nine colorful rays of light straight into the sky, overbearing, extremely overbearing momentum enveloped the whole Cold light!

“That is? Breakthrough? The momentum of good domineering, is the cloud brother?” Yang Zhengtian, who is commanding a group of people, suddenly looked up and looked at the nine-colored light group that rushed up in the air and felt the overbearing one. The momentum, the heart is shocked!

He vaguely remembers that when he first saw Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan was what strength, and now, what is the strength of Yun Bufan, it is simply difference between heaven and earth, even if it is a genius, Yang Zheng Tian Ziwen has never seen such a horrible genius!

“Good horror, good arrogance, this is, Yun Bufan, it seems that his strength has a breakthrough, I have to report this news to the owner!” In the cold light, many people are The eyes flashed, and then took out the messaging jade slip!

“breakthrough, and some divine objects, have to be assigned. In the Devil’s Hall, the total attack is 34 pieces of Divine Artifact. I need the divine object for these three pieces. The rootless water has to fly up to God World. Use, and this fire stone, this piece of fire stone should have no effect for me, just give it to Yang Zhengtian!”

Yun Bufan took out the divine object and Divine Artifact from the demon temple in the underground secret room. He found that these divine objects and Divine Artifact, he almost never used, these Divine Artifact, large Some of them are Divine Artifact, some of which are mid-grade Divine Artifact. What surprised Yun Bufan is that there is also the top Divine Artifact!

According to He Lin, in God World, what level of Divine Artifact is used represents this person’s status. Same God uses the top Divine Artifact and Top Grade Divine Artifact, only a few Peak Gods have Heavenly God Artifact, and Shen Zun Heavenly God Artifact, which is used by most of the gods, rarely out of the ordinary to have Divine Artifact, as far as Paragon Divine Artifact, can be counted on one’s fingers!

So a top grade Divine Artifact, which undoubtedly proves that there was probably a god in the Deity that entered the Devil’s Hall, and this magical hall has flowed to Immortal World since the ancient massacre. Among the ancient gods, this shows that these Divine Artifacts may also be ancient Divine Artifact!

Ancient Divine Artifact, which is generally cultivated by Innate Earth, is much stronger than people’s refining. Yun Bufan bows his head and meditates, looking at the pile of treasures in front of them, these things, unless they are truly trusting, otherwise he does not May give it to others, not to others!

“Look at Mo Qilin, how are they responding!” Yun Bufan was slightly exhaled, and the huge fairy tales poured into the Immortal Mansion. Now he is the tenth-level Emperor, he can completely control the cold star Immortal Mansion. Even the single thought head, all the things of this Immortal Mansion are in his mind!

Mo Qilin, who is recovering from the knees, the madness of mad cultivation, and the temperament of rising strength, all are printed in his mind. Yun Bufan’s eyes are looked towards the silver moon that sleeps in a corner. In the eyes, it is a ray of confusion of rays of light!

“Silver moon’s body seems to have become a lot bigger, and the breath on it, really strong, good mysterious power, what is the mysterious purple jade piece, why there is such a strong change after the silver moon is swallowed up. “Yun Bufan knows that the change of Silver Moon at this time is definitely related to the purple jade piece!”

“War brothers!” Yun Bufan shook the head, then to the crazy transmission of the crazy mad soul, the madness of the martial arts suddenly stopped, and asked: “Cloud brother, what are you looking for?”

“War, I heard that you are merging War God axe and your own gloves. I don’t know how it is now?” Yun Bufan has a lot of useless Divine Artifact, and if the war madness needs it, he will definitely not The slightest hesitation gives the war madness to the fusion glove, I don’t know why, the war madness only likes this glove weapon!

“It’s still a little bit, combining two Angel swords, but this glove is still only the Divine Artifact. However, the quality should be stronger than the War God axe. The War God axe is originally Divine Artifact, with my strength. It can’t be used anymore, but now this glove is just right, and as I improve my strength, it will become stronger, and it is best for me!”

The face of the war madman also showed a smile, Yun Bufan also slowly said with a smile: “I have a lot of Divine Artifact here, if you need, even if the opening, these Divine Artifact is also brought out from the ancient gods , no use!”

“Oh?” The glare of the war madness flashed, although his gloves reached the point of Divine Artifact, but with his current strength, using mid-grade Divine Artifact is still no problem: “Cloud brother, don’t know you. How many Divine Artifacts did you get?

“Thirty pieces, how many pieces does the war madman need?” Yun Bufan asked with a smile, and the war madness suddenly rejoiced: “Cloud brother, I wonder if I can give me two Divine Artifacts of Metal Attribute? I don’t know Yunxiong, I am now The strength, before the ascent, can use mid-grade Divine Artifact, this Divine Artifact, formidable power is still somewhat inadequate!”

