Six hundredth 45 chapter of the magic hall

“bang!” “bang!” Yun Bufan found out that it is impossible to fly here, and these blasting spiders are more intensive and unable to move forward, except for the explosion of hard-resistant spiders, and then killing the big spiders. Otherwise, it is impossible. Killed the big spider!

“bang!” Another big spider was killed. This time, the killing of the big spider was a Taoist, but the Taoist was also exploding with the power of the explosion, and the mouth spit blood. This big spider, at least two more than ten!

“Everyone is hurting and one person is killing one. Otherwise, we will all be killed!” The black iron steel bear screamed coldly, everyone was shocked, black iron steel bear said solemnly: “reaching ten grades The emperor can kill a big spider without dying. If he agrees, he will attack. Otherwise, he will return it!”

“weng!” Yun Bufan’s golden light flashed, the dragon god’s scorpion was worn on his body, and the ancestor Dragon Jade Pendant also floated out, 12 times the defense bonus, “bang!” A small spider blasted at his feet. Yun Bufan was shocked by the body, and the power of this explosion was blocked!

“This, the power of the dragon god can actually resist the explosion of this little spider!” Yun Bufan eyes filled with the color of surprise, this time, the Three Great Saints said solemnly: “Well, there are twenty-four big here. Spider, we can kill ten on this side, the other fourteen, you Divine Beast twelve, Peng Wang two of them, how?”

“Well, I said, let’s do it together!” The black iron bear shouted in a deep voice, watching the twenty-four big spiders, suddenly shouted: “Start!”

“hu!” “hu!” “bang!” “bang!” “bang!” A horrible explosion suddenly sounded, and the entire 5th-layer suddenly fell into the explosion vortex, and the eyes of the wind and thunder appeared. The wind and thunder wings vibrate, Yun Bufan looks like electricity, and glances directly at the hole!

“hmph, big spiders are dead, but the explosion of these little spiders is enough to delay them, but these explosions are not effective for me!” The wings of the wind thunder shook, Yun Bufan golden light flashed and directly broke into 6th In the floor!

“Someone is in!” “Bastard, that is Yun Bufan!” “He, the armor on his body, is not afraid of these explosions!” “This kid, fast, we also go in!” A voice of anger sounded, The black iron steel bear and the scorpion king are the first two to rush in, and others have rushed in!

“hu!” Yun Bufan’s rays of light flashed into a huge palace. This huge palace is very simple. In this huge palace, there is only one statue, and in front of the statue, But standing alone, Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “Cold light, he, how could he be earlier than me?”

“Is this?” Yun Bufan walked to the side of the cold light, looked at the huge statue, and the light flashed in his eyes. This statue is a vague person. This person, Yun Bufan, no matter how hard he tries, can’t see him clearly. The appearance, but his body, is a mysterious atmosphere that exudes a vicissitude!

“This is a statue of Deity!” The cold light on the side suddenly whispered: “The treasure here, we can’t get it, fated person, fated person, who is the fated person, who can know!”

Yun Bufan discovered that next to the statue, there is a line of characters: “fated person, you can enter this door!”

This line of flying dragons and dancing phoenixes exudes a horrible momentum, and Yun Bufan is also amazed, then smiles, fated person? As cold light said, who can know who is a fated person? This is even a fated person, how can I get in?

“weng!” “weng!” bursts of rays of light, black iron steel bears and the others have also been transmitted here, they saw Yun Bufan and the cold light, but also a slight glimpse, then like a swarm of same Come up!

When I saw the line next to the statue, everyone couldn’t help but curse. The black iron steel bear was even more angry: “I don’t believe it, I can’t get in, what kind of fart the fated person is hard working. When I got to this, I was blocked by a broken statue!”

“hu!” Black iron steel bear a black stick will smash down, “bang!” A horrible explosion sounded, the black iron steel bear was directly shaken out, everyone is turn pale with fright, black iron steel The bear is here, but the strongest, but it has also been shaken out, which shows the horror of this defense!

“A terrible earthquake, this prohibition is so horrible?” Yun Bufan also looked at the scene with horror. The black iron steel bear who was shocked ran over in an angry look and looked at the sculpture in front of his eyes and said: ” Asshole, fated person, what the fart of the fated person, we attack together, smash the sculpture!”

“Okay, attack together!” Sansheng and Xiong Wang and the others also shouted loudly, and even Yun Bufan also had the same plan, relying on personal strength alone, I am afraid that it is impossible to enter!

