The fifth hundred 47 chapter three waves have passed

“bang!” second attack, crashed down, twice as big as the beam of light, directly drunk and ruthless and Yao Yao fell, drunk and ruthless eyes flashed, the Divine Artifact long sword in the hands is more icy White rays of light ,loudly shouts , a burst of white light 鐠€鐠?

However, Yao Yao behind her suddenly came to his front, drunk and ruthless as long as she knew that the white light flashed, and a force constantly poured into the Yao Yao within the body from the drunk and in the body. Yao Yao’s sudden pink rays of light flashed!

鈥渨eng!鈥?A pink bead slowly spit out from her mouth. Yun Bufan remembers that the bead was the exchange of the previous treasure. The bead that Yao Yao got, is now the magic weapon of Yao Yao!

Pink beads of light flashed, directly rushed toward the second light column, “bang!” a sound, the pink beads like a hot knife through butter, directly into the light inside the fiercely interspersed into!

“Ch墨! ” “Ch墨! ” The red light column in the white was actually interspersed with a burst of rays of light. The Yao Yao’s face showed a dignified color. The pink rays of light continued to flash, sinking in a low Voice Road: “The claw of charm!”

鈥淐h墨!鈥?鈥淐h墨!鈥?Yun Bufan and the others saw that in the huge beam of light, dozens of pink claws flashed, and the light column was directly hollowed out, presenting a hollow column of light!

鈥渉mph!鈥?Yao Yao groaned, a long bloodshot in the corner of his mouth, and the drunkenness behind him was shocked. Then Yao Yao was pulled behind him, sole solemnly: 鈥淕ive me back!鈥?/p>

Yao Yao slightly nodded, just retreat to the drunk and ruthless, watching this hollow huge beam of light, drunk and ruthless face solemn, he knows that after this wave of attacks, the next wave of attacks will follow, so they two Only take turns to rest!

“Weng!” Hand-held ruthless sword, drunk and ruthlessly rushed directly toward the huge beam of light, Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, Mo Qilin also whispered: “The attack is broken from the inside out, indeed It鈥檚 better than hard hits!鈥?/p>

The drunken choice is undoubtedly the most correct. The center of this light column has been hollowed out by Yao Yao. He has defeated this light column from inside, and he must save a lot of effort. It is harder to look at it than outside.

“xiu!” directly into the huge beam of light, drunk and ruthless white light flashed, countless words qi escaping, “hong long long!” bursts of sound continued to spread, the whole The light column is smashed under the slash of the sword qi!

The drunkenness fell ruthlessly, his face was pale, and the sword seemed to cost him a lot of effort. Yun Bufan looked up at the sky and saw that the gods tribulation thunder balls rays of light flashed again, and the horrible momentum continued to converge. , third attack may fall at any time!

“hong long long!” a roar of sound, the third attack really fell quickly, the Yao rays of the drunk and ruthless Yao Yao’s pink rays of light flashed, drunk and ruthless behind, the pink beads are also rays of light 鐠€鐠? drunk Ruthlessly sitting cross-legged behind her, as soon as possible to restore consumption!

“This is the double robbery. It is impossible to give you a break. The attack is almost one wave after another, so it will be called the most terrible thunder!” Mo Qilin said slowly behind Yun Bufan. !

“Single-handedly, is this the same? Is the attack one wave after another?” Yun Bufan looked at Mo Qilin, doubting the opening, Mo Qilin slowly nodded: “The god robbery is like this, the attack is one wave after another, you simply have no At the time of rest, the difference between a double god robbery and a single god robbery is not the first three attacks, but the last four attacks!”

“The next four attacks!” Yun Bufan stopped, then nodded, watching the fallen third respect, Yun Bufan slowly said: “I don’t know how ruthless big brother they intend to resist this third wave of attacks!”

“Even if they are blocked, they will be seriously injured. This will have a great impact on their Fourth Wave attack. You are really impulsive!” Mo Qilin shook the head, slowly said!

Yun Bufan suddenly smiled, and He Lin on the side was expression 灏村艾, he just admired the double robbing of the two, now it seems that the double sacred robbery is not so easy to spend, after all, here is Immortal World, not God World In God World, the formidable power of the gods will naturally be weaker!

鈥淭he fog of nature is turned into a body!鈥?Yao Yao鈥檚 low voice slowly passed over, and a burst of pink fog surrounded her, making everyone unable to see the situation inside. Yun Bufan and the others could not help. stunned!

“It seems that she doesn’t want you to know her body!” Mo Qilin faintly smiled, “hu!” Suddenly, from the pink mist, nine huge pink tails suddenly appeared, and struck directly toward the huge beam of light!

“Nine tails?” Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, but his side Little Wei was complexion changed, exclaimed: “Nine-Tailed Fox?”

