The 657th chapter of the advancement of the diamond axe

“This blue face, what is going on, why is it like this?” Yun Bufan still can’t believe it, he is going to find a time to ask Mo Qilin and He Lin, maybe only they can explain this situation!

“Blue Yan, you go to the side first, I will promote other Immortal Artifact first, I hope you don’t want to be like you again. In this case, I really don’t know what to do!” Yun Bufan shook his head and smiled, and Water King was just ready to promote. The first Divine Artifact, the treasure he got at the Temple of the Devil, but he was able to promote several Divine Artifacts!

“King Kong’s fine, fire stone!” Yun Bufan took a deep breath, these two things and the Heart of Ocean, is the three divine objects that he brought out from the hall of the demon to enhance his strength, and Other divine objects can increase his power, but he can’t improve his strength!

“Area!” Yun Bufan whispered, “weng!” King Kong slammed, the diamond axe flew directly from his within the body, Yun Bufan whispered: “Gold armor, appear!”

“weng!” golden light slams, and the gold arm War God appears directly in front of Yun Bufan, respectfully slamming Yun Bufan on one knee: “Master!”

Yun Bufan was slightly exhaled and smiled and said to the gold armor War God: “Golden armor, on qualifications, you are following me for the longest time. Now, it is time for you to become Divine Artifact, King Kong, come over!”

In the eyes of War God, the light flashed in the eyes, Yun Bufan lost the essence of King Kong, shouted in a deep voice: “Gold armor, now I give you the essence of King Kong, you immediately give me absorption, and then completely reach Divine Artifact To the point, get through the ninety-nine thunder and become Divine Artifact!”

“Yes, Master!” Gold God suddenly rejoiced, a result of King Kong’s fine, and blue face is different, gold armor is the existence of extreme firm and fierce, see this diamond essence, gold a bite swallow it Going on, suddenly, the golden armor smashed into the golden light!

The diamond axe directly rays of light 璀璨, directly suspended, the gold armor War God is slowly suspended in the air, the momentum is constantly rising, Yun Bufan’s gaze staring at the gold armor War God, the momentum of the gold armor War God Constantly climbing, it has reached the apex of the Imperial Immortal Artifact, impacting the realm of Divine Artifact!

“Master, you don’t have to worry, the gold power contained in this King Kong essence has reached a horrible level. The gold armor absorbs the point that it can definitely reach Divine Artifact, with his extremely firm and fierce attribute, Jiujiu Lei The robbery is not difficult for him!” Lan Yan behind her came over and said softly to Yun Bufan!

“Blue Yan, Jin Jia will not be like you, change to people?” Yun Bufan looked at the blue face, then smiled, blue face shook the head, said with a smile: “Master, how can Jinjin advance, no heart He can’t change to be human!”

Yun Bufan’s heart is secretly relaxed, and there are strange examples like Lan Yan. He is really afraid of this kind of thing. The gold god War God golden light skyrocketed, “hong long long!” in the sky, suddenly there was a thunder. Start to gather together!

“The first thunderbolt vortex, became!” Yun Bufan looked stunned. He found out that the advancement of the Golden Arm War God was very normal. Unlike Lan Yan, it formed nine thunderbolt vortex in a flash, and then another breath. Dismiss nine robbing vortex directly and spend ninety-nine thunders!

“hong long long!” The second thunderbolt vortex was also slowly formed. Yun Bufan saw this scene, and his heart was secretly relaxed: “This is good, wait for the gold armor to survive the 99th Thunder, I will raise the fireball again, so If you are, then you will be a god shield!”

“Power of Five Element, I can’t reach Divine Artifact on earth shield, that’s because I don’t have a divine object of earth attribute. Maybe, you can contact Nine Heavens, in his spiritual treasure cabinet, what should be the earth attribute of the divine Object, you can also ask him if he plans to succeed!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and a dark green jade slip flew out from his with the body!

“weng!” dark green jade slip rays of light A flash, Yun Bufan wrote it directly inside: “Nine Heavens, is the position of your first treasure hall already available? Also, help me check your spiritual In the treasure cabinet is there an ancient divine object with earth attribute!”

“weng!” The green light flashed, and the jade slip faded again. This is psychic. The spiritual treasure of the spirit treasure is really wonderful. After a while, the jade slip rays of light flash again. From the beginning, Yun Bufan’s brow was suddenly wrinkled!

“What’s going on, what Nine Heavens brought back should be enough to be the first lord. Nine Heavens said that the recent spiritual treasure cabinet seems to have changed. Could it be that the inflation figure is going to move?” Yun Bufan brows frowned, but my heart is secretly feeling wrong!

Nine Heavens will bring back the treasure, which will allow the spiritual treasure cabinet to give him the position of the first lord, because in the spiritual treasure, everything is of interest, but when Nine Heavens goes to the Elder Pavilion, Elder of the Elder Court agreed, but in the end, it was the existence of the spiritual treasure, and that was stopped!

