The final battle of the 607th chapter

“hong long long!” “clang!” A burst of bombing sounded, Yun Bufan’s face suddenly changed, and his sword was caught by the sudden appearance of the silhouette, and it was caught by hand. I know, this is Divine Sword, Divine Artifact Divine Sword, with his own way of overlord, is the ten-level Peak Emperor, do not dare to pick up!

“Respected?” Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, followed by pupils shrank, a silhouette, slowly appearing in front of him, light blue robes, with a crystal transparent mask on his face, but the strange thing is that no one can see through The face behind this mask!

“The strength of really strong is too horrible!” Yun Bufan was secretly shocked. He felt a horror about the so-called Sayādaw, and grabbed his own Divine Sword with empty hands. The strength of this person is only a ghost. The point!

“En!” The masked Sayādaw was only plain nodded, but then looked at Yun Bufan. Nine Heavens suddenly burst into the heart and hurried forward to open the mouth and said: “Sir, this is my second treasure hall. VIP, then, can the Sayādaw let him go first?”

In his view, it was the Sayādaw who seized Yun Bufan’s Divine Artifact, so Yun Bufan couldn’t move, Yun Bufan and his second treasure hall were too close, and Nine Heavens couldn’t let Yun Bufan die like this. In the hands of the hands, otherwise, it will be a big loss!

The Sayādaw saw Nine Heavens and slowly let go of Yun Bufan’s Divine Sword and looked straight at Yun Bufan. The voice was low and hoarse: “Since you are a VIP of the second treasure hall, you should know the spiritual. The rules of the treasure cabinet are, Yun Bufan, this time, but you have to remember, the next is not an example, otherwise, I will not be polite to you again!”

“many thanks Senior!” Yun Bufan took a deep breath and screamed at the buddy. The man looked at him with amazement and then nodded: “The spiritual treasure is out, let you kill. Playing live, but in the spiritual treasure cabinet, it is not good, my spiritual treasure cabinet reputation, can not be destroyed because you!”

Yun Bufan nodded, then slowly looked at the cold light, and then retreated back. The Sayādaw looked at the seven Great Elder and the nine great hall. The Lord faintly said: “Get up, Tsing Yi, you are the Pavilion Lord of the spiritual treasure. You are responsible for half of the responsibility, and Seven Great Elder is responsible for half of the responsibility. First, deal with the battle for the quota and come to me!”

“hu!” This mask of the Lord suddenly turned into a little blue light, directly dissipated, Yun Bufan’s face suddenly changed: “divided? Not true?”

“This, what strength is this?” Yun Bufan looked terrified and looked at He Lin solemnly asked: “He Lin, what strength is the other side?”

“Demi-God, Demi-God’s strength!” He Lin with the slightest hesitation, then said with a bitter smile: “Even more than that, I suspect that he has fully achieved the body of Deity, deliberately when crossing tribulation Failure, leaving a part of the divine power, should now be completely transformed into the power of the gods, as long as crossing tribulation, is the realm of distraction!”

“Crossing tribulation deliberately failed?” Yun Bufan stunned, He Lin suddenly whispered: “Young Master, still solve the problem at hand, this matter, I will explain it to you later!”

“en!” Yun Bufan nodded, standing naked beside Nine Heavens, the seven Great Elder and the other eight great hall owners didn’t seem to be very friendly to themselves, but Yun Bufan didn’t care, he destroyed the quota battle and destroyed the spiritual The rules of the treasure cabinet, they see that they are not pleasing to the eye, it is also a normal thing!

“Fortunately, fortunately, the honorable person has appeared, or you will be in a big disaster!” Nine Heavens saw Yun Bufan, who had no problem talking to him, could not help but say the secret transmission!

“Big disaster? What a big disaster? Elder and your lord of your spiritual treasure team are together. I can’t compete. I can escape. I am still sure. If it is not for you, the cold light is definitely not dead or seriously injured! Yun Bufan is calm and smiles, nothing to say!

“Spiritual treasure cabinet rules, no one can destroy, Yun Bufan, you can escape our joint efforts, then I ask you, can you escape the elders he elderly pursued?” Nine Heavens looked straight at Yun Bufan, quietly open!

“Respected?” Think of the irresistible momentum, Yun Bufan shook the head: “His strength, too horrible, I can not escape from his hands!”

“If you violate the rules of the spiritual treasure cabinet, and we have nothing to do with you, the Sayādaw will solve you, otherwise, the reputation of my spiritual treasure cabinet will be greatly damaged, such loss, my spiritual treasure cabinet But I can’t afford it, and you, the only result is death!” Nine Heavens shook the head, screaming!

Yun Bufan suddenly felt in the heart. If it was the so-called Supreme, he might not have any way to live. Yun Bufan took a deep breath and asked: “What is that person? And the spiritual treasure cabinet, What is the relationship?”