鈥淣ine-Tailed Fox?鈥?Yun Bufan stares blankly at Little Wei, Mo Qilin nodded: 鈥淵es, it鈥檚 Nine-Tailed Fox, the legendary existence of Fox Race, even in ancient times, this Nine-Tailed The existence of Fox is just a rumor, and no one has seen it!”

“I am very curious, how do you know about Nine-Tailed Fox? Even some of God World’s gods, I have only heard of it, have not seen it, I am sure that you have not seen her body, just saw it. Her nine tails!” Mo Qilin looked at Little Wei in confusion, asking slowly!

“My original body is the six-tailed fox, but because of the soul of the Dragon Race, the last variation has become the blood jade dragon in the Dragon Race, so I am quite clear about Nine-Tailed Fox. “Little Wei looked at Mo Qilin’s confused eyes and said slowly!”

“It turns out!” Mo Qilin nodded, weirdly looked at Yun Bufan: “The six-tailed fox, born with a bone, you won’t be tempted by this kid?”

Little Wei suddenly smiled, Yun Bufan was amazed. It was no wonder that when she first saw Little Wei, she was unsettled, and she gave her an ancient singer for no reason. Then she looked fiercely at Little Wei and deliberately said: “The first time I met. When did you deliberately charm me!”

“At that time, who knows that you are an enemy or a friend, I just got the recognition of the Dragon Crown, but I was really injured by the earthquake. You know from the Sunset Forest situation. If I was found to be the new Monster King, there must be someone. To kill me, then I am not careful!” Little Wei looked at Yun Bufan bitterly, screaming!

Yun Bufan stunned: “Remember first, find you later!”

Little Wei was only sweetly smiled, and the “hong long long!” bombing sound suddenly sounded. The nine pink tails were screaming with huge energy beams, and there was a burst of explosions. The entire energy beam was constantly shaking!

“Ch墨!” “Ch墨!” The huge energy light column, there was some power to be attacked, and the tacit understanding on the side sighed: “It seems that she is ready to consume the power of this third wave of attacks, however, She can’t support it for a long time. After all, innate talent Divine Ability is the most powerful!”

鈥淚nnate talent Divine Ability?鈥?Yun Bufan knows that some mutant beasts and some special Divine Beasts have innate talent Divine Ability, such as Dragon Race, and their interest is their innate talent Divine Ability. Mastering the ultimate, you can destroy thousands of people with a bit of a dragon!

“This is Nine-Tailed Fox’s innate talent Divine Ability, but unfortunately her innate talent Divine Ability is still awakened, unable to integrate all of her power in the attack. In fact, Nine-Tailed Fox is the most horrifying thing in charm and temptation. Above, in the power of this piece, it is really not strong!” Mo Qilin shook the head, sighed!

“She can’t support it!” He Lin’s voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked up and saw that the nine tails that had been madly attacking the huge energy beam had slowed down at this time, and even changed from nine tails to eight. Finally, Seven, six, are being reduced in one article!

“Yao Yao, give it to me!” A low voice sounded, white light slammed, sword qi skyrocketed, drunken silhouette suddenly appeared, pulled Yao Yao behind, watching this third wave of attack, drunk Ruthless took a deep breath, bursts of white light slamming!

“The ruthless kendo has a sentimental sword!” The drunken ruthlessness suddenly whispered, a burst of white light slammed, a huge sword glow flashed out of the air, Mo Qilin’s eyes flashed: “The ruthlessness is sentimental, this sword meaning Well, a ruthless sword, drunk and ruthless has already thoroughly understood the trueessence of the ruthless kendo!”

Yun Bufan also felt the out of the ordinary of this sword. This sword seems to be very ruthless. A sword will destroy the other party. In fact, it contains strong feelings, which makes people feel deeply touched. Incomparably, it is a mixed Soul Attack, and the power of this sword is absolutely horrible!

“hong long long!” Under the sword, the heavens and the earth seem to be eclipsed, all the sky, as if only his sword is left!

“bang!” The huge white sword glow and the third wave of fiercely collided together, the whole sky could not help but tremble, white light burst into the sky, countless swords qi all sides, the whole piece Only the drunk and ruthless silhouette of the sky is left!

“pu!” drunk and ruthless face white, mouth spurt blood sprinkled out, but the eyes are radiant, screaming loudly: “Hey, Break for me! !”

“hong long long!” a roar of sound, “bang!” The entire light column crashed, the third attack, so the drunk and ruthlessly the latest understanding of this blow to fiercely broken!

“pu!” “pu!” drunk and ruthlessly sprayed two blood, and then straight down to Yao Yao’s rest assured, Yao Yao heart hurts, took a drunk and ruthless, drunk ruthless soledmnmnly: “fast, recover from injury Waiting for the attack of Fourth Wave, we have no time!”

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