The fifth hundred 40 chapter crab yado on bamboo leaf green

“Is this a space storm? It’s a bit strange, what should be the black scorpion mine contained in the gods?” In the Space-Time Tunnel, the drunk and sullen look at the Space-Time Tunnel The black scorpion thunder, shaking his head and marveling!

“Yes, this is the black scorpion mine contained in the robbing of God, but this black scorpion should not be strong, and the black scorpion in the robbing of God, I am afraid that the wall will be many times more than the present!” Yun Bufan shook his head and admired it!

“tsk tsk, out of the ordinary brother, your two beads, really strange, can make the black 煞雷 and this azure squally can not get close to you, it is strange!” drunk and ruthlessly discovered, where Yun Bufan is, that Black 煞 雷 and azure squally will automatically retreat, it is really strange!

Yun Bufan smiled shook the head: “My two beads, this also absorbs the black scorpion and azure squally, so there is a magical effect to let them retreat, ruthless big brother, we have to go out!”

“xiu!” “xiu!” Yun Bufan and the drunken and ruthless men both smashed out of the space storm. The speed of the two was very fast. Yun Bufan sound transmission said: “The ruthless big brother, we are fully flying towards the west, drama Poison swamp, in the extreme west of the demon world, don’t let others discover us!”

“Well, be careful not to make a big mistake. Let’s go and go directly to the poisonous swamp!” The drunk and ruthless sound transmission said that the figure could not be swiftly swept away, and Yun Bufan quickly flicked away toward the west!

In the depths of the poisonous swamp, the crab yeed with a huge dark green python in front of him. He knew that this python, called bamboo leaf green, is also called a seven-step snake, as long as it is bitten, no matter what The beasts or people of strength will be killed in seven steps!

Crab Yedo swallowed saliva and said, later questioned: “Adult, do we really have to deal with this bamboo leaf green? I think this bamboo leaf green, at least it is the cultivation base of the eight-level Peak, although I want to kill him is not difficult, but if If you are bitten by him, I am afraid that within seven steps, you will die!”

Crab Yedo has finally reached this point. He does not want to take risks. His life can be more precious than before. The strength can be gradually improved. In the morning and evening, it can be upgraded to the level 10 Peak. There is no need for this. Time to risk your life!

“Waste!” The soul of the devil’s Lord suddenly angered: “Sudden Yedo, if you have been so wasteful, then this seat will doubt whether your vision is correct, this bamboo leaf green can be described as extremely poisonous, with this seat protection You, what are you afraid of? Just kill it, devour its poison, and enhance your strength!”

“This?” Crazy Ye has a little hesitation, and then a bite, said solemnly: “Well, adults, then I will listen to you, deal with this bamboo leaf green!”

“weng!” Crab Yedo’s black light slammed, and the huge bamboo leaves on the tree suddenly opened the tiny eyes, staring at the crab Yedo, the poisonous eyes made the crab ye the heart cold, fiercely one Trembling!

But remembering the mysterious adult within the body, Crab Yedo couldn’t help but take a deep breath and his eyes became cold and cold: “Bamboo leaf green, with your snake gall, this seat can disturb your life, otherwise, I am afraid you Today’s whole life is going to fall here!”

Bamboo leaves are cold and staring at the crab Yedo, the sound is cold and cold: “A small crab dare to hit my idea? Although you are good, but you are believing or not, this seat can completely kill you, and this seat It’s just a serious injury!”

“en?” Crab Yondo complexion greatly changed, step back, looking straight at the bamboo leaf green, bamboo leaves green eyes cold, eyes killing intent flashing, crab yeah heart suddenly played a retreat, bamboo leaves green, but not easy to provoke, very not to be trifled!

“Idiot, what are you afraid of, this bamboo leaf green was seriously injured, now is the time to attack me, attack it with all strength, completely kill it!” The voice of the demon Lord sounded from the mind of the crab, and the face of the crab Hi, then cautiously asked: “Adult, how do you see it?”

“Bastard, don’t you believe me?” The angry roar of the demon Lord sounded, and the crab Yedo suddenly waved his hand: “The adults misunderstood, the adults misunderstood, how can they not believe in adults!”

“hmph! Tell you that it’s fine. The giant tree hovering in bamboo leaves is called Azure Fruit Tree. The sap of the green fruit and roots of the tree are highly toxic. It is specially used for healing. If you don’t believe it, you Can ask it, this is not Azure Fruit Tree!” The devil’s Lord coldly said!

Crab Jeddo moved in the heart, then took a few steps and looked at Zhu Yeqing coldly: “Bamboo Ye Qing, do you want to scare me? Why are you hovering over Azure Fruit Tree?”

“Chī!” The huge murderous aura, the strong killing intent, glanced directly at the crab Yedo. Crab Jeddah suddenly felt a sudden, and suddenly understood that the devil’s owner said nothing wrong, he could not help haha ​​laugh: “Bamboo Yeqing, I think Are you hurt, so you have to heal on this Azure Fruit Tree!”

“Injured?” Bamboo leaves are coldly smiled: “Is it hurt? You don’t know if you try it? A small crab, dare to be rude to me, it seems that you are really tired!”