“Begin, attack!” The black iron steel bear was loudly roared, and the spurred black stick in his hand screamed at the sculpture again, including Yun Bufan. Everyone made a full effort, and Yun Bufan was also a colorful ray. Of light flashing, Tu Divine Sword with a hegemonic momentum, slammed down!

“weng!” The sculpture suddenly burst into a burst of colorful rays of light, the power of Five Element spewed out, “peng!” “peng!” “peng!” A fluttering silhouette was swept out by the earthquake, but Yun Bufan But he was stunned. He found that everyone around him was shocked out. Only him, there is still nothing!

Divine Sword squatted on the top of the statue’s hood, the nine rays of light flashed, the black iron steel bear and the others all looked straight at Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan felt a bit inexplicable, why attack other people, only Do not attack yourself alone?

“Weng!” The colorful rays of light on the sculpture suddenly rose, and Yun Bufan suddenly became shocked. “Chī!” Tu Divine Sword actually penetrated the past, “clang!” A sword smashed on the head of the sculpture. The sculpture seemed to be alive, and suddenly opened his eyes, and Yun Bufan’s heart trembled!

“Fated person, go in!” The sculpture showed a strange smile, “xiu!” Yun Bufan’s rays of light flashed, and then the whole person disappeared!

“He, he went in?” “Yun Bufan, that’s Yun Bufan!” “Bastard, we worked hard for so long, let him get all the benefits alone?” “Can’t let him leave alive!” The roar keeps ringing!

The black iron steel bears have to be angry, they have come all the way, how much effort and energy they have spent, and they have to go to the last level. Who knows that a fated person who has a shit can go in, and the fated person of this shit is actually It’s Yun Bufan alone!

“weng!” A burst of rays of light flashed, Yun Bufan appeared in a great hall, looking at the great hall in front of him, Yun Bufan was stunned, the center of the great hall, three large characters printed in the eyes !”

“Feng De Temple?” Yun Bufan glimpsed, brows frowned: “Where is this? Why have you never heard of it?”

“That is?” Yun Bufan’s breathing suddenly rushed, his face full of excited expression: “The heart of the sea, the heart of the sea blue, Water Element Supreme Treasure, it can completely let the water emperor step into the Divine Artifact Even beyond the ordinary Divine Artifact !”

“The rootless water, that is the legendary rootless water, a drop will make people soar in the sky, then, a whole bottle, how much Deity can be made, God!” Yun Bufan is extremely excited, rootless water, God World legendary divine object, one drop can make people reach the level of Deity!

“Flying God World, wait for the Flying God World to let them take rootless water, otherwise, take it at Immortal World, even if it is the lowest Deity, it will be used as a slave!” Yun Bufan turned to other places Looked over!

“This, the essence of King Kong, that is the fire stone, good things, the axe, Divine Artifact, a lot of Divine Artifact, soft whip, long stick, short blade, this, so many Divine Artifact, here is exactly where “Yun Bufan was shocked. Around the magic hall, there were some treasure and Divine Artifact. He was completely shocked!

“If these things are brought out, I, I can completely create a terrorist force that opposes the two worlds of the demon!” Yun Bufan was shocked, but the eyes were full of hot, but it was more cautiously looked at all around. Up, he is not at all confused by these treasures, knowing that opportunities and dangers are often accompanied!

“hahaha, good, good boy, even this can withstand the temptation, okay!” A loud laughter suddenly sounded, Yun Bufan suddenly shocked, then shouted in a deep voice: “Who is this?”

“Kid, you entered my shrine, don’t even know who I am?” A group of five-color rays of light suddenly flew out of the three words of the magic hall, suspended Beyond 100 meters in front of Yun Bufan!

Yun Bufan stared at the five-color light group. He suddenly felt a familiar feeling. He didn’t know why. He felt that the other person seemed to know him well. Even, even, Yun Bufan felt a bit of father’s taste. This is the feeling of a loved one!

“Why, why do I have this feeling for this thing?” Yun Bufan was even more confused. He looked at the body of the five-color light group: “Your shrine? You mean, you are the master here, A god of God World?”

“Oh? You still know God God’s deity. It seems that the ancient god battlefield is no longer in God World. Otherwise, it won’t be so many years. How many years have come to you, but my luck. Very good, you are very good, very good, no matter whether it is qualification or is innate talent, it can be said to be absolutely top!”

The five-color light group burst into a strange laughter, Yun Bufan brows frowned, and my heart was constantly surprised: “Why, why can’t I feel a little disgusted with him? This kind of laughter is the most disgusting to me. But why can’t he feel a little disgusted with him!”

“He, who is it?”

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