Chapter 364 Divine Beast Riot

“Not good!” Seeing Yun Bufan’s cold smile, Tu Xingsun panicked. He knew that Yun Bufan must have guessed that he would sneak attack, so it is definitely ready, and that is not just sneak attack. It turned into a walking right into a trap!

“weng!” A burst of rays of light flashed, the earthen-colored rays of light on the body skyrocketed, biting his teeth, his face screaming, crazy roaring: “Yun Bufan, die!”

Suddenly, a mirror appeared in front of Tu Xingsun. Tu Xingsun felt a strange look. The center of the mirror had a green ray of light. Tu Xingsun was cold, and said with a sneer: “A mirror Want to stop me? Let’s die!”

“hong long long!” Axe squatted, “Chī!” A weird sound sounded, Yun Bufan’s head was directly smashed down, flew out, blood splattered, Tu Xingsun suddenly smiled, he could I feel that the soul of Yun Bufan has completely disappeared, which means that the other party is really dead!

An axe kills Yun Bufan, and Tu Xingsun has a crazy excitement: “Dead, finally dead, Yun Bufan, you are still dead in my hands!”

“Is it very happy?” A light voice suddenly sounded in the eyes of Tu Xingsun, Tu Xingsun was surprised, then the scene suddenly changed, Yun Bufan actually passed by him, with a cold smile, Tu Xingsun could not help Stared wide-eyed, only the single thought head is left in his mind: “He, is he not dead?”

“Chī!” A strange voice sounded, Tu Xingsun couldn’t help but look down, a mirror, a strange mirror was straight on his chest, Tu Xingsun’s mouth slowly overflowed with bloodshot, and kept thinking in his mind: Why, why is he still not dead?”

“bang!” Tu Xingsun’s entire body is turned into smash, blasted, Yun Bufan groaned, and then suddenly with a smile: “When you sneak attack only, you are destined to die!”

The magical effect of the magic mirror is so powerful, Yun Bufan knows at this moment that Tu Xingsun suddenly has a illusion and thinks that Yun Bufan is killed by himself, but this is indeed the most real thought in Tu Xingsun. Just kill Yun Bufan!

However, the more realistic the inner thoughts are, the more realistic the illusion is. This is the magical use of the magic mirror. Without a strong will, it is generally difficult for someone to stop the attack of the magic mirror, plus Tu Xingsun. In an excited state, I always thought that I could kill Yun Bufan with a single blow!

Tu Xingsun, one of the five emperors, Tu Xingsun died in the hands of Yun Bufan. It can be said that some of the dead grievances, Yun Bufan’s body felled to the ground fiercely, his eyes flashed and he looked at Ye Hongchen’s eyes. Full of killing intent!

At this moment, Ye Hongchen was pale and felt the murderous aura in Yun Bufan’s eyes. He couldn’t help but be surprised. Then he thought of something like it. He could not help but shout at his two men: “Go!”

“hu!” turned out to be a direct escape. The two ten-level emperors were unclear. Therefore, Yun Bufan’s side was wounded. Why didn’t they kill them, but they also fled, but for Ye Hongchen’s decision, though Doubt, but still have to listen to the order, chasing the past with Ye Hongchen!

Yun Bufan took a deep breath and felt that the internal organs with the body seemed to be broken. The abnormal pain was uncomfortable: “This leaf red morning, as the sword emperor, the strength is really terrifying, his sword, the attack is really strong, I am afraid The attack of the dust and the dream is far less than him!”

Yun Bufan looked at Little Wei and He Lin. He also sat cross-legged, his body bursting into nine colorful rays of light, slowly recovering. In the distant jungle, the fast-flying Ye Hongchen slowly fell down. , coughing twice, mouth spurt blood out!

The two top ten emperors behind him also followed up. One of the doubts asked: “Jian Bufan, Yun Bufan, they are all seriously injured. Why don’t we take the opportunity to destroy them? Instead of fleeing, it is not a perfect Opportunity?”

“Yun Bufan this person, not simple!” Ye Hongchen coughed twice, said solemnly: “At the last minute, I also ploted to Tu Xingsun, and even killed Tu Xingsun. It has been proved that he does not use all the trump cards at all. In the end, he looked toward my eyes, it was full of murderous aura’s eyes, absolutely confident to kill my confidence!”

“I think, Yun Bufan must have a trump card, you don’t forget, he has an Immortal Mansion, and his woman and his men are willing to stay in his Immortal Mansion, which he originally recruited. That horror master? His woman and his men have reached such a level, and the more horrible master is absolutely stronger!”

