Chapter 611, Shah Earth Dragon King

“hu!” “hu!” The violent sandstorm, swept directly toward Yun Bufan and the others, the speed is very fast, Yun Bufan complexion greatly changed: “Lord, what is going on? Why is there sand?” Storm?”

“Wind and sandstorm, how can it touch the sandstorm!” Nine Heavens whispered, then said with a bitter smile: “This time, really dead, under the sandstorm, is Deity is also dead, this It is the power of heaven and earth, and no one can resist it at all!”

Nine Heavens took a deep breath, and then sole solemnly: “The nine towers of the desert have a very strange pattern. Every 10,000 years, there will be a sandstorm. The existence of this sandstorm seems to be clear to the desert. Like the fairy beasts, every time they swept away, they will take away a large number of fairy beasts, so that the beasts of the Nine Towers Desert will always maintain a certain number!”

“But the last windstorm, only five thousand years ago, only five thousand years, so the opening of this ancient gods, we dare to come up bravely, after all, the precipitation of five thousand years, the Jiutao desert is a fairy There are so many beasts, but it will not threaten our lives, as long as we do not enter the sand barrier!”

Nine Heavens looked at the sandstorm in front of her eyes and couldn’t help but smile: “But what I didn’t expect was that there would be a sandstorm. This sandstorm is not something we can resist. It seems that we are destined to do so.” It!”

“No!” Yun Bufan suddenly stunned in the eyes, watching the wind and sand stormed open the mouth and said: “We still have the opportunity, the sand barrier, this windstorm, will automatically retreat when passing through the sand barrier, it attacks Not to the wind and sand barrier, or dare not attack!”

“As long as we rush into the sand barrier before the wind and sand storms, we have a chance to survive!” Yun Bufan looked at the wind and sandstorm getting closer and closer, but his face was more and more calm!

鈥淭he sand barrier?鈥?Nine Heavens glimpsed, and then couldn鈥檛 help but open the mouth and said: 鈥淏ut, entering the sand barrier, we may die!鈥?/p>

“When we wait for the sandstorm, we are sure to die, but once we fall back into the sand barrier, we may not die. This is an opportunity!” Yun Bufan blinked in the eyes and looked straight away from them. The recent sand barrier, whispered: “We have no choice!”

“Yes, Young Master is right, we have no choice!” He Lin鈥檚 heavy voice also sounded, watching the windstorm that swept through him, and he felt a bit weak, Nine Heavens was right, this The power is the power of heaven and earth, and it is not something that people can resist!

“Go!” The roar of the bell rang, Yun Bufan flew directly toward the right wind barrier, He Lin, Bai Xiaosheng, Xiang Tian and Nine Heavens also bite their teeth behind them, moving at full speed, at this moment, all People are starting to work hard!

“Hurry up, hurry up!” Looking at the sandstorm behind him, Yun Bufan clenched his teeth, his heart was anxious, the speed of the sandstorm was too fast, and for a while, he quickly caught up with them!

“No, this way, I can enter the sand barrier, but He Lin, they have no wings of the wind and thunder, it is almost impossible to break in!” Yun Bufan looked at He Lin, who is getting more and more behind him. Xiaosheng, Tianlai and Nine Heavens, the eyes are sparkling with surprise!

If you only manage yourself, Yun Bufan has absolute certainty to enter the sand barrier, but if so, He Lin, Bai Xiaosheng, Tianlai and Nine Heavens may all be killed in the sandstorm!

“If you don’t save them, even if you enter the sand barrier, I don’t know anything. I will probably die inside. Forget it, fight for it!” Yun Bufan then turned and flew directly to He Lin and the others!

He Lin, Bai Xiaosheng, Xianglai Tian and Nine Heavens are both surprised. Yun Bufan鈥檚 great shout has already sounded in their minds: 鈥淚 am attacking you from behind you, and you will first enter the sand barrier, remember to fly all the time, fast. !”

鈥渨eng!鈥?The colorful ray of light flashed up, and Yun Bufan slammed a punch at the back of the four of them. He Lin and the four of them stunned, and then they showed gratitude on their faces. They understood that Yun Bufan This is to save them first. If it is not for yourself, Yun Bufan will not have any danger with the wings of the wind and thunder!

Yun Bufan didn’t want to use Immortal Mansion to collect them. The key is that Immortal Mansion will take time to enter. It is better to send them directly, 鈥減eng!鈥?鈥減eng!鈥?鈥減eng!鈥?鈥減eng!鈥?Lin Siren felt a punch in the back, a powerful force poured into the body, and they flew them out!

鈥渉u!鈥?The sandstorm is in this space, and there is only 100 meters left in Yun Bufan. At this time of delay, Yun Bufan has already faced an absolutely dangerous situation. The speed of sandstorm is undoubtedly More terrible than Yun Bufan’s wing of the wind and thunder!

Looking at the windstorm near the scene, Yun Bufan’s eyes are full of madness, a bite of teeth, the wings of the wind and thunder madly vibrated, turned into a nine-color light, flying directly toward the wind and sand barrier!

