Chapter 580th third piece treasure

“Everyone, this first two treasures have been sent out. My spiritual treasure is definitely a word of faith. I believe everyone has seen it. The first two treasures are very good. How can this third treasure make everyone Disappointing!” On the auction floor, Ma Eryi smiled, but the depths of his eyes were unwilling!

The two treasures are all Supreme Treasure. Not to mention the Dragon Dragon, the third eye of the three-eyed fox is definitely not worse than a royal Immortal Artifact. Breathing, looking at the tray covered by a piece of golden long cloth, I smiled in my heart: “I hope this treasure will not be known!”

“hu!” Golden long cloth opened, a golden bead appeared in front of everyone, everyone is a glimpse, and at the same time, an idea emerged: “Is it a third eye of a three-eyed fox.” eye?”

Ma Er knows what everyone thinks, not by smiling smiled, said: “You, don’t read it wrong, this is not the third eye of the three-eyed fox. As for what treasure, please look carefully, still As before, tell the source and magic of this treasure, it is yours!”

This golden bead, a closer look is really not the third eye of the three-eyed fox, because the center of the golden bead is not at all the black eyeball, and the third eye of the three-eyed fox that Bai Xiaosheng got before. completely different!

In the No. 3 VIP room, Yun Bufan looked at Bai Xiaosheng with a smile: “Mr. Bai, this treasure should not be simple, you out of the ordinary and take it down, how?”

Bai Xiaosheng has been struggling in the heart. Is it true that Yun Bufan is on a front line? After all, Yun Bufan has too many offended people, and his fun is just to find out what he does not know and is interested in. I don’t want to participate in the battle between these forces at all!

When I heard Yun Bufan speak, Bai Xiaosheng shook a little and then looked at the auction platform. When I saw the golden beads, Bai Xiaosheng frowned, and then smiled at the head: ” Yunxing Lord said, this treasure, Bai Xiaosheng does not know what it is!”

“Oh? Even Mr. Bai doesn’t know what it is?” Yun Bufan flashed a glimpse of his eyes, how could he not see the struggle of Bai Xiaosheng’s heart, Yun Bufan calmed with a smile: “Mr. Bai is still uncertain. Ah, in this case, out of the ordinary asks Mr. Bai two sentences, how?”

“Yunxing master asks!” Bai Xiaosheng looked solemn, Yun Bufan said with a smile: “As far as I know, Mr. Bai is called Bai Xiaosheng, it is because Mr. Bai knows everything, but in me It seems that Mr. Bai knows too little. May I ask Mr. Bai, do you want to increase your knowledge?”

Bai Xiaosheng complexity changed, dare to say that he has too little knowledge, but there are really few people, Bai Xiaosheng’s tone is not very good, said solemnly: “Bai Mou knows not the so-called Bai Xiaosheng, nor can it all Things, everything knows, one or two don’t know if it’s normal!”

“No, no, no!” Yun Bufan shook his head again and again, and a smile appeared in his mouth: “In my opinion, Mr. Bai can have more than one or two pieces, I don’t know, for example, my sword, Mr. Bai can see him. The origins? See where my teacher is?”

Yun Bufan’s purple light flashed, Tu Divine Sword appeared in front of him, Bai Xiaosheng’s eyes condensed, then gaze and looked up, the ninth lord and Xiang Tianxiao did not expect Yun Bufan and Bai Xiaosheng to ignore it. Outside the treasure, and here I have studied the knowledge of Bai Xiaosheng!

“Mr. Bai can’t see it? Well, I don’t know the knife of my brother. Is Mr. Bai denied it?” Yun Bufan flashed a glimpse of his eyes and put He Lin’s Death God’s Scythe in the hundred. In front of Xiaosheng, this time, Bai Xiaosheng’s face is very ugly!

“Don’t know Mr. Bai? Then, my bead, does Mr. Bai know?” Yun Bufan flashed lightly, and Tianleizhu also appeared. Bai Xiaosheng looked at it for a long time, his face became more ugly, Yun Bufan whispered. A smile: “Mr. Bai, don’t know if you really only have one or two pieces?”

“The star of the cloud star really has a lot of treasures, and Bai Xiaosheng admire!” Bai Xiaosheng took a deep breath, but his eyes were full of heat: “The cloud star master, I wonder if I can tell these treasures what is it, from what Where?”

“From God World!” Yun Bufan whispered, the ninth lord, Xiang Tianxiao and Bai Xiaosheng are complexion changed, shocked to see Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan with a faint smile on his face: “Mr. This world is very exciting. There are so many secrets of God World hidden in the fairy world!”

“On the ancient Immortal world, ancient God World, are these 100 people all aware? Why is Ancient Heaven destroyed, what is there in ancient God World, why is Secret Realm and ancient gods in Immortal World, these, Mr. Bai Don’t want to know?” Yun Bufan looked straight at Bai Xiaosheng, and Bai Xiaosheng’s eyes flashed in the eyes!