That person directly said that the position of Tsing Yi, the first lord, was unshakable, which completely determined the position of Tsing Yi, and Nine Heavens did not have a single way, because among the spiritual treasures, the highest decision-makers, or that !

“When are you going to find this Nine Heavens, the robbery vortex, the ninth, the ninety-nine thunder, it is about to fall!” Yun Bufan slowly looked up and looked at the nine thunderbolt vortex in the sky, eyes Can not help but smashed, thunder vortex, he has seen too much!

“bang!” “Chī!” The first thunderbolt vortex turned, the first Force of Thunder fiercely smashed down and smashed into the armor of War God, and the gold arm War God seemed to have no feelings, second. Third, after a while, the nine thunders are completely squatting, and the gold arm War God is nothing!

The second thunderbolt vortex also screamed and rang, and the blue face was with a smile: “Master, with the defense of the gold arm War God, I am afraid that the power of the first seven thunderbolts vortex is not enough for him to make Any defensive method and attack method, the real good show, should start with the eighth thunderbolt vortex!”

“Oh?” Yun Bufan nodded, then looked over in the air, after the second thunderbolt vortex calmed, it was the third, fourth, fifth, until the last thunder of the seventh , Golden God War God has something to do!

“bang!” Sharp momentum suddenly broke out from the gold armor of War God, gold power, sharp, penetration and strength, blue color is also eyes shined: “Master, it seems that this gold armor War God is not Grasping the hard resistance of this eighth thunderbolt vortex, he wants to shoot!”

Yun Bufan is also nodded, watching the eighth roaring robbery vortex, his eyes whispered: “Unfortunately, the Force of Thunder of the ninety-nine thunder is still not strong enough, otherwise, I can go to the next day!” ”

“Hah!” Golden God shouting loudly, grasping the side of the diamond axe, an axe smashed into the airborne thunder, “Chī!” The first thunder was directly smashed, the golden armor War God suddenly Shouted up: “Give me away!”

“weng!” An incomparable gigantic axe, directly smashed toward the thunderbolt vortex fiercely, blue face said with a smile: “Congratulations Master, gold arm War God should be mid-grade Divine Artifact, it, It is completely possible to scatter this thunderbolt vortex directly!”

“bang!” seems to confirm the blue-eyed words. The eighth thunderbolt vortex blasted openly. The gold armor War God was soaring. Looking at the last thunderbolt vortex, the gold arm War God suddenly laughed: ” Hahaha, come on, thunder vortex, thunder vortex, I am afraid, Break for me! !”

“hong long long!” countless gold power constantly poured into the diamond axe, the gold armor War God screamed, the diamond axe directly to the ninth thunderbolt vortex smashed past, “bang!” diamond axe directly into Among the ninth thunderbolt vortex, a burst of explosions continued to sound!

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” The entire thunderbolt vortex suddenly bombed up, “Chī!” A weird sound sounded, the ninth thunderbolt vortex turned into a little robbery, the golden armor War God roared : “Give me away!”

“Weng!” The diamond axe golden light skyrocketed, the ninth thunderbolt vortex was also disappeared, the gold arm War God was relaxed, the diamond axe flew back, Yun Bufan smiled and stood up, the gold armor War God respected: “Master Fortunately, not to be insulted!”

“Okay, very good, very good, you not only reached the point of mid-grade Divine Artifact, but also cross tribulation, you must be infinite in the future, gold armor, you should first return to the diamond axe, and later with me Going to God World, I will make you change when you reach Peak in the future!” Yun Bufan looked at the gold arm War God straight and looked very happy!

“Many Thanks Master!” Golden God War God, a flash, golden light flashing, directly into the diamond axe, Yun Bufan took the diamond axe with the the body, suddenly felt his strength has increased!

Yun Bufan knows that for every piece of Divine Artifact, his strength will increase by one point, just like the blue water of the emperor, now the water emperor is on the body of Lan Yan, but he can already feel the with the body. The huge Force of Water and the power of sudden increase!

“Below, it’s a fireball!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “Nine Heavens said to help me pay attention to and check the divine object of the earth attribute, first promote the fireball, then if there is a soil attribute divine object, Then I can reach the level of the 10th Emperor, I don’t know how to avoid the fireball, can I let me reach the level of the 10th Emperor!”

Yun Bufan sits cross-legged, slowly exhaled, red light slams, fire blaze appears in front of Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan looks at the fire stone, the light in the eyes flashes, the fire power in the fire stone is no better than that How much is the power of King Kong’s fine gold!

“Can you breakthrough, just look at the fireball!” Yun Bufan secretly stopped in the heart, took a deep breath, and then whispered: “Stop the fireball, appear, the soul of Divine Artifact, help, give me out !”

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