Six hundredth 48 chapter five dragon array and hundred dragon array

“Dragon Race, it turns out to be Dragon Race, no wonder it will give me a feeling of tremor in my heart!” The black iron steel bear looked at Little Wei and Jin Lie, the five giant dragons, whispering in the air, still in the eyes Shock!

“If you want to deal with me, you can break my Wulong array first!” Yun Bufan looked at the black iron steel bear and the others faintly, and smiled coldly. This time, the Three Emperors couldn’t help it. The dust suddenly roared: “Yun Bufan, you, you colluded with Dragon Race?”

The Three Emperors and Dragon Race can be said to be the enemy of irreconcilable. Even Peng Wang was shocked to see Yun Bufan, Dragon Race, legendary Dragon Race reappeared, how is it possible? He has been in the demon world, but he has never heard of Dragon Race!

“Collusion Dragon Race?” Yun Bufan coldly smiled, looking at the dusty said: “Dust, I collude with Dragon Race? Then what about you? Isn’t it around you Divine Beast? Don’t say so grandiose, who doesn’t know Your grievances from the Three Emperors and Dragon Race? Come here and fight, start, don’t talk nonsense!”

“Five Dragons, the first wave, Jin Lie, power!” Little Wei’s dragon roar sounded, “weng!” “weng!” Five kinds of lights constantly lit up, five forces gathered on their heads Central, and Jin Lie’s golden light is rising, and the huge momentum has spread!

The brilliance of the black iron steel bear’s eyes: “Dragon Race’s formation array?”

“Jin Lie, attacking the black iron steel bear and Divine Beast behind him!” Little Wei screamed, Jin Lie’s golden light skyrocketed, and the powerful momentum broke out instantly, “ao!” The huge dragon roar sounded loudly. From the beginning, a group of golden’s breath spurted out of its mouth, the dragon’s breath, Jin Lie’s gold power dragon!

However, this group of dragons, but with a very terrifying power, is not like Jin Lie can be exerted, the black iron steel bear complexion greatly changed, crazy roaring: “spread, spread out !”

“Five forces, the fusion of five forces, this, what is the formation array?” The black iron steel bear is terrified in the heart, however, the huge dragon’s interest has fallen ruthlessly!

“hong long long!” bursts of horrible bombing sounds, suddenly, Level 9 Xiandi strength of more than 20 Divine Beast, at least a dozen have been affected, directly shocked out!

“Shui Yuan wave, accumulator, second wave attack!” Little Wei’s long snoring sounded again, the blue water dragon’s water wave suddenly slammed into the blue light, still the dragon’s breath, the powerful dragon’s breath, the blue dragon Interest, directly to the lower Divine Beast group spit down!

“What? Impossible, even if all the forces are brought together, they can only launch a wave of attacks at most. Where does the power support them to launch a second wave of attacks?” The black iron steel bear looked incredulously at the spit. Blue dragons, the shock of the heart can not be added!

“Retreat, retreat!” The black iron steel bear screamed in anger, and the surrounding Divine Beast hurriedly withdrew, but the huge dragon fell down and suddenly there were many Divine Beast bruised. !

“No, if we go on like this, our people will definitely be killed alive. Who knows if they have a third wave or even a Four Wave!” The black iron steel bear eyes were full of anxiety, then roared toward the Qing Emperor and Three Great Saints. : “After attacking us, will they let you go? Demi-God strength, hit me and break their great array!”

“Yes!” Three Great Saints was surprised, then the emperor said solemnly: “Qingdi, one shot!”

“Good!” Qingdi’s eyes flashed in the eye, and then with Three Great Saints and the black iron steel bear, and the six kings rushed toward Little Wei, and Yun Bufan looked sharply, and Mo Qilin was slightly behind him. Nodded, Mo Qilin’s mouth sneered a little, and the auspicious cloud suddenly appeared at the foot!

The auspicious cloud with the colorful rays of light flashed directly toward the black iron steel bear. The black iron steel bear suddenly started, and the huge black thorns slammed down. “bang!” sounded, black iron steel The bear was actually shocked and flew out. Everyone was shocked to see Mo Qilin!

Mo Qilin looked at the King and Three Great Saints coldly, and the colorful rays of light skyrocketed. The thunderbolt was hovering around the body. At this time, Three Great Saints was about to rush to Little Wei. Even the attack is almost ready!

“The sword is lifeless, you can!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, the sword behind him was nodded, and his expression was indifferent. The four brothers behind him were all ray of light, in the Yimtortal Mansion of Yun Bufan. Their strength can also be promoted a lot!

“hong long long!” The sword murderous aura rushed into the sky, a black long sword suddenly emerged from him, this long sword, combined with the weapons of the previous generation Asura, now the real Divine Artifact !

