Six hundred and nine nine chapter nine tower desert

“ka!” The second treasure hall, the door slowly opened, a smiling Nine Heavens came in from the outside, watching the people who were in meditation, Nine Heavens glimpsed, then said with a smile: “What are you thinking about? What?”

“When you talk about your spiritual treasure cabinet!” Yun Bufan slightly smiled, Nine Heavens shook the head: “The existence of the guardian, it is not a secret in the whole fairy, or else, what is my spiritual treasure? Standing in the two circles without being disturbed!”

“Right, the cloud star master, this is the god command, for you!” A token flashing golden light suddenly flew over to Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan grasped the token, the token was golden, but Have a strange atmosphere!

“The lord, this god command, what is the use?” Yun Bufan really does not understand, this god, what is the use, Nine Heavens smiled and explained: “God command, only useful in ancient gods, Outside the ancient gods, that is of no use!”

“In the ancient gods, there are too many ancient Deity relics, and even some ancient Cave Mansions, which contain a large number of divine objects. If you are lucky, you can walk to the ancient divine object, and this god command, It is the thing that guides you to the ancient shrine!”

Nine Heavens whispered: “The last deity command was also received by the cold light. If I didn’t think wrong, the three Divine Artifacts on his body should all be Deity from the ancient gods. Cave Mansion, so with the command of the gods, in the ancient gods, you can find the divine object more easily!”

Yun Bufan was a little surprised. I didn’t expect this god to make such a wonderful use. He threw the decree to He Lin and asked: “He Lin, have you seen this in God World? child god What is the order?”

“I haven’t seen it!” He Lin also doubted the shook the head: “The battle of the massacre that year, there are three battlefields, one is the main battlefield, one is the battlefield of God, and the other is the most inferior fairy The battlefield, as far as the immortal battlefield has been completely destroyed, the ancient gods of Immortal World should be the battlefield of God, the battlefield of the battle of all people!”

“The battlefield of God?” Yun Bufan was surprised, He Lin nodded: “The battle of the massacre is also hierarchical. If the lower-level immortal faces Deity, it is only part of the slaughter, so it is divided into three battlefields, the most powerful. The main battlefield is where Shen Zun and Paragon fight, but that place, when I was at God World, was said to have been sealed!”

Yun Bufan This is only slightly nodded, the eyes are flashing: “so to speak, this ancient god domain, what should be left is the divine object, and after such a long history of scouring, there can still exist, that is not Same treasure, this ancient god domain, you must go in and have a look!”

“After three days, we will start to go to the Land of Extreme West, and then wait for the opening of the ancient gods, the main star of the cloud, these three days, you will take a break, the ancient domain is not so simple, inside, too Danger!” Nine Heavens looked at Yun Bufan and sighed!

“Too dangerous?” Yun Bufan stopped, then asked with a deep voice: “Lord, what is the Land of Extreme West, and the ancient gods, can you tell me about this ancient god domain? ”

Both Tianlai and Bai Xiaosheng are eyes shined. Although they have no gods, they do not hinder them from entering the ancient gods. They have dangers and opportunities. They also want to go into try one’s luck. You can learn more about Nine Heavens here. There is nothing wrong with Bailey!

Nine Heavens nodded, slowly said: “Well, look at all of you going to the ancient gods, I will talk to you about this ancient gods!”

“The ancient gods, in the Nine-Tower Desert in the extreme west, the Jiutao Desert believes that Bai Xiaosheng should know that there are not only beasts everywhere, but also very dangerous, and we are going to shuttle the entire Nine Towers Desert to the ninth treasure tower. The innermost, there, there is a Teleportation Formation, and this Teleportation Formation is the Teleportation Formation into the Land of Extreme West!”

Nine Heavens slowly stopped and continued: “When this Teleportation Formation is opened, it is the day when the ancient gods appeared, that is, when you are looking for treasure, and this ancient god domain can also be called Land of Extreme West!”

“Teleportation Formation will randomly send you to a certain place in the Land of Extreme West. The entire Land of Extreme West is very large. How to say it is bigger than the entire Immortal World, so inside, you just want to meet, very difficult!”

Everyone is startled, bigger battlefield than Immortal World? Yun Bufan and the others can imagine how terrible the so-called war of extermination was, Nine Heavens slightly nodded, said solemnly: “Land of Extreme West, in fact, it can also be called ancient gods, but it can only be regarded as Outland!”

“In the Land of Extreme West, there are countless Cave Mansions, forests, giant mountains and even destroyed buildings. There are many things inside, and some ancient divine objects may also be in this ruin. Of course, The most precious thing is definitely in some Cave Mansions!”

