The 576th chapter black and white double antelope

Qiu Tianxing, in the main house of the star, the middle-aged man of an azure robes is facing away from the great hall. On the bottom two rows of seats, there are twenty-four people sitting, these twenty-four, each one is Peak Xianjun, even the power of Xiandi!

This middle-aged man, it was this moment of high spirits, won Qiu Tianxing, and received many of the king’s forces, Liu Chongguang, Liu Chongguang looked at the twenty-four people underneath, his face full of arrogant expression, these twenty-four people, They are all the leaders or important figures of the king’s forces that he has conquered!

Liu Chongguang looked around and then opened the mouth and said: “No matter what you think in your heart, but now that you have surrendered to me, I hope that you can manage your heart, the betrayal of the end, you also see I have been there, I am not a good person, I hope you understand!”

Twenty-four people look at each other in dismay, they are not talking, Liu Chongguang’s eyes are glaring, coldly snorted: “Now it’s just beginning, sooner or later, I will be in one of the five emperors, that cold light, and that Yun Bufan, when did Liu Chongguang put them in my eyes!”

“You have to remember that my goal is not your waste, but the five emperors, even the three emperors. Do you understand? You are just my dog ​​now, I want you to bite, you have to bite me, don’t Forgot, your soul can still be in my control!” Liu Chongguang’s face is full of embarrassment, and his body is filled with black air!

Twenty-four people are complexion ashen, and their eyes are full of humiliating anger. They are conquered by Liu Chongguang, not only forcing them to send their soul vows, but also to leave a soul mark in their souls. If there is resistance, it is not His tortured life is not as good as death, it is directly soul destroyed!

It’s better to live than to live. They lived for so long, and they would easily want to die. Liu Chongguang looked at the way they dared to speak out, not laughed heartily: “hahaha, look at you like this, I just like to see you. How is this? How? Have a temper? Not reconciled?”

“hu!” Suddenly, there was a black fog on the entire great hall. A man shrouded in the black robe suddenly appeared. Everyone was big startled. The original arrogant Liu Chongguang was a glimpse. Going over, I am very respectful to this mysterious man: “I have seen the messenger!”

This mysterious man is just plain nodded, and the low and hoarse voice is heard from the black robe: “Liu Chongguang, you have done a good job, alliance lord is very happy, but now there is one thing, you must be careful !”

“The messenger, I don’t know what the agenda lord has to explain?” Liu Chongguang’s heart moved, his face was full of smiles!

“Yun Bufan, coming to you, it is estimated to be inquisitive. The task that alliance lord gives you is to be tough, remember, no matter what Yun Bufan said, what to do, your attitude must be tough, thousand Don’t let him think that you are bullying. When necessary, you can make him feel that you have a strong backstage, understand?”

Mysterious black robed man looked at Liu Chongguang, Shen Sheng opened, Liu Chongguang suddenly stunned, then smiled: “The messenger, not that I don’t do it, the key is that Yun Bufan, the forces under him are not what I can compete with, in case Raised him, then?”

“No matter, all this, the alkali lord has already been counted, I also brought you two helpers, around the law, you come over!” Mysterious man slowly opened, and then shouted at the door!

“hu!” “hu!” One red and one green, two almost identical white haired old man suddenly appeared, and both of them respected the black robed man at the same time: “I have seen the messenger!”

“alliance lord has ordered, let the two of you stay in Qiu Tianxing for a while, and listen to Liu Chongguang’s dispatch!” The black robe messenger faintly opened, the two old men are respectfully replied: “Yes!”

“Well, Liu Chongguang, the order of the alliance lord I have also brought, I have to go back to the alliance lord, there is a left and right guardian, then Yun Bufan came alone, presumably why you can’t, remember, be tough! “Black robe messenger filled with black fog and then slowly disappeared!”

After the black robe messenger left, Liu Chongguang slowly exhaled, and then smiled and looked at the left and right protection, respectfully said: “Two Seniors, if the Yun Bufan waited to come down, they all rely on the two Senior!”

The left and right guards are very satisfied with Liu Chongguang’s attitude, the arrogant nodded, the left guardian coldly snorted and said: “That Yun Bufan, don’t come back, if you come, you will have to come back, one person will dare to come, hey, really When you are a god!”

“Star owner, there is a person, claiming that Yun Bufan, outside the city gate, said that the star owner should go out to see him!” Another commander ran in and watched Liu Chongguang respected the mouth and said!

Left guard is not angry, just finished, Yun Bufan is here, this is not equal to hitting his face, not angrily snorted: “Go, let me see what the Yun Bufan has, it is so bold, singlehanded Dare to come here to wild!”

