Chapter 559, the enemy attacked

“What?” In He Lin’s side Yun Bufan, it’s clear that he listened. He looked at He Lin incredulously and whispered: “The devil family? You said this black bear king is a demon family?”

“It must be true!” He Lin was heavily nodded, Shen Sheng opened the mouth and said: “Only the black bear family of the demon family has the ability to absorb the poison. When watching his idea of ​​playing the poisonous beads, I There is already some doubt, but not at all evidence, but now, I am completely sure that he is a black bear family of the devil family!”

“Oh? Why can you confirm now?” Yun Bufan looked at He Lin with a slight surprise, and He Lin pointed to the two seven-level emperors who were killed by the black bear king, said solemnly: “Young Master, you found no, their death They are all highly toxic, and among the Divine Beast and the beast of the bears, there is no such thing as a bear that can cultivate poison!”

“en?” Yun Bufan complexion slightly changed, watching the two people said solemnly: “It is indeed a poison, and this poison is still very intense. So, this black bear king is really a black bear family of the devil family?” ”

“In the demon family, Blood Race, Black Wolf, and the wizarding family have all encountered. This should be the last black bear family. Young Master, this black bear family is not only powerful, but some of the mutant black bears, even in The ability to use poison is also extraordinary, so we must be careful!” He Lin’s eyes flashed, the voice opened the mouth and said!

“Why are you worried?” Yun Bufan’s mouth sneered a little sneer: “Now we know his identity. He doesn’t necessarily know our identity. Should he be careful, he’s right, the black bear family of the demon family? We are determined to win the venomous beads!”

“The black bear king is really powerful. The two seven-level emperors are arbitrarily killed between the backhands. I am afraid that the black bear king is not far from God World.” Yun Bufan smiled and walked over, smiling. meaning!

The black bear smiled and shook the head: “little brother said, my strength is still early from crossing tribulation, but killing a few things that are not long-eyed is really enough!”

“Oh? Is it? Black Bear King, you kill my little sister, although he is a waste, but his elder sister is indeed a stunner, you killed him, is it necessary to give me an account?” a chuckle, a The cold man in the ink green robe suddenly appeared, holding a black scorpion in his arms!

“Black armor?” In the eyes of the black bear, the light flashed, and then coldly snorted and said: “Black armor, my treasure, you can also smash? Speed ​​back, I have nothing happened, otherwise, Are you believing or not your ending will be no different from your little nephew?”

“I naturally believe!” This cold man’s black armor smiled lightly, and then slowly opened the mouth and said: “But if you come to me alone? Black Bear King, so Supreme Treasure, you want to be alone, it is too Not kind, right?”

“hu!” “hu!” seems to confirm what he said. There are two silhouettes appearing on the left and right sides of the black armor. On the left is a tall-aged man with a strong body. Black’s one-pointed, while the right is a monster in a red robe, charming and beautiful!

“One-horned black horse king, red spider, are you?” The face of the black bear king suddenly changed and became very ugly. It can be seen that the two people who came here are strength out of the ordinary, and Yun Bufan also found out that this Three people, all of them are the ten-level Emperor, unlike the Black Bear King, they simply do not hide their strength!

The powerhouse of the three tenth-level Emperor is comparable to the powerhouse of the Three Emperors. It seems that the drunk is ruthless. In the two circles of the fairy, the status of the Three Emperors is the highest, but the strength is not necessarily the strongest. There are four ten-level powerhouses in the small poisonous swamp, let alone the whole demon world!

“Black Bear King, now you still decide to swallow the treasure?” Black armor sees the one-horned horse king and the red spider appear, not hehe sneer, his face is cold and incomparable!

“Bear king big brother, that treasure, one person alone is not a good habit. Oh, it is better to ask us to go in. How about we split into four?” The red spider went to the black bear Wang Mei and smiled, could not hide Chunguang did not care to expose everyone’s eyes!

The black bear king coldly snorted, glanced around a circle, and then looked straight at the one-horned black horse king: “Black horse, do you have to share a piece of cake? You and the two of them, not the same thing, should not be all the way? ”

The black horse king looked straight at the black bear king, and then calmly said: “I need the poisonous gas inside!”

Black Bear King, a killing intent flash, black armored with a sneer: “Black Bear King, you still want to do it? Yes, if it is a single-on-one, maybe only Black Horse is your opponent, but you don’t Forgot, we are three, and you are just one, do you want to deal with us three?”

The black bear eyes flashed in the eyes, then said with a sneer: “Who said that I am only a person? Black armor, I will let you know what is regret!”