Nine Heavens’s eyes flashed: “But the most dangerous place, it is this foreign domain. The existence of the ancient gods does not know how long it has been. The Divine Beast generation has passed down generations, and only the most original animality has been left. They are not only terrible, but their wisdom is no worse than human beings. It can be said that the foreign domain is very dangerous!”

“Divine Beast?” Yun Bufan, Bai Xiaosheng, has always been shocked to see Nine Heavens, Nine Heavens nodded, said solemnly: “It’s Divine Beast, there’s nothing wrong, everyone knows, but the number of Divine Beast is very Less, the foreign domain is too big, so few people will encounter Divine Beast. If you come across it, then you really have a bad luck!”

“These Divine Beasts are so strong that even Divine Beast is dedicated to the door of a Cave Mansion, waiting for someone to come over, and then it will kill the other side. This Divine Beast is undoubtedly very intelligent and powerful. It is also very scary!”

Nine Heavens looks straight at Yun Bufan: “The cloud star master, I believe in your character, in accordance with the rules of the spiritual treasure cabinet, in the ancient gods, the 20% obtained should be given to my spiritual treasure cabinet, after all, you I got a god order, but because of the special nature of the ancient gods, I can’t monitor it, so I can only see my personal consciousness!”

“Oh? Believe in my character?” Yun Bufan shook his head and he said that the spiritual treasure cabinet would not have been so simple to give him a godly order, Yun Bufan smiled nodded: “Well, if I am inside I got the divine object and 20% is given to you. If I want this divine object, I will compensate according to the difference!”

“Well, then let’s rest, I go to the Elder Pavilion. Since the things of the ancient gods are solved, we should plan how to do it later, and you should rest well!” Nine Heavens got Yun Bufan’s reply is obviously very happy!

“There are still three days, I will practice first, I must keep Aoki’s needle in a complete state!” Yun Bufan is nodded to He Lin, He Linyi, and then nodded said with a smile : “Young Master, I will give you Protect the law!”

Three days, just in the quiet retreat of Yun Bufan and the others, on the third morning, Nine Heavens, who smiled, walked in. At this time, Yun Bufan, Bai Xiaosheng and always Tiandu I opened my eyes and smiled!

“Okay, let’s go, we are ready. Going to Land of Extreme West this time, I will take you with Hongliu’s old fellow. After all, through the Jiutao Desert, the difficulty is still very big. After all, It’s very difficult to save the beasts in his desert!”

Nine Heavens looked at everyone smilingly, Yun Bufan, Bai Xiaosheng, who always followed He Lin with Nine Heavens, and outside the spiritual treasure, Hong Liu and Leng Guang had already waited there, seeing Yun Bufan time, cold light and Hong Liu at the same time coldly snorted, very dissatisfied!

Nine Heavens doesn’t seem to see it, said with a slight smile: “Let’s go, we go to Land of Extreme West, from here to Land of Extreme West, it’s not too slow, after all, we are in the extreme north of Immortal World, and that Land Of Extreme West is a great West, and it’s a neighbor!”

“hu!” “hu!” Hong Liu and the cold light are piped directly to the west, Nine Heavens faintly smiled, also followed along, Yun Bufan and the others are also closely closely from behind, a group of five people, directly Fly toward the Land of Extreme West!

“Everyone, this Teleportation Formation is in the desert of the Nine Towers. I have told you about the dangers of the Nine Towers Desert. After you go in, don’t run around. When everyone comes in, let’s go to the Land of Extreme. West!” Looking at the Teleportation Formation in front of him, Nine Heavens said to Yun Bufan and the others!

In five days, it took five days to fly from Baoxing to Land of Extreme West. It took five days for their strength. This shows that the distance between Land and Extreme West and Baoxing is still very Far!

“weng!” Hong Liu Er said nothing, one planted in, and the Teleportation Formation rays of light illuminate, then faint, the cold light immediately with the slightest hesitation drilled in, the entire Teleportation Formation suddenly again rays of Light flashes!

“Lord, this battle is over, and now it is in the Land of Extreme West. It’s cold, if I kill him, shouldn’t it be?” Yun Bufan looked cold and watched Nine Heavens scream !

Nine Heavens glimpsed, looking at the cold killing intent of Yun Bufan’s eyes, but also fiercely trembled in his heart, but his face did not reveal the slightest expression, could not help but bring your head: “Really, in the ancient gods, even other The lord can’t participate in your personal grievances, so you only need to pay attention to the cold light!”

“Okay, then let me go first?!” When Yun Bufan saw the faintness of the Teleportation Formation rays of light, he knew that the cold light would have entered the Nine-Tower Desert and did not go to the Jiutao Desert. The cold light on the side suddenly opened the Mouth and said : “Be careful with the six and cold light, they may hide sneak attack!”


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