The fifth hundred 40 three chapters of the crab Yedo escape

“How can his strength soar so much? This momentum, at least the ten-level Peak, is out of the ordinary brother, it seems a little trouble!” Seeing the strength of the crab Yedo, the drunken face changed slightly. Speaking quietly!

The current momentum of Crab Yedo is almost the same as his full-scale outbreak. The drunken ruthlessness is the ten-level Peak Emperor. The strength of the crab Yedo is self-evident, and certainly the ten-level Emperor is undoubted!

Bamboo leaves are also dignified and alert, Yun Bufan’s face is dignified, shook the head: “He is not our opponent at all, I think he should still want to escape. As for his strength, there must be some secrets in him. Just now, I It turned out to have a familiar feeling for him, I don’t know why!”

When the power of the demon’s soul poured into the body and the mind, Yun Bufan suddenly felt a familiar feeling, but he couldn’t remember it for a while. This is the smell of the devil’s master. Frowns, looking at bamboo leaves!

In the eyes of the bamboo leaves, the light flashes. When I think of the Lord of the Devil, I am forced to fight with Yun Bufan. He bites his teeth and pouts with a smile: “Yun Bufan, are you not going to deal with me? Do you want to kill me? You Why don’t you start?”

“Hands?” Yun Bufan sneaked, then smiled at the head: “Sudden Yedo, we are not in a hurry, I think you should be anxious? You can’t always improve your strength, you must wait for time. Once again, will your strength be restored?”

The fascination of the yak in the eyes of the yak, the Yun Bufan is right, the devil’s lord also told him that it can only last for a quarter of an hour, and within a quarter of an hour, to break the field and then quickly escape, it is not a piece. Simple things, after all, to break this field, a blow is definitely not enough!

“Since you don’t do it, let me do it first!” The black light flashed on the crab, and the ten-level Peak was so powerful that the huge black crab claws were a bit more horrible than before. Once, his goal is still Yun Bufan!

“hong long long !” The sound of splitting voiid sounded, the incomparable gigantic’s black crab claws slammed directly toward Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan’s eyes glimpsed, and his colorful rays of light flashed. This time, he was not at all. Attacking one’s own body, but calling out the Divine Sword!

Divine Sword flashed a strong purple light suspended above the head of Yun Bufan. The breath of Divine Artifact made the crab ye snorted, and the glare of the madame slammed coldly, coldly snorted, and a burst of black mist suddenly appeared. This strange black fog can even block their eyes!

The drunk and ruthless white light flashes, the ruthless kendo, the ruthless sword, the sword qi skyrocketing, directly slammed down to the crab Yedo, and Zhu Yeqing, at this time he actually watched the battle, the breakthrough of the crab Yedo, he already has A deadly threat, Zhu Yeqing can not want to die like this in his own life!

“Bamboo Ye Qing, you have to know that it is against you, if you don’t take it again, we can leave. Anyway, he is not dealing with us. I want to see if you can still live when you arrive!” Seeing Zhu Yeqing did not even start. , Yun Bufan’s cold voice passed over!

Zhu Yeqing was lightly paused, then staring at Yun Bufan’s eyes and flashing, but when she thought of Yun Bufan, it couldn’t help but also had some helplessness. The dark green rays of light flashed, and the green cane screamed toward the crab. go with!

“Bamboo Yeqing, I don’t deal with you, you still don’t run away, dare to do it to me, you are really courting death!” Crab Ye saw more than Zhu Yeqing attacked himself, his face was angry, snorted, another huge crab claw It is the crutches that greet the bamboo leaves and greet them!

What is weird is that the yoghurt has only dealt with the weaker Yun Bufan and Zhu Yeqing, and the strongest drunk and ruthless, he let go, let the other side attack and bombard their fragile back, Yun Bufan suddenly I feel a little wrong!

“hu!” Didn’t give Yun Bufan too much time to think about it, Crab Yedo’s huge black crab claws had already crashed, Yun Bufan’s heart moved, He Lin and Aoguang appeared on his left and right sides, in the same way. Be careful not to make a big mistake, Yun Bufan decided to release He Lin and arrogant!

“You are also teaming up with the ruthless big brother to deal with this crab Yedo, don’t worry about me!” When He Lin and Aoguang appeared, Yun Bufan screamed and told him that Divine Sword suddenly burst out of a colorful ray of Light, greet the black crab claws directly toward the crab Yedo!

“hong long long!” bursts of horrible explosions, Yun Bufan and Crab Yedo retreat at the same time, “clang!” At this time, Crab Yedo’s crab claws are also the same as bamboo leaf green’s dark green cane After the collision, the bamboo green green crutches were also shot and flew out!

The drunk and ruthless word glow, and finally a sword smashed on the back of the crab Yedo, the body of the crab Yedo was suddenly smashed out, He Lin’s black light flashed, Death God’s Scythe appeared A huge lacquer black blade glow flashed in the past!