“Ch墨!” “Ch墨!” At this time, the four people of He Lin directly penetrated into the sandstorm and climbed up from the sand. They all looked at Yun Bufan for a moment, and the sand screen I can’t see the inside, but I can see it inside!

50 meters, the distance between the sandstorm and Yun Bufan, only 50 meters is not enough, Yun Bufan can even feel that there is a storm behind him, and He Lin鈥檚 four minds are raised and looked at Yun Bufan. The heart shouted: “Hurry, hurry up, hurry up!”

鈥渢hirty meters, only the distance meters are left!鈥?Yun Bufan felt the wind and sandstorm approaching, but he was still a short distance from the sand screen, and the gap between him and the wind was getting smaller and smaller. It鈥檚 time to devour Yun Bufan!

Yun Bufan bites his teeth, his purple light flashes, and Divine Sword appears in his hands, feeling the frenzy of sandstorm behind him, Yun Bufan secretly said in one’s heart: “Picture!”

鈥渨eng!鈥?鈥渨eng!鈥?The colorful rays of light skyrocketed, and a powerful tyrant Dao Aura broke out from Yun Bufan, a nine-word sword glow of several ten meters long, and the backhand was directly against the sandstorm. Got it!

“bang!” A horrible explosion sounded, “pu!” Yun Bufan mouth spurt blood came out, but his body swiftly flew out, “Ch墨!” suddenly integrated into the sand barrier And that wind and sandstorm, it is at this time, rubbing the sand barrier to sweep through!

“Good insurance!” He Lin four people are shocked by a cold sweat, the real one is only one second, a second of time, it is a second, Yun Bufan is likely to be directly involved in the sandstorm, once Roll in, but it is absolutely dead!

Nine Heavens looked at Yun Bufan deeply and then solemnly said: “Yun Bufan, my Nine Heavens, owes you a life. If it weren’t for you, I would definitely be swept in by the sandstorm. At that time, I will die!”

“Yun brother, we also owe you a life!” Bai Xiaosheng and Xianglai Tian also looked at Yun Bufan, a serious face!

Yun Bufan coughed twice, but fortunately there was a dragon god armor body, slowly standing up from the sand, watching Nine Heavens, Bai Xiaosheng and always shaking his head with a smile: “Do you want me to watch you being watched? Wind and sand storms are involved?”

“Okay, don’t have to say more!” They still want to say something more. Yun Bufan waved his hand and looked at all around the empty space. He couldn’t help but look at it. This space, except for the yellow sand, is basically Nothing!

“We are lucky enough to break into an air-sand barrier. If it is a kind of sand barrier with hundreds of thousands and thousands of immortals, I am afraid that we have been separated now!” Nine Heavens All around the empty sand barrier, then smile slowly and open!

“No, there are weird, you listen, it seems strange!” Yun Bufan heard a strange sound, and the sound seemed to come from the ground, his face could not help but dignified!

“Weird voice?” At this time, He Lin and the others are also listening calmly, “鍜昫ong!” “鍜昫ong!” Similarly, a strange sound came from under the ground to their ears, He Linsi People are complexion changed!

“Not good, it’s Sand Earth Dragon, fast, fly up!” Nine Heavens complexion greatly changed, shouting loudly, the whole person has skyrocketed, can’t fly outside the wind and sand barrier, but can still fly in it!

鈥渉u!鈥?鈥渉u!鈥?鈥渉u!鈥?Without any hesitation, including Yun Bufan, the four of them also hung up at the same time, 鈥淐h墨!鈥?鈥淐h墨!鈥?鈥淐h墨!鈥?Just as they just flew up At that time, a strange sound came from below!

The tip of the thorn, the root, the densely packed sand, suddenly formed on the sand, and then a weird fairy appeared in front of everyone. This group of fairy beasts are earthen-colored. Behind the scene, Zhang has densely packed hundreds of thorn tips!

鈥淚s this?鈥?Yun Bufan, both Tian Tian and Bai Xiaosheng are shocked to see the group of strangely packed weird beasts appearing below, alongside Nine Heavens said solemnly: 鈥淚t鈥檚 Sand Dragon, rumored to have Dragon Race close relatives bloodline A kind of fairy, in the sand, is a very scary fairy!”

“Their backstabs are made up of earth power and sand, and there are hundreds of them, and their attacks are also very horrible. Not only can they be close to melee, they can defend themselves, but they can also spur themselves. The backstabs behind them, those backstabs, are all equivalent to the existence of Immortal Artifact, and the formidable power is very strong!”

Nine Heavens bitter with a bitter smile: “The most troublesome thing is that the appearance of this Earth Dragon is a large piece. The Earth Dragon here has at least dozens of them. Fortunately, there is no sand Earth Dragon. This group of Earth Dragon, at most, is the strength of Xianjun. If there is the King of the Dragon King, it is really troublesome!”

“No, there is King Earth Dragon!” He Lin suddenly spoke up, everyone is complexion changed!

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