Chapter 604 Yun Bufan VS cold light

“The strength of horror, this Yun Bufan, when is the strength so horrible?” Hong Liu looked at Yun Bufan, and his heart was also very shocked. Just the sword, I was afraid that he was hard-headed, unless it was from the beginning. Fully resist, otherwise it may not stop!

“The strength of Yun Bufan has become so horrible!” Nine Heavens looked at Yun Bufan, and his heart was shocked. If it was the most shocking, it must be the psychic big fairy behind Nine Heavens. He knew Yun Bufan. When is he, what strength is it, and what strength is it now? It is simply difference between heaven and earth !

“This, such a terrible strength, how can we compete for the quota!” The other four VIPs, all with disappointing expression on their faces, blame Yun Bufan too powerful, powerful to the level 9 Xiandi’s cold light is not even His opponent!

However, Yun Bufan knows that the cold light has not yet played its full strength. The Saint Angel suit is the true strength of the cold light. Yun Bufan’s eyes are cold and cold, and he looks down at the cold light of the blood on the platform. There is no emotion in his eyes. !

“bang!” A powerful momentum suddenly broke out, a strong golden light continually flashed, and the cold light suddenly appeared a golden armor, golden long sword, behind the armor, and more Two pairs of golden wings!

Four-winged St. Angel, Angel suit is worn in the cold light for a moment, killing intent in the cold eyes, a powerful momentum erupted from him, constantly climbing, people are shocked!

The tenth-level Emperor, the ten-level Emperor’s momentum, all eyes have a hint of fear, the ten-level Emperor, the cold light has reached the level of the ten-level Emperor, and this is not the first entry level The power of Xiandi!

“That is, Divine Artifact, three Divine Artifact?” Great Elder glanced at it, staring blankly at the glamorous St. Angel suit, Divine Artifact, having one piece that was enough to overcome the challenge, with three pieces, that would What a horror!

“Bastard, this cold light, even hidden so deep, I didn’t even know, Divine Artifact, three Divine Artifact! He, he actually has three Divine Artifact, I still don’t know anything!” Hong Liu looked suddenly The cold light of the explosion, the eyes filled with anger, cold light, but his VIP, has been under his nose!

“Not good, this Yun Bufan is afraid of trouble, three Divine Artifact, and Yun Bufan, it seems that there is only one Divine Artifact!” Nine Heavens complexion changed, the corner of his eyes suddenly stunned He Lin, Nine Heavens I couldn’t help but ask: “He Lin, don’t you worry?”

“Worried?” He Lin gave a slight glimpse, then smiled: “Worried for the cold light? Three Divine Artifact, um, quite a lot, but compared to Young Master, Divine Artifact, he is in courting death!”

“What?” Nine Heavens startled, even Bai Xiaosheng and Tian Tian were shocked to see He Lin, He Lin faint with a smile: “You will continue to read it and you will know!”

“Yun Bufan, I want you, die!” The cold eyes are full of madness, “hong long long!” The powerful momentum erupted from him, holding the golden long sword, and the rays of light of the three Divine Artifact suddenly flashed. From now on, the whole person is covered in a golden light!

Yun Bufan’s mouth is slightly tilted, cold said with a sneer: “I want to die? Then look, who is going to die, Divine Artifact three-piece, destined to change the owner, Dragon Jade Pendant!”

Yun Bufan whispered, “weng!” dark green rays of light flashed, and the dragon Jade Pendant floated over the head of Yun Bufan. A burst of green energy poured into the head of Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed green. The momentum is suddenly larger, and the same ten-level Xiandi momentum erupted from him!

Twenty-four times attack bonus, twelve times defense bonus, the quest of Dragon Jade Pendant’s horrible auxiliary magic all broke out, Yun Bufan’s cold eyes filled with the killing intent, coldly snorted, Tu Divine Sword purple light In the face of the cold light, Yun Bufan suddenly shouted loudly: “Give me back!”

“hu !” “weng! “purple light slams, Tu Divine Sword slams directly toward the cold light, “bang!” “clang!” A burst of crisp sounds, purple rays of light and golden rays of The light flashed at the same time, and the horrible momentum broke out in an instant!

“bang!” golden light flashed, the cold-light body was directly blown out, Yun Bufan even stepped back two steps, then looked coldly coldly, cold light in the air, his eyes filled with incredible Expression : “How is it possible? His sword has directly injured my internal organs, and the power of terror, he, even if it is a ten-level emperor, does it have this power?”

“Why, he has reached the ten-level Emperor Peak, only one step away from flying God World?” The cold light retreats dozens of steps, looking straight at Yun Bufan, his face gloomy and uncertain, pale, just a sword Hard fight, he ate a big loss!