“hu!” “hu!” bursts of azure gusts of wind, arrogant hand dance azure long stick, this azure gust of wind suddenly swept over the crab Yedo, everyone launched a full attack on the crab Yedo!

Crab Yedo’s face is unchanged, the eyes are flashing, watching the attack attacked by it, the crab Yedo body suddenly formed a black mask, drunk, and He Lin and the arrogant attack, all fell to the crab Yedo Above the black mask!

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” The weird sounds sounded, the drunken and ruthless attack was actually merged by the black mask, and the crab Yedo himself hurried to the nine-color mask in the air, the seal heavens Enchantment!

Yun Bufan screamed in his heart and shouted: “Not good, he is going to run away!”

Yun Bufan is seeing it. This crab Yedo is actually preparing to use himself as a medium, grafting and drunken, He Lin and arrogant attack, and then directly smashing the seal heavens enchantment, just colliding with the enchantment, even if it is The power of the earthquake is enough to make him seriously injured!

“It seems that this crab is a big fight, and it has to run away!” Yun Bufan looked at the sternness in the eyes of Crab Yedo, and he secretly understood the plan of Crab Yedo, the fastest and the most drunk. When Yun Bufan shouted, he had already taken out his dark green jade!

“weng! ” “weng! ” dark green 箫 箫 green rays of light flashing, layer of green ripples escaping, Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, drunken soulless Soul Attack, even if you can not beat the crab Yedo, that drag It’s okay to live with him, Yun Bufan loudly shouts, the colorful rays of light slamming, the wind and thunder wings vibrate, and all of a sudden toward the crab Yedo fly away!

Who knows, Crab Yedo seems to be unaffected by the ruthless Soul Attack, loudly roared, directly hit the seal heavens enchantment, “bang!” “bang!” The sound of bombing continued to rise, the whole Seal heavens The big knot suddenly trembled!

“ka!” seal heavens The enchantment is completely broken, “pu!” Crab Yedo squirted a big black blood mist, and the cold eyes looked at Yun Bufan and said: “Yun Bufan, today’s revenge, come to Japan !”

“The soul swallows, self-igniting lifespan, the demon scorpion’s soul-eating life witchcraft! Hey!” Seeing Yun Bufan flying quickly, there is no panicked expression on the face of Crazy Yedo, only the ruthless coldness is left. A low voice keeps ringing!

This is the trick that the Lord of Devils gave him, devour his own soul, and burn his lifespan. This method will not only make his strength greatly reduced, but will even make his lifespan greatly reduced. It can be said that it is a self-harm. Law, but the effect is undoubtedly outstanding!

In the stunned eyes of Yun Bufan and the others, there was a thick black fog on the crab, and Yun Bufan squatted with a sword, and the black fog dissipated, but only a black robe was left, and the crab Many but already do not know where to go, Turkic disappeared!

“Awesome defamation!” Yun Bufan saw this scene, but also whispered, drunk and ruthlessly flew over, a face unfortunately opened the mouth and said: “Unfortunately, did not kill him, it is considered out of The ordinary brother has provoked a powerful enemy, this crab Yedo, it is very mysterious!”

“It is the witchcraft family’s soul-eating life-threatening witchcraft. It seems to be a shackle. It is actually a self-harming witchcraft. Young Master, he is afraid that he has escaped, but in the short term, there is no threat to us. Because of this witchcraft, the damage to itself is too great!” He Lin and AO Guang also flew up, He Lin said quietly!

“Eyes of Soul Eater and Big Sorcerer?” Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, He Lin nodded: “This is the supreme witchcraft of the wizarding family. I don’t know the method of cultivation. I just hear the name. I really don’t know this crab. Yedo is the witchcraft from where to learn!”

“He Lin, do you have any feelings, like a familiar feeling for this crab Yedo?” Yun Bufan felt a move, looking straight at He Lin, He Linyi, then brows frowned, slowly whispered: “They also feel a familiar feeling, but I don’t know why it is!”

“I will give you another hint!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “He Lin, do you think that when he swallows his soul, when the strength is skyrocketing, there seems to be a sign of fluctuations in the power of the devil’s main soul. ?”

“Signs of fluctuations in the power of the devil’s soul?” He Lin gave a slight glimpse, then complexion greatly changed: “Yes, it is indeed this breath, Young Master, you mean, this crab Yedo also got a part of the devil Lord’s soul?”

If it is said that the soul of the demon Lord is the clearest, it is undoubtedly Yun Bufan and He Lin. Yun Bufan took a deep breath: “If I just get some of the power of the soul, I don’t worry much, but don’t forget. He can still be the supreme witchcraft of the wizarding family. Is this the power of the soul to teach him?”

“So, what he got is the soul of consciousness? The consciousness of the devil’s master?” He Lin couldn’t help but feel the horror of the demon Lord. He was very clear. After all, he also absorbed some of the devil’s master. soul!

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