Six hundredth 40 three chapters of the death of the crab

“This Yun Bufan, what kind of tricks are you playing?” Yun Bufan shot alone, but the crab Yedo is not only a little happy, but more worried, there must be any conspiracy!

“weng!” Yun Bufan’s purple light flashed, and Divine Sword appeared in his hand. Looking at the crab yed, his colorful rays of light skyrocketed, and a powerful domineering shrouded it. Yun Bufan stood proudly: Crab Jedah, come on, let me see your strength!”

“hong long long !” Yun Bufan right hand holding a sword, a sword will go to the crab Yedo fiercely smashed down, crab yed complexion changed, coldly snorted, body black light flashed: “Do not entangle with him, first escape Say it again!”

“hu!” “Chī!” Crab Yedo’s huge crab tongs suddenly black light slamming, after the poisonous tempering, his huge crab claws can be comparable to Divine Artifact, “clang!” “bang!” The explosion sounded, and the crab screamed shouted: “Yun Bufan, today is your death!”

“Give me death!” Crazy Yedo’s eyes were full of madness, and a burst of black mist filled the air. The huge crab claws were full of black fog. Yun Bufan’s heart moved: “This is definitely poisonous!”

Yun Bufan closed his breath, and the light flashed in his eyes. The Divine Sword crossed the sword and brought a burst of rays of light. “Chī!” “Chī!” Tu Divine Sword Weirdly layered Black fog, directly collided with the huge crab claws of Crab Yedo!

“bang!” The black fog exploded, but the silhouette of Crab Yedo was smashed from the side of Yun Bufan. The sound of the laughter of the crab came over: “hahaha, Yun Bufan, this time you don’t have to send it, next time. When you see you, it must be the day to kill you!”

“peng!” The escaping crab Yedo suddenly slammed into something. He suddenly stepped back and looked at the colorful light curtain in front of him. Yun Bufan’s faint voice rang behind him: “I am looking at you here. It’s been a long time with the monster. If you are not prepared, do you think I will appear in front of you easily?”

“Yun Bufan, what the hell are you doing?” Crazy yeah was so gloomy and staring at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan smiled long: “I don’t want to do anything, I want your life, I don’t want to be always you.” Remember!”

“hong long long!” Yun Bufan jumped and jumped, and the nine rays of light skyrocketed: “The crab, the soul of the devil’s Lord is not on you, you have no threat to me, pick me up. :Heavy sword!”

“hu!” incomparable gigantic’s sword shadow, with a horrible domineering momentum, directly slammed toward the crab Yedo, crab yed complexion sank, not at all found Mo Qilin and the others’ silhouette, eyes can not help killing intent soaring : “Killing Yun Bufan, that Immortal Mansion is nothing!”

“Chī! ” black light slam, blue, red, black, purple, brown, a total of five colors of fog continue to pervade the crab tongs of the crab, Yun Bufan heart move: “This crab Yedo, since cultivation After the poisonous work, some of his own skills have almost disappeared, and the rest are poisonous!”

Five kinds of fog, Yun Bufan knows, it must be five kinds of poisonous fog. The crab yeah has combined these five kinds of poisons through a special method. This blow is definitely full of strong poison!

Yun Bufan looked coldly at the crab Yedo, and the mouth hangs a disdainful sneer: “I am not afraid of the poison of the poisonous beads, let alone the five poisons of this small, after the baptism of the poisonous beads, I am at least Tens of thousands of poisonous immunizations are just the nemesis of this crab!”

“hu!” Yun Bufan did not retreat and rushed directly toward the crab Yedo. The cold light flashed in the eyes of the crab Yedo: “courting death! The killing of the five poisons!”

“hu!””Chī!” The five different colors of the poisonous mist began to merge in the air, suddenly forming a multicolored color poisonous mist, which spread directly to Yun Bufan, and the eyes of the crab Flashing: “I am a fusion of poison, that is, Demi-God powerhouse must be careful, once contaminated, it can be completely killed, let alone you!”

“Give me!” Yun Bufan loudly roared, Tu Divine Sword nine colorful rays of light skyrocketing, a sword smashed toward the five-colored poisonous fog, crab Yedo eyes shined, heart laughed heartily up: “hahaha, ok, Well, in this case, the mixed poison mist can better enter his within the body, burning lifespan, and the poison is aggravated!”

“hu!” Crab Yedo burned lifespan directly. For it, now only this violent poison is left. Now it seems to be free to shoot. In fact, he has already tried his best and is completely desperate!

Crab Yedo asked himself about the mixed poisonous mist, that is, the Demi-God powerhouse was slightly inadvertently degraded, let alone Yun Bufan, the level 9, so the crab Yedo was very confident, which made it even worse to start burning lifespan. !