“little brother, the strength of the black horse king is similar to me, you will deal with the dark horse king, just drag him, as for the remaining two, give it to me, how?” The black bear suddenly turned to Yun Bufan Speaking quietly, dignified!

“hahaha, black bear king, it seems that you are trying to find anyone or anything in a crisis. Looking for a few wastes for help? Just a few of them, but also want to drag the horse king?” The black armor saw Yun Bufan, He When Lin and Aoguang were in the air, they couldn’t help but laugh out loud, watching their eyes full of disdain!

“Black Bear King, compared to the dark horse Wang Lai, we would rather hope to deal with this so-called black armor, the black bear king, you only need to hold the black horse king and the red spider half an hour, we promise to hate this The skunk scorpion is completely solved, how do you look?” Yun Bufan has a cold killing intent in his eyes, slowly opening to the black bear king!

“Completely solved?” The black bear’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and then he secretly thought: “It seems that he wants to force the power of his Immortal Mansion. There should be a master hidden in his Immortal Mansion. Bot sides suffer, cope with the black horse king and the red spider, you still don’t need to do your best!”

“What? Kid, do you dare to marry me? Bastard!” The black armor was not snarled by anger, and the black bear king looked straight at Yun Bufan, biting his teeth, and screaming opened the mouth and said: “Okay, it’s half an hour. , little brother, you can hurry, I can’t drag it for too long!”

“Half hour, enough!” Yun Bufan chuckled, black armor anger was not contained, just want to yell, Yun Bufan’s Divine Sword has been clipped with colorful rays of light, with a roaring horror, directly Smashed him down with a sword!

The black horse king and the red spider did not move. Their eyes were staring at the black bear king. The black armor did not expect Yun Bufan to dare to start first, and could not help but scream: “I want to tear you into pieces to solve my heart.” hate!”

“hu!” azure robes swept up, and a burst of black fog continued to spread. Yun Bufan was unmoved, his face was still cold, and the huge sword glow fell down directly to the other’s azure robes!

“Tear!” Azure robes were suddenly torn, and black armor suddenly became shocked: “What? This is, Divine Artifact?”

The black armor complex is slightly changed, and then the eyes are full of fanaticism: “Divine Artifact, just bring it to me!”

“weng!” A black fingertip appeared on the black armor, and the black armor was caught directly at Yun Bufan’s Divine Sword. “clang!” “bang!” “bang!” rays of light Among them, the black armor was suddenly shocked out, and the eyes were full of incredible expression!

“weng!” Just as the black armor was shaken out, it was another burst of azure light, a huge stick of azure, suddenly attacking from behind him, huge azure stick, with horror Power, fiercely squat!

“What?” Black armor did not expect that there was still someone sneak attack, the black light flashed on his body, and a black scale appeared suddenly behind the scales. The scales were a small black vest, and the black vest black light flashed. A burst of rays of light suddenly shrouded!

“Peng!” The huge azure stick fiercely on the back of the black armor, the black armor suddenly flew out to the left, and then he saw it clearly, it was proud, proud Silhouette , azure light flashing, black armor eyes suddenly appeared a trace of anger!

Although these two attacks not at all caused him substantial harm, but it was a great insult, they were actually defeated by both of them, and it seems to be in a weak position, this is the biggest insult!

Just as the black armor was preparing for a counterattack, “weng!” was a black ray of light, and the black armor was turned from shock, a blade glow, an incomparable gigantic blade glow, with a horrible power. Directly toward the black armor!

The black armor is remembered. The other party is not two people, but three people. Faced with this knife, the black armor is coldly smiled. He now has enough strength to cope with this. The black light slams up and the black armor is called. With a sneer : “Give me a roll!”

“hu!” cyan ray stalked with a trace of black rays of light, the black misty sky, a claw swung over the huge blade glow of He Lin, this blow is definitely better than just resisting the sword of Yun Bufan The attack is even stronger, but he has eaten the loss of Yun Bufan, and he has already prepared for it!

“peng!” “bang!” rays of light slamming, He Lin’s silhouette suddenly flew out, while black armor is complexion greatly changed, groaned, direct body shape retreat, pale, a long bloodshot Hanging in the corner of my mouth, I was slightly injured!

The black horse king and the red spider also moved in the heart and looked at the black armor. Then they were all surprised. At this time, the black bear king also moved, and between them, they brought a piece of black afterimage. I can’t wait!

The black horse king and the red spider suddenly reacted, and the two men were coldly snorted at the same time, and the ray of the light flashed, and they also greeted the black bear king!

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