“weng!” “weng!” Bamboo leaf green body azure light slamming, staring at the crab Yedo, crab Yedo stopped, the devil’s Lord’s roar suddenly sounded: “You are useless, you do not see each other Is it swindling you? Give me a hand!”

Crazy yeah’s face is ugly, not because of bamboo leaves, but because of the roar of the devil’s master. So it seems that the devil’s lord just regards him as a tool, even a dog, which makes the four kings of the demon world One of the crabs Yedo felt very embarrassed!

Crab Yedu looked at Zhu Yeqing coldly, and the black rays of light flashed up: “Sudden Yedo, do you want to marry me? You are seriously injured now, do you really think I am afraid you are not?”

“hu 哧!” The black mist constantly rushed out of him, and the huge black crab claws of Crab Yedo went straight down to the bamboo leaf green fiercely. It can be said that the crab 耶 砸 砸 is completely based on the heart of the group Anger, anger at the Lord of the Devil!

Bamboo leaf pupils shrank, coldly watching the crab Yedo, the body azure light flashed, the huge tail greeted the crab tongs of the crab yake, bamboo leaf green and crab yado can be regarded as a mutant fairy, thus turned into Ontology, the strength will increase a lot!

“Peng!” “bang!” The huge snake tail and the crab claws collided, and a burst of explosions sounded. Cyan ray and black rays of light suddenly swelled. The silhouette of Zhu Yeqing was suddenly taken out of Azure Fruit Tree. on!

“hahaha, bamboo leaf green, it seems that you are really hurt, so unable to withstand a single blow!” Seeing Zhu Yeqing was shocked by his own shock, the crab Ye Duo could not help but laughed heartily up: “Today, it is your death! ”

“Dead?” Bamboo leaves greenly coldly smiled: “Small crab, then look at your body, can you resist my poison!”

“xiu!” “xiu!” Bamboo leaves directly flew toward the crab Yedo, turned into a path of afterimage, crab yeah cold with said with a smile: “Speed? Useful to me? The dark storm of the great witchcraft !”

“hong long long!” countless black winds suddenly swept up, bursts of black gusts of wind suddenly swept away toward the bamboo leaves, bamboo leaves green eyes cold, a rotation, a strip of azure silhouette turned toward all directions!

“He wants to run, you waste, stop him, dark sky, are you a pig?” The angry roar of the devil’s master rang again, and the yelling face of the crab was red, but it was because of the madness, the devil’s master. Insulting makes him very angry. If possible, he would rather not kill Zhu Yeqing, but also destroy the Lord of the Devil!

“Dark sky!” Crazy Ye Erdo’s angry low snoring sounded, and a black mist suddenly shrouded. The bamboo leaves that were fleeing seemed to touch the barrier and were suddenly resisted!

Bamboo leaves are cold and cold, watching Crab Jeddo: “You are really courting death!”

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” A burst of cyan ray screaming, azure mist filled, and the crab Yedo suddenly burst into surprise, then said with a sneer: “Want to scare me?”

“hu!” huge black crab claws, flashing black ray of light, straight down to the bamboo leaf green fiercely, bamboo leaves green eyes cold, an azure crutches fly out from the bamboo leaves within the body, directly greeted that Huge black crab claws!

“clang!” “bang!” The crisp collision sounded loudly, and an explosion sounded. The bamboo leaves were groaned, and the blood of an azure hung in the corner of the mouth. The crab Yedo flew up directly, with a smile: “Bamboo leaf green, subject to Let’s die!”

“hu 哧!” Crab tongs directly inserted into the seven-inch position of bamboo leaf green, playing snakes to play seven inches, this truth, crab yado is still clear!

The body of Zhu Yeqing swayed, and it seemed that some of them could not support it. The face of the crab yeah suddenly appeared ecstatic, which is the end of the road!

“Hey, out of the ordinary brother, there seems to be fighting underneath. In this poisonous swamp, there are still people fighting. What kind of poisonous beast is it, why don’t we go and see?” Somewhere in the poisonous swamp, drunk and ruthlessly flying In the midair, suddenly speaking to Yun Bufan opened with a smile!

Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, then whispered with a smile: “Alright, what the poisonous beast looks like, I haven’t seen it yet, go see it!”

Yun Bufan and Zhu Yeqing swiftly flew down. In less than a moment, they heard the voice of hong long long. The two looked at each other and looked at each other in dismay. Yun Bufan also said: “That, that is not Crab Jedah?”

“His strength has become a lot stronger, but the one that fights with him is actually Zhu Yeqing. This poisonous fairy beast is also in the depths of the poisonous swamp!” The drunk and ruthless surprise, Zhu Yeqing, is still rare in the demon world. of!

“Not good, out of the ordinary brother, that bamboo leaf green seems to be unable to support it, are we helping it? If you can conquer this bamboo leaf green, it will be good for you in the future!” Drunk and ruthless eyes flashed, watching Yun Bufan said solemnly !

“No, no hurry, this bamboo leaf green is deliberate. If I think it is correct, I am afraid that I will suffer a big loss!” Yun Bufan smiled at the head and looked at the battle between the crab Yado and Zhu Yeqing. !

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