“The Sayādaw, the Sayādaw can be said to be the Guardian God of my spiritual treasure cabinet, and it is also the biggest reliance of my spiritual treasure cabinet standing in Immortal World!” Nine Heavens is full of awe: “If there is no Supreme, maybe our spiritual treasure cabinet It is impossible to develop to such a degree!”

“I can see that his strength is terrible, and the horror is horrifying!” Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, and then sole solemnly: “Nine Heavens, if I insist on killing the cold light, your sages will really attack. Kill me?”

“I don’t know!” Nine Heavens squinted a little, then slowly said: “I haven’t killed anyone, we don’t know, because we have never seen him kill, but the number of times he shot, so many years There are many times, but each time it is just deterring others. Not at all, killing, will kill you, I am not sure!”

Yun Bufan eyes shined, on the side of He Lin brows frowned, bowed down and meditated, Nine Heavens saw the appearance of Yun Bufan, not anxiously said: “Yun Bufan, you should never try to practice the law, if the lord really starts with you I am afraid no one can save you!”

“Do not worry, I have not been stupid to that extent, this time did not kill the cold light, hey, in the ancient gods, you can kill him!” Yun Bufan eyes killing intent flashing, strong murderous aura filled the past with cold light!

Cold light trembled, watching Yun Bufan’s eyes filled with killing intent, cold and angry in the heart: “Bastard, Yun Bufan, a good Yun Bufan, to kill me, then look at the hell kill who, ancient gods, Just see if you killed me or I killed you!”

“Well, the battle for the quota has ended. The three defeated players have an opportunity to challenge the winner. If they win, they will be able to win the quota. If they lose, they will lose their quota. You three, who should challenge, choose your own.” “Great Elder looked at the cold light and the other two VIPs, faint!

Cold light directly coldly snorted, looking at the Emperor who used long spear, but not at all choose him, the cold light at this time can also be not hurt, but chose the Wind Attribute VIP with a long knife!

Sure enough, the VIP saw the cold light and chose him, but the complexion was greatly changed, but the heart was secretly worried: “Bastard, good, cold light, see you hurt, even if you lose, I will never let you better!”

The two flew to the ring. At the beginning of the battle, the VIP who used the long knife broke out all the strengths directly, and launched a crazy attack on the cold light. There was almost no interval, and each knife contained a huge power. , completely in the way of life!

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” A burst of horrible explosions continued to sound, and the cold eyes were full of anger, and the heart angered: “For life, courting death, I thought I was injured.” I want to use this attack to force me back? Courting death!”

“weng!” “weng!” The golden light flashed on the cold light, and the Divine Artifact armor formed a golden mask, which resisted the other three knives, and the cold golden golden sword also reached the opponent’s armor. On, “bang!” “pu!” The VIP was suddenly thrown out by a sword, and the Immortal Artifact armor even produced a crack!

“I admit defeat!” Seeing the cold light and continuing to attack, this VIP was yelled, a burst of rays of light shrouded, the VIP suddenly disappeared, cold light coldly snorted, glanced around a circle, and then sat down straight down!

The following challenges continue, but no one has challenged Yun Bufan, and a VIP wants to challenge the glare, but when he thinks of his horrible Divine Artifact three-piece suit, he gives up and chooses to challenge the use of long spear. Xiandi, this is equivalent to helping the cold light in disguise!

The VIP face of the Fifth Treasure Hall is very ugly. Two consecutive people are choosing to challenge him. Although he has won, he has undoubtedly consumed a lot of strength. Now, there is only him, Yun Bufan and the glare three. Individuals, vying for two places, and before, the cold light has been lost to Yun Bufan once, so the choice of this challenge lies in the cold light!

“Cold light, not convinced? Then come to a duel?” Yun Bufan looked at the cold light, the eyes seemed to be eating and eating, and could not help but smile!

The cold light was coldly snorted, and then the VIP who looked at the fifth treasure hall slowly said: “You still admit defeat, you are not my opponent!”

“hahaha, cold light, you don’t want to look at yourself too much, you can never be afraid of you, don’t say that you are seriously injured now, even if you are in the state of Peak, you will not be afraid of you, come on, Let the 俺铁五 look at the glory of one of the five emperors, what strength is there!”

The VIP of the fifth treasure hall, the burly big Han Tiewu is a bold smile, jumped directly on the ring, the body azure light is constantly flashing, a strong momentum is slowly rising!

Cold light under the eyes flashed a trace of cold, coldly snorted, turned into a golden light, also appeared on the platform, looking straight at the iron five!

Tiewu, two games in Lien Chan, although winning, but also consume a lot, and cold light, was seriously injured by Yun Bufan, and now only a small part of it, who wins who is not known!

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