“hmph, crab yeah, die!” Yun Bufan sees the crab Yedo burning lifespan, and at a glance, the other party is desperate, not sneered, the Divine Sword in the hands of the colorful rays of light slamming, smashing the world Yun Bufan is now the strongest sword, this is his own sword, even the three swords of World Extinguishing Sword Art Heaven Destruction Chapter!

“hong long long!” horror, hegemony, strong, this sword gives the feeling of crab Yedo is like this, Yun Bufan is the flash of light in the eyes: “This sword, wrong, a bit wrong, wasted too much power, should You can create the second sword of the overlord. Yes, you can use Heaven Destroying’s third sword Heaven Destroying sword to create!”

This sword, Yun Bufan has been used many times, but at this moment, it is completely exhausted, which also makes him understand the sword more. Unexpectedly, he has created the creation of the overlord. The second sword is inspired!

“What? This sword!” Crazy Yeduo was shocked. The pressure brought by this sword was so terrible that it was so horrible that Crab Yedo was also stunned: “The stronger the better, the stronger, the poisonous fog will The more scattered, the more he enters into the body!”

Crab yeah’s face was bun, straight into the huge crab claws, “Chī!” “bang!” A huge explosion suddenly sounded, “bang!” “ka!” Crab Yedo is already full of eyes The color of ecstasy: “Dead, die!”

“What?” The ecstasy in the eyes of Crab Yedo slowly turned into fear and fear. He found that Yun Bufan inhaled a lot of poisonous fog, but the spirit of Yun Bufan is not a little different, and even the overall strength is even stronger. A few points, and his own crab claws, there is a crack!

“Sudden Jedah, die!” Yun Bufan coldly smiled, “hong long long!” The whole crab claw of the crab Yedo was suddenly smashed, and the face of the crab was full of horror: “How is it possible? Maybe? Bastard, why didn’t the guy come, and then I won’t come, I will kill him first, no, I can’t escape, swearing, right, swearing!”

The whole arm of Crab Jeddah was smashed, and the crab yelled a bite. He looked at Divine Sword, who was coming to him. The black light of his body skyrocketed, burning lifespan, burning the soul, and the crab was suddenly flashing black. Light, a step, disappears directly!

“Yu Shu?” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, then coldly smiled, without any urgency, “peng!” A collision, Crab Jeremia surprised and angry: “Bastard, what is this prohibition, how can it block me? The tricks?”

“Sudden Yedo, don’t bother, this enchantment, called seal heavens, can be sealed even in the sky, let alone a little martial art, today, no one can save you!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed cold, killing intent!

“Can’t save me? No, the king is approaching here, and he will be there soon. Hey, hurry, hurry up!” Crab Yedo is full of fear, looking at the seal heavens in front of him, Crab Jeddah With a roar, the black light skyrocketed, and another huge crab claw fiercely smashed!

“bang!” burst into a loud sound, and the huge enchantment suddenly trembled. Crab Jeddo was overjoyed: “This enchantment can be broken open, it can be broken open, bastard, if it is not practicing poison, my attack power Falling, this enchantment, I can break open twice!”

Crab Jeddo has cultivated poison, and his original attack skills and strength have dropped drastically. The reason why it is even more horrible is that it is poisonous in his body, which can threaten the poison of Demi-God powerhouse!

In the distance, Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed coldly, coldly snorted, and he rushed over to the madame, and the yoghurt complexion greatly changed, madly staring at the secret heavens, “ka!” “ka!” Many hearts suddenly ignited a glimmer of hope, Yu Wang, the king of the king arrived soon, it is here!

“bang!” “Broken, the enchantment is broken!” Crazy Yedo is full of ecstasy, and is ready to flee outside, but in order to break the enchantment, he has already spent too much power!

“Sucked Yedo, what are you eager, you are poisonous, I just just forced out!” Yun Bufan’s light laughter rang, a black blood spurted out, his face pale, and the crab was suddenly stopped, then violently “You are poisoned, you are poisoned. Just now, you just did not have the slightest strength?”

“Unfortunately, you understand that it is too late, die!” Yun Bufan coldly smiled, a sword slammed into the crab Yedo, and the crab Yedo suddenly became angry and screamed, and the remaining huge crab claws greeted him!

“bang!” The armor of the crab Yedo was suddenly broken, and the huge crab claws were directly smashed out. Yun Bufan’s mouth was also overflowing with bloodshot eyes, staring at the crab Yedo, and at this time, a huge silhouette. Suddenly smashed from the corner, the speed is fast, and suddenly it is next to the crab Yedo!

“猿王,猿王 is finally here!” Crazy Yedo has a smile on his face, but Yun Bufan is a dignified face, this shouting silhouette, magnificent, even has the strength of the ten-level Emperor!

“hu!” The huge stick shadow directly shrouded it. “Bang!” Crab Yedo, who was still in ecstasy, was directly crushed by this stick. Soul destroyed Yun Bufan but he was stunned. Looking at the king in front of you, it’s unknown!

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