Chapter 597 Back to Heaven Destroying

“This axe belongs to you!” Yun Bufan’s words are not only to make the war mad, but also to make the Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord and the others feel unbelievable, can’t believe, 105 billion, give away? Just give it away?

“pa!” The war madness grasped the War God axe, the black robe messenger and Liu Chongguang’s face had already hanged a faint smile. The black robe always had dark secret thoughts: “I want to conquer the War God axe. Look for bitterness, look at it, and you will suffer immediately!”

“weng!” “weng!” Holding the War God Axe’s madness, suddenly golden light 璀璨, suddenly broke out, a strand of golden power constantly poured into the War God axe, War God axe suddenly golden light flashed, ” Weng! “”weng!” The countless golden “war” words are constantly floating, and the war madness is surrounded by the War God axe!

Yun Bufan saw this scene, his face could not help but faint smile, but the black robe messenger in the distance was stunned, staring at War God axe and war mad, whispering muttered: “War God Imprint, how could there be a War God imprint, is it that he is a descendant of the Warrior God?”

Black robe The messenger’s body trembled and looked at the war madness in the golden light. The eyes suddenly showed a strong killing intent: “Yun Bufan, a good Yun Bufan, I didn’t expect you and the others to be around, War God imprint It must be the descendants of the warrior gods. It seems that I must find a chance to kill you!”

“weng!” golden light slammed, the golden axe of golden had disappeared, and it was immersed in the body of the war. The black robe was full of anger and coldness: “It was received, it was really the mark of War God. The calculation of alliance lord has changed, and there is a big problem!”

“Good!” Yun Bufan smiled loudly shouted, and the face was flushed, then Xiang Bufan nodded and flew directly into the VIP room. He wanted to enter Yun Bufan’s Immortal Mansion, but so many people looked at him. Go back to the VIP room!

Yun Bufan smiled nodded towards Tsing Yi, and then flew into the VIP room. The Pavilion Lord in Tsing Yi took a deep breath and then smiled and flew to the auction floor. Looking at the crowd, Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord slowly with a smile : “This big auction, this is the end!”

“bang!” The door of the spiritual treasure cabinet opened open. Everyone knows that this is the end. It is time to leave the spiritual treasure cabinet. The people closest to the gate began to slowly recede. The Pavilion Lord of Tsing Yi is facing the Three Emperors, Peng Wang and the others nodded. Then, in the other great halls, the main indifferently said: “The Lords, and the distinguished guests of the temples, please go to the Elder Pavilion and prepare for the title battle!”

“The number of battles!” In the cold eyes, a killing intent flashed, and the Pavilion Lord of Tsing Yi flew directly to the basement of the spiritual treasure cabinet. It was the so-called Elder Pavilion. The other eight great hall owners also flew directly past, Yun Bufan, cold light. And four people are also heading towards the Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord!

“Envoy, what do we do?” Liu Chongguang’s face was unusually ugly, and Divine Artifact was lost. This is a big sin. If the punishment is down, he can’t eat it!

The black robe messenger looked gloomy and coldly snorted: “Go back to the headquarters, and report to the alliance lord, what can I do!”

“Ye Hongchen, dreaming, are you really ready to let this Yun Bufan grow up?” Tao Chenzi looked gloomy, his side old man seemed to have no breath, not eye-catching!

But Ye Hongchen and the dream of the lonely side of the two people also looked at the old man behind the dust, the three looked at each other, are faintly smiled, Ye Hongchen and the dream of a lonely look, Ye Hongchen laughed said: “Dust Son, ancient gods, isn’t it just an opportunity?”

“hmph, you two are still not clear, I am afraid that you will deal with me when you arrive, not the Yun Bufan!” The dusty snorted, with the people around him left directly!

Ye Hongchen and the dream are smiling and laughing, Ye Hongchen shook the head: “This dust, really not the old fox, so you can detect it!”

“hehe, Brother Ye, we haven’t had this too, don’t forget our agreement, the ancient gods, join hands against the enemy!” The dream of the lonely heart arched the hand of Ye Hongchen, Ye Hongchen nodded, said solemnly: “Nature will not forget!”

In a subterranean chamber, the Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord and the other eight great halls stood respectfully on both sides, standing in front of them, standing seven white-haired old men, members of the Elder Council of today’s spiritual treasure. Seven Great Elder!

Seven Great Elder, headed by Great Elder, watching the nine great hall Lord and the six VIPs, Great Elder slowly exhaled: “The ancient gods are about to begin, according to the guardian’s message, a month after the quota fight, this month, I hope that the six VIPs can prepare well and come to my spiritual treasure cabinet for a place to compete!”

The cold light, Yun Bufan and the other four enshrines are all in the eye, and Great Elder then looked at the nine great hall owners. He said: “According to this auction, the ranking of the nine treasures needs to be changed!”

