Chapter 615

“This side!” In the labyrinth of the sky, a whole hour has passed, Yun Bufan and the others are still constantly moving, and Bai Xiaosheng can’t help but ask: “Cloud brother, this labyrinth has Nine thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth Root Optimus, we should go out? Will you get lost?”

According to the speed of their progress, an hour, let alone nine Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth root Optimus Prime, that is, 90,000 are afraid to go out, and Yun Bufan even suspects that Silver Moon is the wrong way. Not asking by the soul to exchange: “Silver month, are you going the wrong way?”

“Master, no, you said, look for the breath on the key, the breath of the man is in front, and he is constantly moving forward, I just follow the route he took, and after a while, Catch up!” Xiao Yinyue’s tender voice sounded!

“The cold light is also moving?” Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, then the flash of light in his mind, toward Bai Xiaosheng and the others said with a smile: “I understand, although the cold light has a map, it must also be stop and go. I need to study the route, so it is so slow, and the silver moon is based on the route he has traveled, so it takes a big circle, but it can catch up soon!”

“It turned out to be like this!” Listening to Yun Bufan, everyone else is relaxed, not just lost. In this labyrinth, they are afraid of getting lost. Otherwise, who knows how long it will take to get out, saying I have been stuck in this life for a lifetime!

“en? That is, cheekbones!” Yun Bufan suddenly found that on the other side of the Optimus Prime, there was a corpse, and the corpse was bright, this person must be a master before life, but unfortunately, he wants Go after the cold light, otherwise, I really want to find out!

“Master, they stopped!” The voice of Silver Moon sounded in Yun Bufan’s mind, Yun Bufan glanced, and then a happy face: “Stop it? It should be out of the maze, Silver Moon, hurry up!” ”

“Everyone, the cold light and Hongliu have stopped. It must have been a labyrinth. I told Yinyue to accelerate, and everyone is careful!” Yun Bufan reminded He Lin and the others, while Little Wei held him. The arm, the speed of several people suddenly promoted up!

“Cold light, Yun Bufan, they shouldn’t be able to catch up?” Among the weird Voids, the cold light and Hong Liu stood side by side. In front of them, there was a circular passage, flashing blue rays of light. Among the circular passages, thirty-three blue ladders are visible to the naked eye!

When the cold light heard Hong Liu’s opening, there was a sneer in the corner of the mouth: “Don’t worry, we have the maps that have been going out for so long, then Yun Bufan, they don’t have maps, and this is the labyrinth of the sky, as the protective of Ancient Heaven. One of the great formations, they are not so simple to be picked up by them!”

“Thirty third stage, what should we do?” Hong Liu is also nodded, indeed, if it is not because of the map, this sky maze, even he must not be able to pass, now they are facing the second level, three Ten third stage!

“Thirty third stage, unlike the Optimus Labyrinth, it is said that these thirty third stage is a huge killing, which is extremely dangerous, we have to be careful!” Looking at the circular passage in front of the eyes, the cold light is also a dignified face, Shen Sound opening!

Thirty third stage, is the only killing of Ancient Heaven, formidable power naturally needless to say, Hong Liu is also nodded on the side: “Unfortunately, the map at not at all gives how to pass the thirty third stage method Otherwise, we can all go straight to it!”

“This treasure map should be directly to the Jade Emperor Palace. Here is the Qingtian Labyrinth. Here is the thirty third stage. Here, it should be the so-called Approaching Heaven Treasure Temple, and this last palace is definitely the Jade Emperor. Palace, it turns out that this treasure map is actually the treasure of Yuan Ancient Heaven!” The cold light pointed at the treasure map, and the eyes flashed!

“Anecdote Far away from Ancient Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven controls the two circles of the fairy demon, and once every 10,000 years, the group of fairy fairs is held, and the group of celestial contends for the treasure, and these treasures are Supreme Treasure in the ancient times, let alone now, these treasures must be It is in the treasure house of Jade Emperor Palace!” Hong Liu looked at the treasure map, and his eyes flashed!

“Lord, still think about how to pass these thirty third stage, the treasure house of the Jade Emperor Palace, the treasure is definitely a lot, the key is that we have to have a life to get it!” Cold light put away the map, straight Looking at the thirty third stage, I fell into meditation!

On the side of Hong Liu also looked down and meditated, and just then, a whistling sound came over, cold light and Hong Liu suddenly turned, a silver white wolf suddenly appeared in their sight, cold light and Hong Liu It’s all a glimpse. Is there a fairy beast in this place? Still such a small fairy?

“No, not good!” The cold light suddenly complex changed greatly. He saw that behind the silver white wolf, the silhouette of Yun Bufan and the others slowly emerged, staring at Yun Bufan and the others, Yun Bufan But he grinned at him: “Cold light, run so fast? It hurts us to find it!”

