Chapter 616 is surrounded by Divine Beast

“Weng!” The power of the three people constantly poured into the mid-air of the big India. Suddenly, a strange wave of energy spread out. The space around the road, Sword Saint and Wusheng suddenly burst into strange vibrations. The space around people has been completely closed!

“Three talents closed up? I thought that there is no way to close the space,” I heard that the faint voice of the Qing emperor sounded coldly smiled, and then the dazzling dark green rays of light suddenly dropped from the sky: “I Just break your great array and see how you can confine the space!”

“Wait, you are shot!” In the eyes of the Tao, the light flashed up, and a big banner suddenly flew up from behind him. This flag was golden light, and there was a weird golden castle on the flag. Ruan said: “The Qing Emperor, come to my Golden Fortress flag, Golden Fort, appear!”

“hu!” “weng!” The wind whistled and the flag flew. The golden castle in the golden flag suddenly burst into a golden light, and it floated directly out of the banner and crashed down toward the Qing Dynasty. !

“Divine Artifact?” Qingdi was slightly surprised, then whispered coldly: “You don’t want to know what I got in the ancient gods? Today, let’s show you what I got, Aoki Spirit , wrapping everything, the power of wood, siege!”

The Qing Emperor’s hands were constantly waving, a path of strange power constantly emerged from him, and rushed directly toward the golden castle in midair. The Tao was slightly glimpsed, and an azure tree suddenly surrounded the entire golden castle. Up, Dao Sheng cold said with a sneer: “Qingdi, you also want to trap my Divine Artifact? Give me a burst!”

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” Golden castle golden light slams, but the weird thing, the tree strip has only broken dozens of roots, this tree has at least a thousand roots, but now it has only broken dozens of This made the road feel awkward!

“I want my sorrow, Martial Sovereign, your strength is not enough!” “hong long long!” A sword swam past, the original Martial Sovereign flying over to the Qing emperor was suddenly shaken by a sword, shocked to see The Qingdi!

The strength of the Qing Emperor and the Qing Emperor has already surpassed them far away. The Qing Emperor is cold with a sneer: “You have Divine Artifact, which is also the strength of Demi-God, but you have no cultivation of God!”

“Whether it is the body of Demi-God or Divine Artifact, it is necessary to control it in order to exert all strengths. You will never know that a powerful god is fully integrated and then used as a god. Divine Artifact, the bonus, Divine Artifact will reach a horrible level!”

The Qing emperor looked at them coldly, disdaining with a sneer: “With my innate talent, if it is not for some special reasons, do you really think that I can’t rise now?”

“God, have you cultivated the gods?” Three Great Saints are shocked, gods, everyone can cultivate, but the people who can really cultivate to the end are not at all, because the gods are too difficult. The harder it is to get to the back, but only to cultivate a part of it, it is better to cultivate the whole Immortal Art!

Therefore, few people will practice the gods, even if they have gods, I am afraid that they will wait until later when they go to God World. Three Great Saints did not think that the Qing emperor had cultivated and he had successfully cultivated. Finished, no wonder, no wonder his innate talent, so many years have not soared, no wonder he is known as Evergreen Evergreen!

“Qingdi, your perseverance, we admire, but today, no one can save you!” The killing intent of the Taoist eyes flashed, and at this time, Wu Sheng and Sword Saint also shot on the Qing emperor, they also understand that if A person shot, I am afraid that it is not an opponent of the Qing Emperor, so they must join forces!

Qingdi is a calm smile, indifferently said: “Can’t save me? I want to see, who will save you today!”

“Help!” Suddenly, a shout came from afar, and the Qing Emperor and Three Great Saints were a glimpse of it, looking in the direction, Divine Beast, Divine Beast group, at least nine Divine Beast Divine Beast The group is chasing three emperors, and two of them are slightly slower, and they are directly smashed into pieces!

“Not good!” Qingdi complexion changed, watching the three Great Sage people coldly snorted and said: “I will let you go today, I didn’t expect Divine Beast to riot, hmph!”

“hu!” Qingdi silhouette flashes, teleports, disappears directly, Three Great Saints is also a dignified face, looking at the top eight Divine Beast said solemnly: “We also take the lead to see what this group of Divine Beast wants to do! ”

“This voice? Is it Divine Beast group riots?” He Lin in the distance was also shocked, and at this time, Yun Bufan’s nine colorful rays of light flashed away, then slowly stood up, one stop When I got up, I felt the vibration of the earth, and Yun Bufan couldn’t help it!