“No life kills!” The sword is cold and low, and a white sword qi suddenly rises from him, straight into the sky, the momentum terrifying matchless, the sword is cold and cold, looking straight at Three Great Saints and The Qing emperor, a sword, slammed into the four of them!

“hong long long!” The huge momentum, the horrible murderous aura, made Three Great Saints and the Blue Imperial Capital a complexion greatly changed in a flash, and at this time, Little Wei’s voice rang: “Aoguang The third wave of attacks, power!”

“hu!” “hu!” countless azure gusts of wind suddenly swept up, a huge azure dragon suddenly appeared, but this time, the proud azure dragon interest is in the direction of the three emperors!

“Not good, fast, spread!” Daozi, Ye Hongchen and the dreamless three people suddenly screamed, “hu!” “Chī!” Many people in this azure squally wind, directly swept away For the debris, the human body, far from the power of Divine Beast!

“Bastard!” Daozi’s eyes are red, just now, the last two ten-level Emperors under his hand were directly strangled and turned into pieces. He brought four ten-level emperors, but Is one not alive!

Ye Hongchen and the dream are lonely, but they have a lingering fear. Just now, just now, even they were almost swept in. The azure squally wind is really terrible. Fortunately, their men’s losses are not much, at least ten. Nothing happened to the Emperor Xian!

“hong long long!” The horrible bombing sound continued to sound, and the sword of the sword was directly intercepted by Three Great Saints and the Qing Emperor. “pu!” sword no life mouth spurt blood sprinkled out However, he is suddenly screaming at his eyes, his clothes are windless and automatic, and the horrible murderous aura erupts!

“Kill!” The sword was screaming, the white rays of light skyrocketed, and the horrible killing intent came straight up. “bang!” burst into flames, and Three Great Saints and Qingdi were suddenly shaken out. For a moment, including the sword without life, his four brothers are equally bloody!

“weng!” Yun Bufan’s blue flashes, and the sword’s five people were immediately included in the Immortal Mansion, and at this time, Little Wei’s voice rang again: “Lebo, the fourth attack, the power! ”

“roar!” Leibo loudly roared, the voice is full of excitement, a huge thunderball directly fell to the top of the three emperors, thunderbolt flashing, Leibo haha ​​laughed, five dragons, the last one, only The last one of the main array eye attacks, that is, the blood jade dragon, Dragon Wei!

“Bastard!” “Distribute, hurry up!” “Dodge!” “bang!” “Chī!” “Chī!” Thunderbolt exploded, countless thunderbolt entwined, and many people were directly Deep-fried and crushed, Three Great Saints and the Three Emperors are all red-hot, and here are the elites of their power!

“The last wave of attacks!” Little Wei’s icy voice rang, and at this time, Mo Qilin, who had been fighting with the black iron steel bear, suddenly flashed the ray of light, and Xiangyun directly put the black iron steel bear The earthquake retreats and then flies back directly!

“A good woman, a terrible strength, Yun Bufan’s side, how can there be such a master!” The black iron steel bear was shocked, and then complexion greatly changed: “Not good !”

“Bailong Qifang, Longli Convergence, Blood Jade Emperor, bloodthirsty world!” Little Wei whispered, and the red rays of light skyrocketed, and at this time, the Yun Bufan behind him One hundred Dragon Races were suddenly turned into a body, and the sound of dragon roar was completely smashed!

“One hundred, one hundred Dragon Race, Xianjun, Xiandi, impossible, Dragon Race. If there is such a powerful strength, how could it be unknown?” Three Great Saints and the Three Emperors panicked, the hundred giant dragon Most of them are Xianjun, but some of them are already Xiandi powerhouse!

“weng!” “weng!” Various forces constantly rushed toward Little Wei, and the red rays of light on Little Wei were even more embarrassing, and the eyes were filled with strange blood red, Little Wei whispered : “Blood spirits, bloodthirsty world!”

“Chī!” “Chī!” Little Wei had a bloody rain on his body. The black iron steel bear suddenly snarled: “Be careful, resisting all, this is the synergy of 100 Dragon Races, Dragon Race, How can Dragon Race have such a terrible formation array, what exactly is this formation array?”

Five Dragon Array, one of Dragon Race’s highest formation arrays, Bailong Array, can be said to be the taboo formation array of Dragon Race. Once it is displayed, the force is absolutely collapsed, and even within a thousand years, it can’t be done again. One hundred giant dragons will lose power completely!

This formation array can only be used by Dragon Race, because their powerful body fits the perfect bloodline fit of their own origins. Little Wei is a dragon emperor and a blood jade dragon. The natural force becomes her. Because of her bloody spirit, it is doomed that even if it is collapsed, there is no need to rest for such a long time!

“Bailong Qiming, it really is spectacular, after this battle, Dragon Race will stand in the fairy world!”

Yun Bufan looked at the scene and smiled on his face, then indifferently said: “He Lin, get ready, our plan can be said to be successful!”


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