The 618th chapter is coming in cold light.

Among the thirty third stages, the cold light and Hong Liu are facing the test of the first pass, the sword array of the eleven swords, and the eleven swords, all on the Ancient Immortal device, the formidable power is naturally not to say!

“Hong Liu, you are behind me, I am using the gods in front, all the way to rush over, this should be an attack formation array, as long as it is not killed by the eleven swords, through the blue glow in front, we even It鈥檚 broken!鈥?The golden light 鍐? the golden rays of light are shining, and the Divine Artifact three-piece suit is all on the body!

At this time, Hong Liu, I don鈥檛 know when there is a strange blood red blood knife, blood knife with blood red rays of light, and the eleven swords and swords are constantly going back and forth, Hong Liu鈥檚 strength is naturally not much Said, can always maintain the status of the second lord, which is also inseparable from his own strength!

Hong Liu鈥檚 body exudes golden rays of light, and the force of gold shines through the body. The red blood knife in the hands of Hong Liu is also constantly waving. Any sword that is near his ten meters will be resisted, and the blue in front of it. Halo, only less than two ten meters distance!

“Chong!” The cold light whispered, and both of them rushed straight past, “Ch墨!” “Ch墨!” The two went to the second level at the same time, just like Yun Bufan, just when they first entered here. There are countless hidden weapons constantly coming from them!

Both cold light and Hong Liu are complexion changed, cold light is low: “hidden weapon, is hidden weapon, be careful, the speed of this hidden weapon is too fast!”

“Bastard, this thirty third stage, is there a thirty-three formation array? Impossible, if this is the case, Yun Bufan they can’t wear it at all, no doubt!” Hong Liu could not help but scream, although fast Dodge, but there are still a lot of hidden weapons attacking the sage on his body!

“My god can resist the attack of hidden weapon, and it has no effect!” The cold light looked at the god armor in his body, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes. Just now, some of the hidden weapons attacked him, but only wiped it out. A spark, there is no impact at all!

Hong Liu is also eyes shined, cold light whispered: “Hong Liu, behind me, I use the armor to resist the hidden weapon, we quickly rushed over, your speed is slower, I have Divine Artifact wings, faster than we are now Fast ten times, you grab me!”

“Good!” In the same way, Hong Liu grabbed the right foot of the cold light, and the cold light whispered: “Go!”

“Ding!” “Ding!” “Ding!” hidden weapon constantly attacked the cold light of the gods, the cold light seems to have no feeling of general, directly toward the blue halo swiftly swept, the cold light also knows, this blue halo It鈥檚 a level. Once you rush, you will be at the next level. It鈥檚 likely that you will arrive at the Approaching Heaven Treasure Temple after a few levels!

Thirty third stage, may not necessarily be thirty-three formation array, thirty-three formation array, cold light can be determined, is Deity will also die here, “Ch墨!” “Ch墨!” The two suddenly rushed into Blue Halo, reached the third level!

“This is, is the formation array?” Hong Liu looked at the same channel, there was a trace of anger in the eyes, this one after another, when is the head, cold light brows frowned, looking at the passage of the third pass said solemnly: “Be careful A little, it鈥檚 not right, it鈥檚 not attacking us. This formation array is weird!鈥?/p>

“dong!” “pa!” “Hey!” The sounds of various instruments suddenly sounded, and the cold light and Hongliu were all a glimpse. Then complexion greatly changed, and the two exclaimed at the same time: “Soul Attack?”

“Not good, this is Soul Attack, Hong Liu, continue to grab me, rush, only rushed under the impact of Soul Attack, then it can be said to be safe!” The golden wing behind the cold light suddenly flashed When Hong Liuton grabbed the right foot of the cold light, the cold light bite his teeth and flew directly toward the blue glow!

They found that the closer the blue glow was, the stronger the Soul Attack was, the cold light looked at the blue glow, and then the light flashed in the eyes: “Yun Bufan them, they are behind this blue halo!”

“Less Mistress, Lengguang and Hongliu, are already on the exit. Can we prepare?” Just when the cold light felt the scent of Yun Bufan and the others, He Lin also felt the sleek and Hong Liu’s breath. Don’t ask by the opening of Little Wei!

Little Wei also felt the sleek and Hong Liu’s breath. The closer I got to this exit, the more obvious it was. Little Wei slowly nodded, took a deep breath, and the red rays of light flashed: “He Lin, get ready, and when they appear, I will use the ban, and when I kill them, I will rely on you!”

“Yes!” He Lin was nodded, his body was filled with black fog, Death God’s Scythe appeared in the right hand, and the left eye of the god of death was also covered with cold black rays of light, looking straight at the exit, the body black light flashing, momentum Majestic!