“Yun Bufan?” Hong’s face was shocked and then looked gloomy: “How did you get here? Impossible, how could you find us so soon? You are moving on us?”

Yun Bufan shook the head, then looked at the circular channel behind the cold light, eyes shined, said with a smile: “Cold light, this should be the 2nd floor level, thirty third stage? tsk tsk, on Ancient Heaven, this On Ancient Heaven, I don’t know what action they will take if they are known by the Three Emperors, the Qing Emperor, the Four Kings of the Demon World and the spiritual treasure cabinet!”

“Yun Bufan, you are a smart person, I don’t think you will ever say it, let’s talk, what do you want?” The cold light looked straight at Yun Bufan, and the ones that Yun Bufan said were the fools. Impossible, say those, I am afraid I also want to trade with myself!

Yun Bufan’s eyes stunned and suddenly smiled: “Cold light, you really are a smart person, I don’t have much demand, take your treasure map and show it to me. Look at the last half hour, I will return you, this There are so many treasures on Ancient Heaven, I don’t think you can always want to be alone.”

Cold lightly paused, killing intent in the eyes, flashing on the side of Hong Liu is said with a sneer: “Yun Bufan, since you know that this is on Ancient Heaven, then you should know how much of this treasure is empty, put Treasure map for you? Why?”

“Why? Just rely on the sword in the hands of Yun Bufan!” Yun Bufan’s voice was cold, no emotion, coldly watching Hong Liu, Hong Liu stopped, then killing intent flashing, but looking at Yun Lin behind Yun Bufan At the time of Heaven and Bai Xiaosheng, the killing intent on his body did not slow down!

“Cold light, you don’t have to say more, give me a treasure map, I will watch a half hour, then the treasure map will still you, this thirty third stage, we can also separate the past, how we have been our business, how have you ever Then look at yourself!” Yun Bufan sees the cold light and talks, can’t help but speak quietly, coldly said!

“Good!” In the cold light, the light flashed, and then bite the teeth and directly lost the treasure map: “Yun Bufan, half an hour, I believe that you are a trustworthy person. I hope that after half an hour, there is no between us. connection!”

“You can rest assured!” Yun Bufan took over the treasure map and then browsed it directly. The more he saw the more surprised, the more chilly he dared to hand over the treasure map to himself. This is obviously a star map. On the map, even in the bad stars, the ancient Heaven on this guitar desert is actually divided into a star field!

Under the ground of the Nine-Tower Desert, there was so much secret in Ancient Heaven that I looked at it in a glance and looked straight. Yun Bufan’s heart was secretly thought: “It seems that they have started to watch out for me, I’m afraid I’ll grab it here. Treasure? Also too small to see me!”

“The map of Ancient Heaven is really complicated. It is just that the sky labyrinth is so complicated. This should be the thirty third stage. There is no way to pass it. The sky labyrinth can still have methods. Ten third stage, there is no way?”

Yun Bufan brows frowned , looking at the map, then moved: “No, these are not important, the most important is behind, Approaching Heaven Treasure Temple and Jade Emperor Palace!”

Yun Bufan turned his eyes and looked directly at the back. He no longer stayed at the thirty third stage. He directly looked towards the section of the Approaching Heaven Treasure Temple and the Jade Emperor Palace. He always paid attention to Yun Bufan’s luminescence complex changed. He always thought that Yun Bufan will stare at the thirty third stage, thinking about how to pass!

“Cold light, half an hour has not arrived, the treasure map is still you!” Yun Bufan smiled lightly, with unforgettable ability, this treasure map is already in his mind, except, this thirty third stage He did not think how to go!

“Oh?” The cold eyes jumped and looked at Yun Bufan with a smile: “Yun Bufan, since you look so fast, you should know how to go through these thirty third stages? Let’s say it, everyone is here, too. No need to cover up?”

“Third third stage?” Yun Bufan smiled lightly: “Cold light, are you a fool? Half an hour, your treasure map is so complicated, I also saw the following Approaching Heaven Treasure Temple and Jade Emperor Palace. Yes, oh, yes, and the last palace. As for the thirty third stage, I didn’t even look at it!”

“It’s better to take out the treasure map. Let’s study how to go through the thirty third stage?” Yun Bufan smiled and looked at the cold light. The cold light suddenly complex ashen, he already knew that Yun Bufan definitely did not pay attention to thirty third. Stage, but there is nothing to help!

Looking at the thirty third stage in front of him, the cold light stared at the treasure map in his hand, and tried to find a way out of it. At this time, Little Wei’s voice sounded in Yun Bufan’s mind: “out of the ordinary, I know how to go!”

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