Everyone looked in the eyes, but it was shocking in the heart, cold light, with the glare of the three Divine Artifacts. In the first hard fight, it actually fell, so how can the Yun Bufan’s sword be Horror!

“Cold light, I will let you see my true strength!” Yun Bufan suspended in midair, watching the cold light underneath, the sound is cold, “weng!” nine colorful rays of light slamming, Tu Divine Sword Suspended over the top of the head, and the purple rays of light in the nine rays of light!

“The way of the overlord, the magic weapon appears!” Yun Bufan whispered, “bang!” Nine colors of rays of light went straight into the sky, domineering, a huge domineering out of Yun Bufan, everyone felt a The overbearing atmosphere, this is the way of Yun Bufan’s overlord!

The king’s hegemony, the king’s way, this momentum, lies in a hegemony, eight magic weapons, including the Imperial Immortal Artifact, also Divine Artifact, all suspended in Yun Bufan, plus Yun Bufan’s Divine Sword, a total of nine The big magic weapon, the lowest of which is the emperor Immortal Artifact!

Yun Bufan’s cold eyes glanced directly at the cold light: “Cold light, today you only need to pick me up six times without attacking, I will disturb you, first pick me first, diamond axe, axe!”

“Weng!” Diamond Axe golden light 璀璨 broke out, Yun Bufan grasped the diamond axe, a huge golden axe, directly smashed down to the cold light fiercely, the breath of the diamond axe, the momentum of the diamond axe, all of a sudden locked The spirit of cold light!

Cold light face unchanged, looking at this axe, coldly snorted: “Catch your six attacks? Hey, Yun Bufan, whether you pick me up, or I pick up your attack, but not necessarily!”

“hong long long!” The golden wing behind the cold light shook abruptly, and a burst of golden rays of light flashed from the golden wing of the golden wing. “hu 哧!” a slight sound The cold light disappeared directly in the place!

Yun Bufan silently shook the head: “It’s useless, my diamond axe, has completely locked your breath, retreating where you go, how many avatars are separated, you can’t escape the chase of the diamond axe. , cold light, dead!”

“bang!” The diamond axe golden light slams, the huge axe directly slams into one of the cold light fiercely, “bang!” “bang!” “bang!” Every time the explosion, the cold light has to step back, and this time He has retired three steps!

“What? This, how could he crack my body? This is the emperor’s body that I brought out from the Secret Realm. Although it has not reached the limit, it is also a small place. How is it possible? Even he is cheating?” Leng Guang found that Yun Bufan’s diamond axe could directly reach his position, and he was puzzled at the same time!

“Cold light, pick me up the second hit: Water Emperor, go!” Yun Bufan whispered, the side of the water emperor suddenly flashed blue, directly stabbed toward the cold light, the speed is fast, shocking, Under the rapid speed of the air, there was a burst of “pa!” “pa!”

Coldion complex changed greatly, Yun Bufan’s every attack, although the attack method is not very high, but his strength and strength is very strange, each attack is ten times more powerful than the normal attack, this Let the cold light completely doubt, Yun Bufan, what is the use of it!

“Stare!” Looking at the water blue dagger from the thorn, the cold light did not hesitate, the golden long sword in his hand suddenly blocked, “Ding!” “clang!” Water Emperor and the cold golden golden sword Collided together, and it turned out that the tip of the sword was on the tip of the water imperial concubine, and the sound of crisp and whistling sound continued to ring!

“bang!” burst into flames, and the cold light stepped back three more steps. Yun Bufan was slightly surprised, then followed with a smile: “Take me the third attack, avoid the fireballs, help, melt everything, the fire wall!”

“weng!” slammed the fireball from the side of Yun Bufan, “hu!” “hu!” A powerful flame suddenly broke out. In the midair, a wall of fire was formed, which turned out to be The cold light directly surrounded the past, and suddenly surrounded the cold light, and carried out a mad bombing!

The cold eyes are full of anger, grievances, and very grievous. I didn’t expect that he possesses the St. Angel suit, but his strength is even more terrible than the Same Ten Emperor, but in this way, the battle with Yun Bufan is only The power of parry, and the other party seems to be playing with you, deliberately juggling you!

If the light can not be angry, look at this countless fire wall, the golden light flashing on the cold light, in the golden long sword in the hand, even with a hint of white milk of the rays of light, holy force, this is St. Angel The unique ability, known as the Holy Power, not only cures, but also kills the enemy, it also works great!

“weng!” cold light coldly snorted, facing the numerous fire walls that roared in the wind, the golden long sword in his hand slammed through, a piece of sword glow, countless sword shadow, with a hint of milk white rays of light, toward this blockbuster The fire wall flew away!

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