Chapter 613 Chapter Treasure

“hu!” After Yun Bufan helped Nine Heavens to change the blood, it was already two hours later. For such a long time, it is estimated that the cold light and Hong Liu also ran away. The poison of Nine Heavens within the body was clear. People seem to be young for decades, old wrinkles have disappeared, ruddy complexion white hair!

The whole person was spirited and happy, and then solemnly gave a tribute to Yun Bufan and Little Wei: “This is the case, my Nine Heavens are in my heart, Yun Xingzhu, Mrs. Yun, from now on, you Heaven Destroying The Star Field is the real Life and Death ally of my second treasure house!”

“hahaha, the lord, said that these can be seen outside, go, we go through this sand barrier to see, the cold light and Hong Liu, do not know where to go, we can not be pulled too far by them!” Yun Bufan laughed, the other side of the wind breeze barrier went over!

There are three sand barriers around, you can go out if you go. If you go out, it will be an unknown number, and the sand barrier chosen by Yun Bufan is also randomly selected. Since it is try one’s luck, That random choice is the same!

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” Yun Bufan and the others crossed the sand barrier and turned into a dead end. The front is a sand barrier, the back is the original road, and on both sides, it is a long passage. Can’t see where it is!

Yun Bufan smiled and shook the head: “Is it directly into this sand barrier, or is it taking this channel?”

“Go directly into the sand barrier!” Nine Heavens smiled and nodded: “This channel, you can’t see the margin at all, or go straight through it. With our current strength, I am afraid that I am not too scary. There is no problem!”

“Well, since the Lord has said this, then we will directly penetrate the sand barrier!” Yun Bufan took the hand of Little Wei and first shuttled in. “roar!” Yun Bufan and Little Wei just came in, it was crazy. The roar sounded!

“bang!” “bang!” The bursts of mad bombing continued to sound, and Yun Bufan suddenly changed: “Be careful!”

Yun Bufan took a little pull of Little Wei and flashed aside, looking at the behemoth in front of him, at least the height of several ten meters, holding a big knife with two meters of thirty meters in his hand, and his armor, a huge tail is cold. The light flashed and there was a densely packed tip on the tail!

“Cold light, Hong Liu!” Yun Bufan’s gaze was locked in the cold light and Hong Liu in front of this huge monster. Yun Bufan secretly thought about it: “How can this cold light and Hong Liu be here, how can they follow? This monster is entangled. If you want to leave, it should not be difficult to use their strength. This place has secrets!”

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” “Chī! ” He Lin, Nine Heavens, always and one hundred after the other, came in, and when they saw this behemoth, they also glimpsed, then quickly flew in the direction of Yun Bufan Grab it!

“Look, who is that!” Yun Bufan smiled and pointed at the cold light and Hong Liu. Because the size of this monster is too large, He Lin did not see the cold light and Hong Liu. Now Yun Bufan pointed out that naturally he saw it. Nine Heavens, amazed, said: “Cold light and Hong Liu, how are they here!”

“Here, there must be a secret!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “With their strength, it is not difficult to escape from here, but they are still entangled with this monster, indicating that they are very concerned about this place, there must be a secret here! ”

“The cloud star master, you said, what should we do?” Nine Heavens suddenly smiled at the cold light and Hong Liu, Yun Bufan laughed: “Look at the movie, why don’t you watch such a good movie, this monster has not noticed We, as long as we converge, don’t give up momentum, it won’t pay attention to us!”

“Bastard, how did they come in!” The cold light and Hong Liu stood side by side, pale, but the eyes were full of anger, and on his side Hong Liu was also angrily said: “They come, don’t leave, don’t they know this. local?”

“Impossible!” Cold light with the slightest hesitation opened the mouth and said: “Since I got the treasure map, I have never seen it to anyone, it is you, it was only when I was looking for you two days ago. After, how could they know?”

“Bastard, then how did they enter the sand barrier? Nine Heavens can’t help but know the horror of the sand barrier. Is it true that the ancient gods are open soon? They don’t have time, so they have to go from here?” Hong Liu looked at Yun in the distance. Bufan and the others, the eyes are full of anger!

“hong long long!” The huge monster’s big knife fiercely smashed toward him, the cold light flashed, and the killing intent flashed in the cold eyes: “It is impossible, the ancient gods, at least two or three months later, now not May be turned on!”

“This monster, what it is, can’t fight, can’t even break, and his attack, although slow, but the coverage is too big, and the power is so terrible, even my Divine Artifact can’t be in it. There are scars on the body, I have never heard of such a monster!” Cold light looked at this huge monster, whispered!