Ye Hongchen’s eyes flashed: “Yun Bufan group of people, the speed of strength improvement is simply terrible to the extreme, incredible, the strength of the master, at least the tenth level of the Emperor, may even be Peak, once out, I am not injured at all His opponent, plus you can’t do it!”

“Why are they so willing to stay in Yun Bufan’s Immortal Mansion? You know that this ancient god domain is full of opportunities everywhere. With the strength of the master, it is not difficult to get a few ancient divine objects. You can even get Divine Artifact. But he is willing to stay in Yun Bufan’s Immortal Mansion, which is really incredible!”

One of the ten-level Emperor bowed his head and meditated, slowly sinking his mouth, and Ye Hongchen’s eyes were also shining, said solemnmn: “So, Yun Bufan’s Immortal Mansion must have any secrets, even secrets we don’t know, can make such a master Both are willing to stay in Immortal Mansion, and Yun Bufan’s Immortal Mansion should be special!”

“Sword Emperor, what do we do now?” Another ten-level Emperor suddenly opened his mouth. This ten-level Emperor was originally hit by Little Wei. At this time, his face was pale, and 100% power had been damaged. 50-60% , Ye Hongchen slowly exhaled: “In situ cultivation, slowly recover, and then go find the next prey!”

“There are so many fairy princes entering the ancient gods, there is always some luck, we have to deal with Divine Beast, but also have to find this group of lucky people, they do not deserve to have ancient divine objects!” Ye Hongchen eyes The killing intent skyrocketed and then sat down on the knees!

The two ten-level emperors behind him also sat cross-legged, and the three were slowly recovering. At the same time, the original black iron steel bear was also gathering a large Divine Beast, which was called. This Divine Beast, the lowest strength is the level of Level 9, plus their Divine Beast’s innate talent, it is definitely comparable to the 10th Emperor!

Eighteen, eighteen different Divine Beasts, each of which is extremely horrible, gathered together, not only makes people feel the impact of the visual, the horrible momentum even makes people feel tremble, the black iron steel bear dull sound It’s up: “Now, our Divine Beast has been retired, and there must have been many humans who have got the ancient divine object!”

“In the ancient gods, the ban here is only for our Divine Beast. We can’t get the treasure. Now, with these human hands, they get the ancient divine objects inside, then we will kill them completely. Their divine object, then fly to God World!”

The black iron steel bear eyes flashed: “We, originally Divine Beast, we should belong to God World, not Immortal World. The things in this ancient god domain should also be our treasure, and should not belong to that group of humans. So, break out, slaughter, they are only afraid of killing, they don’t dare to be close to the ancient gods, we can retreat to the Flying God World!”

“Now, the mopping begins, three people are in a group, and they are swept away from all directions. When they encounter human beings, they will be besieged and killed. They don’t need to be merciful. If they are in danger, they will roar in unison. The nearest group will rush to help as soon as possible. Go to other Divine Beast and be sure to let them join us!”

The black iron steel bear roared and his eyes raged. Since Divine Dragon was taken away, he hated the in the bones for Yun Bufan, but it allowed it to fly directly to God World’s treasure. It was originally Divine Physique, and it was possible to evolve itself to a high end with Divine Dragon!

“roar!” “roar!” “Kill!” “Kill!” An exclamation of roaring noise continued, and the eighteen Divine Beasts in front of it were excited and stunned. Immortal World, that is definitely sweeping the two circles of the fairy!

However, they can’t go, so their only way out is to fly to God World. Therefore, the treasure here is their hope, but the prohibition here is really terrible, no matter what Divine Beast, even the weakest ban here. Can not break, but different people, the strongest ban here, can not stop humans to explore treasure!

In an angry mentality, these Divine Beast are guarded in each divine object Cave Mansion. As long as there are human beings close, it is absolutely kill without mercy. Their psychology is very simple, and they can’t get others without their own!

The black iron steel bear eyes flashed in the eyes, loudly shouted: “Well, remember, after sweeping 10,000 miles, then gather once, we are a large-scale sweeping, it is necessary to sweep every possible place where humans exist. In the past, it is also necessary to ensure everyone’s safety. Now, start with three groups, you can allocate it yourself and then set off!”

“Yes!” The status of the black iron steel bear in this area can be said that there is no Divine Beast comparable, not only his strength, but also because of his wisdom, in the Divine Beast group, his wisdom is even better than some The old fox is still horrible, and this is one of the reasons why this group of Divine Beast is willing to listen to him!

“hong long long!” Eighteen Divine Beasts, divided into six groups, rushing in six directions, just when they left, they were already doomed, ancient gods, there must be some bloody, black iron bear Also in the eyes is the killing intent flashing: “Hunting, really start!”

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