“hahaha, why not, fight the mad brother, then you should first go out to Immortal Mansion, and raise your weapon gloves to mid-grade Divine Artifact!” Yun Bufan laughed, the fairy retired, his body blue Flash, war madness appears beside you!

Yun Bufan said with a smile : “War brothers, this is the Divine Artifact, which two pieces do you need, just take it yourself!”

“So, I’m welcome!” In the eyes of the war mad, the light flickered, and the 34-year-old Divine Artifact scanned the past, then the eyes flashed: “These two!”

The war madman chose a machete and a hook. Both Divine Artifacts are Metal Attribute Divine Artifact, and the war madness can’t wait to sit cross-legged. The golden light flashes on his body and the punch on his body. The set floated from his within the body and floated in front of the war madness!

The mad mad loudly shouts, the two pieces of Divine Artifact rays of light flashed, and then directly blasted, the fists of the mad head swept in, and directly absorbed the blasted golden fog, the whole boxing The set suddenly spun up!

A golden whirlwind continued to sweep, and the horrible powerful fighting intent broke out in an instant. At this moment, Yang Zhengtian, who was preparing to fly toward the star government, was shocked. Complexion changed: “This fighting intent, is not What kind of opponent did the cloud brother encounter?”

“hu!” Yang Zhengtian’s silhouette suddenly swept away in the direction of the main house of the star, but when he entered the secret room of the main house, Yang Zhengtian was stunned, and the golden light covered the entire secret room. The horrible fighting intent went straight into the sky, and Yang looked at the war madness in the golden light. Then he turned to Yun Bufan and asked: “This, what is going on?”

“He is promoted to the Divine Artifact grade, Yang big brother, I also have an ancient divine object here, it is very suitable for you, you take it!” Yun Bufan saw the arrival of Yang Zhengtian, the heart moved, smiled One of the fire stones was thrown to Yang Zhengtian!

Yang Zhengtian stunned, took over the fire stone, and then felt the huge power of the fire, not a slight change in the face, just want to speak, Yun Bufan is posing: “yang big brother, you should know us The following are the opponents to face, and only our overall strength is fully promoted, we have a fight!”

Yang Zhengtian stopped, then sighed: “But this thing is too expensive!”

Yun Bufan laughed: “More valuable, but also from the ancient gods, this can get these treasures in the ancient realm, it is entirely the result of everyone’s concerted efforts, so these treasures should also be distributed by everyone, you can rest assured On the other side of Dragon Race, there are swords and no one of them will get a divine object, and you are naturally qualified to get one!”

Yang Zhengtian smiled bitterly. In the battle of the Demon Temple, he almost did not have any power. When he attacked this Qiu Tianxing and cold light star, he brought all his family’s homes. Yang Zhengtian’s deep I took a breath and nodded heavily: “You can rest assured that I will try my best to improve my strength and will not be your burden!”

Yun Bufan is now more and more experts can be said that Yang Zhengtian found himself not at all more important, took the fire Yaoshi, Yang Zhengtian turned and left, Yun Bufan mouth hangs a faint smile: “Below It should be that the sword is not born with Divine Artifact, and Dragon Race!”

“Weng!” blue’s Immortal Mansion slams up, the sword has no five brothers, Jin Lie, Shui Yuanbo, Leibo and Aoguang appear at the same time, Yun Bufan not at all calls Mo Qilin and Qian Qiu Xue, after all, they are two People don’t need Divine Artifact, and the Wind and Xiao Knife also have Divine Artifact suits, so these divine objects naturally fall on them!

“This is? Ancient divine object? Divine Artifact?” Sword no life and the others appeared, and saw the ancient divine object and Divine Artifact suspended in front of Yun Bufan, each and everyone are stared wide-eyed, the eyes are full of no The incredible expression, this is too much, too much!

Yun Bufan can’t be laughed: “The sword is not born, you five brothers, one person chooses one. As for the Divine Artifact or the divine object, just yourself!”

“What?” Sword Wusheng was a surprise. Looking at Yun Bufan’s face is incredible: “divine object, Divine Artifact, give us?”

After the gambling was lost, the sword was born and the others were not convinced at first. They tried to get rid of the oath. In the end, they found that Yun Bufan was indeed a cooperative partner, so they became a cooperative relationship, just wait for Yun Bufan. When the God World was lifted, the vow was lifted. Now, Yun Bufan is willing to give them Divine Artifact, which is Divine Artifact!

“Yun Bufan, you should know that when you fly to God World, the oath between us will be lifted!” Sword no face looks complicated and looks at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan laughed: “But now, you are still my person, Quick choice!”

On the other hand, the water wave suddenly suddenly skyrocketed, and one arrow rushed toward the group of Divine Artifact!

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