“Young Master, Divine Beast group may be rioting!” He Lin saw Yun Bufan wake up and couldn’t help but speak to Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan was a slight glimpse: “Divine Beast riot?”

“Yes! As far as the villain knows, this Divine Beast group will generally not be in the place where humans stroll, but they are used to guarding the holes of ancient divine objects. As long as someone comes to find treasure, they are not killing humans. Don’t let others get the treasure in it!”

In the eyes of He Lin, the Nine Heavens suddenly screamed: “Yes, Divine Beast in the ancient gods is like this, but there are exceptions, that is Divine Beast riot, also called Divine Beast, hunting, once Divine Beast riots The surrounding Divine Beast will all be dispatched to murdering to seize the treasures !”

Yun Bufan suddenly became awkward, Divine Beast also started a robbery? He Lin nodded, said solemnly: “So Young Master, once we wait for Mistress to wake up, we have to leave immediately. Otherwise, Divine Beast will be rioted. Once we are surrounded, we will die!”

“Is it sure?” Yun Bufan was surprised. Then he asked, “What is the strength of this Divine Beast riot?”

“The lowest, both Level 9, the highest, even Demi-God!” Nine Heavens shook his head and smiled: “When I came in the last time, when I didn’t become the owner, there was a Divine Beast. The riots, and at that time, the last lord of my spiritual treasure cabinet died here!”

“The last one is also Demi-God strength?” Yun Bufan was shocked, Demi-God fell here?

“Yes, he is also Demi-God strength!” Nine Heavens exhaled, shook the head: “I was watching the death of him in front of me, the main star of the cloud, or wait for your wife to rest, let us leave, Divine Beast riots are generally in a certain area, where riots occur, but other areas may not have riots!”

“Good!” Yun Bufan also has a dull face, and Little Wei’s injury is more serious. This treatment requires more time. “bang!” A roar of sound continues to sound, and Helin suddenly complex changed greatly: “Not good, five Divine Beast, five Divine Beast are coming to us!”

“What? So fast?” Yun Bufan is also startled, He Lin said solemnly: “Three rhinos, one ape, and a tiger, the strength of these five Divine Beasts, all of them are Level 9, but they are all It’s Divine Beast !”

“I can cope with a rhinoceros, although it can’t kill it, but it can definitely hold it!” Nine Heavens suddenly opened his mouth, but He Lin looked straight at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, shaking his head and laughing: “Look Come, just let them out!”

“Young Master, I don’t think it’s time yet. If you let the other party know about their presence, I am afraid we will encounter a lot of Divine Beast’s siege. Now it’s just like five Divine Beast. We shouldn’t be difficult to block. In this case, other Divine Beast doesn’t even know if he knows, because Divine Beast is not allowed to snatch prey!”

He Lin’s eyes flashed: “But if our strength is too strong, then the other party will scream, and the Divine Beast who hears the roar will come over to help them. When we have to face it, it’s not just five. Divine Beast is so simple!”

Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, then slowly nodded: “Alright, three rhinos, one ape, one tiger, the ape and the tiger are handed over to me, their speed is not weak, He Lin, you deal with two rhinos Should there be no problem?”

“No problem, we just need to hold them down, wait for Mistress to wake up, we can kill them, maybe even get Divine Artifact from them, kill them and take things and run, Divine Beast around wants to besiege We, that is not possible!” He Lin said with a slight smile!

“Good!” Yun Bufan whispered: “Nine Heavens Lord, one of the rhinos will be handed over to you, the five Divine Beast, Slaughter, start here!”

“hong long long!” The roar of the sound, the land where Yun Bufan and the others are located is already shaking. Slowly, five huge silhouettes in front of them suddenly appear and are rushing toward them. However, the speed of the first two huge silhouettes is much faster than the last three!

“haha, human, four humans, haha, kill!” The first ape leaped and jumped directly toward Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan’s killing intent flashed: “Start!”

“Weng!” Tu Divine Sword appeared in the hands, Yun Bufan greeted the ape with a sword, and the other magic weapons on his body also flew out, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, the five magic weapons, Formed a great reincarnation of Five Elements, directly attacking the past with the tiger behind the ape!

“One person wants to deal with us both? Courting death!” The tiger stunned in the eyes of the tiger. Looking at Yun Bufan, the powerful momentum and the violent killing intent suddenly broke out. “roar!” Directly rushing over to Yun Bufan’s Five Elements, just in his hand, with a huge white tooth!

He Lin and Nine Heavens also confronted the three rhinoceros in a flash. The rhinoceros is undoubtedly slow, but the attack and defense are terrible, so it is particularly difficult!

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