“I don’t know, I haven’t heard of it. Maybe it’s a certain kind of Divine Beast in ancient times.” Hong Liu escaped the knife of this monster, and his mouth screamed, then the cold light flashed in his eyes: “No, cold light, We have to attract this monster, it seems that there is no wisdom, I can’t feel Yun Bufan and the others!”

“Yes, this way, this monster only attacks us, then it is cheaper for Yun Bufan. Hey, we want them to retreat and lead the monster!” The cold light is also coldly snorted, and the killing intent in the eyes!

“Cold light, Hong Liu, you dare to bring this monster over, we dare to deal with this monster, you try it!” Found the cold light and Hong Liu’s action, Yun Bufan secretly sneer, but suddenly Cold sound shouted!

Cold light and Hong six stopped, both colors are complexion greatly changed, and my heart is angry and roaring: “Bastard!”

“Yun Bufan, you still don’t help, I got a treasure map. The location of this treasure is here. With this monster blocking, we can’t get in. Don’t you want to go in and find out?” The flash of light flashed and suddenly shouted to Yun Bufan!

Hong Liu suddenly got a shock, and the cold light whispered sound transmission: “Yun Bufan, they must have seen what, don’t forget, when I got this treasure map before, I fought once with Nine Heavens, that time, he was I am poisonous, so he definitely knows the message of this treasure map!”

“You mean, Nine Heavens told Yun Bufan about the treasure map, so Yun Bufan was wary. This has not been done, nor left?” Hong Liu’s eyes flashed, then said solemnly: “If , I really entered the treasure chest of the treasure map, with our strength, I am afraid it is difficult to cope with them!”

“Reassured, I have seen it. The first level of the treasure location is a labyrinth, a huge labyrinth, no map, so that they can not walk out after ten years and eight years. We can also take the treasure to go to the ancient gods. , trap them in, one move, two gains!” In the cold light, the light flashes, and it is said with a smile!

“This cold light, what kind of tricks do you play? Can you directly clarify the words?” Yun Bufan brows frowned, the little Wei on the side is also bowed and meditated, Nine Heavens is slowly opened the mouth and said: “It seems that he is I guessed that I knew the treasure map. I also thought that I told you, would you like to join us?”

“Joining? It shouldn’t be that simple!” Yun Bufan bowed his head and meditated, but the cold light shouted: “Yun Bufan, I can tell you, the entrance to the treasure, just under the feet of the monster, below, there is a switch I have the key. Once it is opened, we can go in directly. It is not necessary to entangle this monster!”

“You think, let us help you fight this monster?” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed coldly, and the cold light shouted: “Let’s do it together, I can give the key to you first, but you have to send the soul. Oath, you must bring us in!”

“en?” Yun Bufan brows: “This cold light, what kind of tricks you play, willing to give the keys to yourself!”

“Well, if you throw the key over, I will send a soul vow, and I will bring you in with you!” Yun Bufan moved in his heart, no matter what the other party played, the key is in his own, the opening of the treasure is also open by himself, even then it is Go in, then you and the others will definitely go in!

“Good!” “Bang!” The huge monster smashed to the side of the cold light. The powerful violent force directly flew out the cold light, and the cold light fell, a golden glittering key was thrown at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan grasped in the hand, slightly paused, he did not expect, the cold light actually gave the key to him!

“pu!” cold light mouth spurt blood out, then shouted: “Yun Bufan, swear, and then at the bottom of the monster’s feet, there is the entrance, attack him, shake him back, open the treasure house!”

“Good!” Yun Bufan also immediately sent a soul vow, and then to Little Wei and the others nodded, his face dignified: “Cold light, Hong Liu, I said to attack together, everyone will shoot together, remember, go out!”

“weng!” “weng!” “weng!” Lengguang, Hong Liu, Yun Bufan, Little Wei, He Lin, Bai Xiaosheng, Xianglai and Nine Heavens, all broke out with horror, and several people joined forces. Hit, full blow, fiercely blasted to the monster!

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” A burst of horrible explosions continued to sound. The huge monster was loudly roared, but still took a step back. Just a step away, Yun Bufan saw it. The keyhole, the keyhole exactly the same as your own!

“hu!” The wind and thunder’s wings vibrate, directly insert the key into it, “ka!” A weird sound sounded, a hole in the hole, suddenly appeared under the monster’s foot, Yun Bufan shouted: “Speed ​​in!”

“hu!” “hu!” Little Wei, He Lin and the others, including the cold light and Hong Liu, are coming in for a moment!

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