The right guardian law deeply knows the nature of the left guardian law, and is not followed by, Liu Chongguang slowly exhaled, and the twenty-four people in the room are coldly snorted: “Look what, this star master has no backstage? Give me away, go to the meeting Will this Yun Bufan!”

Outside the city gate, the left and right guards are suspended in the air. On the opposite side of them, a young man stands, white clothed white hair, a faint smile on his face, and a look at the left and right guards. They know that this is in front of you. Person is the Master of Heaven Destroying, Yun Bufan!

Yun Bufan’s name, in the last few hundred years, is said to be everywhere in Immortal World. At Immortal World, Yun Bufan has become a Legendary character, from the chasing to the present. It’s just rain, but it’s only a few hundred years!

“Yun Bufan, you dare to come to Qiu Tianxing alone, you are really brave!” Zuo Baofa looked at Yun Bufan, not at all. He cares about his side, and actually uses the strength of the psychic immortal. Not being looked at by him!

But the Psychic Great Immortal is startled, watching the left and right protection methods can not help but exclaim: “Black and white double antelope, how can these two old monsters!”

“Oh? Kid, do you know us?” The right-handed method of silence has been silently opened eyes, the eyes are flashing, looking straight at the psychic fairy, killing intent flashing!

“Black and white double antelope, who is it?” Yun Bufan looked at the psychic big fairy with a puzzled look, and the psychic singer took a deep breath, and this was quietly opened the mouth and said: “Black and white double antelope, is the demon world An old monster, the strength is terrible, and also the Technical of Combined Assault, the two of them joined forces, it is almost difficult to have rivals in the demon world!”

“Demon world, you say them, is the demon?” Yun Bufan stunned, the psychic big fairy is nodded: “Their body is the most common black antelope and white antelope, it is said that they are brothers brother, so the mind is connected, the Technique of Combined Assault Very horrible, Yunxing Lord, you have to be careful, their strength, join hands, that is, the Three Emperors should also pay attention!”

“Three emperors? Three emperors are also only the level 10 emperor level, so to speak, this black and white double antelope should be comparable to the ten-level fairy!” Yun Bufan secretly nodded in the heart, then looked at the left guard in the eyes of the flash: ” No wonder, I said how Liu Chongguang had that strength. I didn’t expect it to be two intervening!”

“hu!” At this time, Liu Chongguang led the twenty-four people under his hand to quickly flew over here. As soon as he arrived, Liu Chongguang respected the mouth and said: “Two Position protection!”

For Liu Chongguang’s respectfulness, the left guard is extremely satisfied, pats his shoulder, nodded: “You go back to the side, this Yun Bufan handed it to us!”

Liu Chongguang reverently retreated to the side, left guard law, then looked at Yun Bufan said coldy: “Yun Bufan, you come here, is it to die?”

“hahaha, send to death?” Yun Bufan couldn’t help laughed heartily and looked at the left guardian said cold cold: “It seems that you are not the master of Liu Chongguang, but who is around his master? If so, what qualification do you have? Talking to me?”

When the left guardian law suddenly became angry, it was necessary to start, but the right guardian law stopped him. The right guardian law looked straight at Yun Bufan, and then slowly opened the mouth and said: “Yun Bufan, are you here, not to pick things up? ”

“en?” Yun Bufan frowned, looking at the right guard, secretly secret thought: “This person, a bit not simple!”

“Who are you?” Yun Bufan expression arrogant, right guard Brows frowned, Liu Chongguang on the side could not help but shouted: “Yun Bufan, Hugh mad, you have to know, here is not your Heaven Destroying, I am here. Do you dare to disrespect the left and right guards?”

The left guardian could not help but look at Liu Chongguang, very satisfied, this kid is very interesting, right guard did not say anything, just frowns looking at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan could not help but laugh: “hahaha, Liu Chongguang, say go, they It’s all two dogs, but you are not even a dog. What qualifications do you have to yell at me?”

A domineering, broke out from Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan was condescending, contemptuously watching Liu Chongguang, Liu Chongguang suddenly felt a humiliation, however, more angry than him, but it is about to protect the law!

“Two dogs?” The left and right guards couldn’t help but tremble. The right guard is fine, but they can still restrain, but the left guard is clenching their fists. The eyes are red and look at Yun Bufan, gnashing teeth said : “Yun Bufan, you are courting death !”

“Bang!” A powerful momentum broke out from the left guard. At this time, the right guard was not at all blocked. He was also angry with Yun Bufan and wanted to give Yun Bufan a profound lesson!

“hmph oh, is this strength, I want to play in front of me?” Yun Bufan’s nine colorful rays of light also flashed, he saw it, the other team may have the strength of the ten-level Emperor, but one person Up to eight levels of Emperor!

Eight-level Xiandi, Yun Bufan is not afraid at all!

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