Nine great hall Lord’s gaze looked at the Great Elder at the same time, Great Elder slowly opened the mouth and said: “The first treasure hall, this auction provides a piece of stone, participated in the auction of treasure 135 pieces, a total of treasure The cabinet got a profit of one hundred and one 1.8 billion, still ranked first!”

The people couldn’t help but be surprised. They didn’t think that the stone was actually the first treasure. The Great Elder continued to open slowly: “The Ninth Hall, offering two pieces of Ancient Immortal treasure, one piece of ancient divine object, and participated in the auction of Treasure 70 five pieces. , Bangbaoge got a profit of 10 billion, and directly upgraded to the second!”

The original second lord’s face was unusually ugly, and the ninth lord was a happy face, Great Elder slightly nodded: “The second treasure hall, this time provides…” “The fourth treasure hall…”

Great Elder each and everyone was arranged, and Yun Bufan is now a VIP of the Second Treasure Hall, and the cold light becomes the VIP of the Three Treasure Hall. In any case, Yun Bufan’s status in the spiritual treasure cabinet. It is a bit higher than the cold light!

After half an hour, Great Elder slowly opened the mouth and said: “Okay, this arrangement is here. Nothing, everyone is dismissed. After a month, come back to the spiritual treasure. It will be fine. Decided on the quota battle!”

“Out of the ordinary, this time, many thanks you, and finally over the Hongliu that old fellow, the second treasure hall, hahaha!” A spiritual treasure cabinet, the ninth lord was laughed heartily up, at this time He can be called the second lord, and that Hong liu is the lord of the Three Treasure Hall now!

Yun Bufan smiled at the head of the temple: “As the Lord said, the higher the status of the treasure hall, the greater the benefits I get. This is a win-win situation. Besides, I can still owe the owner 3 billion Xianshi. !”

“haha, don’t remember that little thing, do you want to go back to your Heaven Destroying domain, or stay here for a month?” The Elder Council had already returned the VIP room discount to Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan naturally returned to the ninth lord, and now he is worse than 3 billion!

“I still go back to the Heaven Destroying star field. After all, there are still some things to be explained. Moreover, after this quota battle, it is time to go to the ancient gods. If there is anything, the temple owner will let Daxian tell me.” I have exchanged psychic with him!” Yun Bufan smiled nodded, then took He Lin directly to fly away!

“Young Master, why don’t we stay in Baoxing directly? This time, the time is almost a waste of more than half. It’s better to stay there directly. After the battle for the title, go back to Heaven Destroying, isn’t it the same? “Continuously carried out interstellar transmission, Yun Bufan and He Lin swiftly flew, He Lin is not clear, so ask questions!”

“I’m going to be unable to suppress the power of the fireball. It has the power to promote the Immortal Artifact, but it was because I was deliberately suppressed, so I haven’t been promoted yet!” Yun Bufan slightly bites his teeth and opens the mouth. And said: “The promotion of avoiding fireballs cannot be known to anyone. I don’t want others to know that I am relying on advanced Immortal Artifact to improve my strength!”

“I understand!” He Lin suddenly became stunned, and then he later questioned: “Is that day and Bai Xiaosheng? Let them stay in Baoxing, will there be any problem?”

“Nothing, they have to go into the ancient gods, and in God World, they need to rely on you, betray us, there is no benefit to them, I think they will not be stupid to that extent!” Yun Bufan shook the head, Speaking quietly!

“Young Master, now the war madness is also closed, completely integrated with War God axe, less Mistress seems to be on the edge of the breakthrough, then Mo Qilin’s strength is always improving, Jin Lie and Shui Yuanbo also breakthrough, sword no life After the integration of Asura Road, his lifeless killings have already entered the threshold, and even the snow seems to have skyrocketed because of some strange treasure strength!”

He Lin’s eyes flashed and looked at Yun Bufan: “Young Master, with our current power, we can completely eliminate the cold light. Or, we directly attack the cold light, completely extinguishing the cold light? Immortal World is the fourth largest power, it is not impossible!”

Yun Bufan slightly paused, bowed down and meditated, then shook the head: “Not right, He Lin, you don’t forget, there is a mysterious Shuntian League, if we attack the cold light star, even if it is hit down , that will also lose a lot, and around the cold light star, Qiu Tianxing, is also today’s Sunstar!”

“Shuntian League’s alliance lord has always been mysterious, but one thing is certain. Behind this Shuntian League, it must be a demon family, but I don’t know what the devil is. In the demon family, the scabbard demon is the weakest. If it is a whirlwind demon and a poisonous demon, then it will be difficult!”

Yun Bufan whispered, He Lin was also a shock, and then nodded, this is no way. After all, Qiu Tianxing is the closest to the cold light star. Once it is on the cold light, Qiu Tianxing will definitely profit from somebody’s misfortune !

“First return to Heaven Destroying, and the strength of the breakthrough!”

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