Yu Bufan knows that Bai Xiaosheng is an adventurer who likes to explore and wants to explore unknowns, so he will tell these secrets, even some of them even Yun Bufan himself does not know. Just used to seduce Bai Xiaosheng!

Bai Xiaosheng looked at Yun Bufan with gaze and his voice trembled: “Do you know that the Yunxing Master knows?”

“Yes, I know, even I still know how to explore these secrets, where to find these answers, Mr. Bai, are you interested in this thief boat now?” Yun Bufan smiled at Bai Xiao Health, Bai Xiaosheng’s rich knowledge and knowledge, his help is absolutely very big!

Bai Xiaosheng took a deep breath and looked directly at Yun Bufan. He said: “Well, if the main star speaks correctly, then I will be the one who will be with Yunxing.” It is a grasshopper on a rope, moving forward together!”

“hahaha, Mr. Bai, you will find out how right your choice is!” Yun Bufan couldn’t be laughed heartily, the ninth hall of the lord’s eyes flashed, and Yun Bufan suddenly said to him with a smile: “The Lord Don’t forget, I am also a VIP of the Ninth Hall!”

The ninth lord is slowly relaxed, said with a smile: “You will always be a VIP of my ninth hall, no one can change this!”

Yun Bufan also smiled and smiled nodded towards the sky, and smiled to the sky, and at this time, the voice of Ma Er came again: “Everyone, the time of an hour can be reached immediately, if no one can say it yet. The origin of this treasure, then this third treasure, I am afraid no one can get it!”

“Cloud star master, what is this third treasure, even you don’t know?” Bai Xiaosheng looked at Yun Bufan and asked slowly!

Yun Bufan brows frowned, the huge fairy tales poured into the Immortal Mansion, and suddenly found Mo Qilin: “Ink girl, ink girl, what is this thing you know?”

Mo Qilin among Immortal Mansion suddenly opened eyes, looked at the golden beads, frowned, and later dissatisfied: “I don’t know, you have to disturb me with this broken thing, what can be used, not what Divine Artifact And Paragon Divine Artifact !”

Mo Qilin cut off the soul transmission directly with Yun Bufan, and then continued to practice retreat. Yun Bufan was secretly laughing, and when his fairy tales were about to quit, the sound of Little Five Elements rang in his mind. : “This bead is called Vientiane Beads!”

“It contains tens of thousands of Soul Attacks, but it was a pity that it was destroyed in ancient times. Now it has lost most of its power, but combined with your magic mirror, it will definitely become a good treasure. You Just take it over!”

When he heard the sound of Little Five Elements, Yun Bufan suddenly rejoiced and then asked: “Small Five Elements, what is the use of this Vientiane bead? How to prove that this is the Vientiane bead?”

“Vientiane beads, originally had a realm of the gods named Solo, which contains tens of thousands of Soul Attack, and your 10,000 poison beads is a level of treasure, to try its magic, it is very simple, let When people use Soul Attack, they will definitely be affected by its backlash!” Little Five Elements faintly said, then there is no sound!

Yun Bufan retired, but his face was a faint smile, and Bai Xiaosheng was shocked: “The star star, do you already know the origin of this treasure?”

“He Lin!” Yun Bufan smiled nodded, a jade slip appeared in his hand, and the rays of light flashed, he threw the jade slip to He Lin, He Lin nodded, and walked toward the door, Yun Bufan Xiaosheng laughed and said: “Mr. Bai, please wait and see !”

“Well, since no one knows the origin of this treasure, that name I announced…” Ma’s voice was accompanied by a strong excitement. At this time, even the seven Great Elders of the No. 1 VIP room and the Pavilion Lord of Tsing Yi were relaxed. Finally, I will keep a treasure!

“Slow!” Suddenly, the sound of shouting loudly sounded, everyone’s eyes were looked at, and my heart was shocked: “It is the third VIP room!”

“Bastard! It’s Yun Bufan, how can he know everything?” The second VIP room, the second lord finally couldn’t help but anger and sorrow, the cold light on the side was also ugly, and the killing intent flashed: “Pavilion Lord rest assured When I wait for the quota, I must take his life!”

“Well, this time, you can’t let him live!” The second hall owner is also killing intent!

“It seems that our three treasures are really sent out, and this is Yun Bufan!” The first VIP room, Great Elder saw the sudden appearance of He Lin, not shook the head, a look of bitter smile!

Tsing Yi is also slowly exhaled: “This Yun Bufan is really powerful enough. It seems that there is nothing that can be difficult for him. If the second treasure is not Bai Xiaosheng, I am afraid that he will be taken down by him!”

“Is it you?” Ma’s face suddenly had a trace of anger, whispering roar, but He Lin was a light smile: “This third treasure, our family Young Master is also!”

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