“Not good, this Yun Bufan, they must block us at the hole, this is to kill us!” The cold light flashed in the eyes of the cold, and the six on the side whispered: “Cold light, if we go out like this, it will be hit by them.” kill!”

“Tibetan map, secret grid, right, we still have a chance!” Cold light eyes shined, and then the flooding six said solemnly: “Hong Liu, what about your cockroaches? First give it to me, we must rely on your sly escape It!”

“Good!” Hong Liuyi gritted his teeth and took out a golden light flashing cymbal. His eyes flashed a bit: “Oh, I spent tens of thousands of years collecting so many treasures before refining.” In order to use it when it was robbed, I didn鈥檛 expect it to be destroyed here!”

After the cold light was taken over, the eyes flashed in the blink of an eye: “If you can get the treasure of the Jade Emperor Palace, then this embarrassment is devastating and valuable. It is about to be exported. Hong Liu, ready, I will throw the cockroaches first, attracting Their attack, then we fled directly to the left, there is a dark space, is a secret room, advanced to say!”

Hong Liu was nodded behind him, cold and deep exhaled, looking at the exit in front, coldly smiled, the golden light in his hand slammed, and the cockroach in his hand suddenly became bigger and became two meters tall, “hu! “Then, I was directly thrown out by the cold light to the exit!”

“Come on!” Outside the exit, Little Wei’s blood red rays of light flashed, she felt, a strong breath rushed toward her, it was cold light, this is the smell of cold light, Little Wei eyes killing intent strobe , a silhouette, has appeared in her sight!

“Blood dragon secret method, blood essence is cited, dragon blood burst!” Little Wei whispered, red blood of light flashed, three drops of blood essence appeared on his head, Little Wei suddenly pale, three drops The blood essence of the life, at least 10,000 years of cultivation base, and the body damage to yourself!

You know, when the ancestors of the year fell in the fall, they gave up the three drops of blood essence, refining three treasures that were originally Divine Artifact, and Little Wei, this time directly put three drops The blood essence of this life is integrated into the dragon crown, the purpose is to give a cold blow a fatal blow!

“Go!” Little Wei whispered, the blood jade crown greeted the silhouette, and Little Wei whispered to the side of He Lin: “He Lin, note, there is still a Hong Liu!”

“weng!” blood red rays of light skyrocketing, the blood jade crown directly pressed down to the silhouette, “Ch墨!” Three drops of blood essence directly dripped down the silhouette, “Ch墨!” Three drops of lifeblood Essence merges into a finger-sized red blood cell in midair!

Little Wei’s eyes are suddenly cold and whispered: “Give me a burst!”

“bang!” “bang!” bursts of frantic explosions, “Ch墨!” The silhouette was directly smashed by the red blood cell. This scene made Little Wei and He Lin both surprised. !

“No, not good!” Little Wei paled and screamed, and in the explosion, two silhouettes rushed out of the thirty third stage. The two silhouettes were very fast. Just fly towards their left side!

“Cold light, Hong Liu!” Little Wei bit his teeth, killing intent in the eyes slamming: “The one just now, not cold light, but why is there his breath, and it is equally powerful, who was that person, when was he? Entering this on Ancient Heaven?”

“Hey, this is oh!” Looking at the cold light and Hong Liu suddenly broke into a secret room, He Lin and Little Wei knew that it was impossible to chase them. He Lin went to the explosion and found the ground. The metal of the broken arm does not open by the sound!

鈥淗ey?鈥?Little Wei gave a slight glimpse, then went over and looked at the third broken limb metal, coughing twice, said with a bitter smile: 鈥淭his is really a stealing chicken.鈥?Mi, the ban is used, but it just ruined each other!”

“Less Mistress, I think you can take a break, otherwise, if the Young Master wakes up, we have been dragging for a long time, and the treasure of the Jade Emperor Palace may be cold-lighted and they got it!” He Lin looked at the broken ground. Hey, whisper!

Little Wei stopped, then sat down on the knees, and the red rays of light flashed. At this time, Bai Xiaosheng came over from the side and looked at the people who were immersed in cultivation. Bai Xiaosheng couldn鈥檛 help Helin to inquire about God World. Things!

He Lin can be said to be answering questions. Almost knowing, he told Bai Xiaosheng that after half an hour, Yun Bufan first stood up from cultivation and looked at Nine Heavens still practicing. And the day, Yun Bufan shook the head, he knows, these two people may have something to gain, it will take some time!

鈥淵oung Master!鈥?He Lin saw Yun Bufan wake up and couldn鈥檛 help but walk away, respected the mouth and said!

“He Lin and Hong Liu, did they come in?” Yun Bufan smiled nodded, then asked!

“Come in, in the secret room, we did not chase it!” He Lin pointed to the secret room opened the mouth and said!

鈥渆n?鈥?Yun Bufan frowned: 鈥淓xercise room?鈥?/p>

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