Chapter 528, Treasure Exchange

“He Lin, are you sure?” Yun Bufan took a deep breath, and if it was a level baby with the Heaven Destroying sword, he could be said to be big!

“It seems not right!” He Lin frowns, shaking his head and smiling: “Young Master, not as good as your recognizing Master, to see if it has any magical effect, this seems to be a town stone, but it does not seem to be, Zhen Tianshi has The stock suppresses the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth, and the color of the stone looks very similar, but the breath is different, but it is very different!”

“Oh? Well, I will recognizing Master refining!” Yun Bufan dripped a drop of blood essence, blood essence was low on the five-color stone, and the five-color stone rays of light flashed directly to Yun Bufan’s blood essence. The bomb flew out, Yun Bufan suddenly lost!

“weng!” colorful ray of light flashed, little Five Elements suddenly appeared out of Yun Bufan’s Immortal Mansion, Yun Bufan suddenly shocked, Little Five Elements looked straight at the five-color stone, then watched Yun Bufan: “This stone, I want it!”

Yun Bufan glimpse, He Lin suddenly opened the mouth and said: “No, Young Master, this is likely to be the town of Tianshi, otherwise, it is impossible to bounce your blood essence, only to the extent of the baby In order to choose the Lord!”

“This is not the town of Tianshi!” Yun Bufan just wanted to talk, the voice of Little Five Elements has already rang, watching He Lin coldly said: “Zhen Tianshi, suppressing the world, has been in the hands of the town Paragon, you think, someone Can you win the town Tianshi from the town of Paragon? It is the Lord of the Devil, and it is impossible to do it!”

“Who are you? Why do you know so clearly?” He Lin brows frowned, looking at the little Five Elements, Shen Sheng asked!

“Who am I, you don’t care, I can even tell you that this stone in your hand is called Five Elements Stone, except for me, no one in this world can let it recognizing Master!” Little Five Elements Straight Looking at He Lin, the colorful rays of light in the eyes flashed away!

“I want this stone!” The eyes of Little Five Elements looked at Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan suddenly smiled. I don’t know why. For the requirements of Little Five Elements, there is always no objection in his heart. Yun Bufan is facing He Lin. With a smile of nodded, He Lin watched the little Five Elements with caution: “Can you let it recognize you?”

Little Five Elements didn’t talk, and the colorful rays of light flashed. The dagger with five rays of light appeared in his hand. The little dagger flew directly toward the stone in He Lin’s hand. He Linyi !

“Chī!” The dagger of the colorful rays of light was inserted directly into the five-colored stone. Suddenly, a burst of rays of light flashed, and the five-color stone was slowly inhaled by the dagger. The group of colorful rays of light suddenly wrapped them up!

Seeing this scene, He Lin was also stunned. Yun Bufan also stared blankly at Little Five Elements. Little Five Elements slowly closed his eyes, and bursts of colorful rays of light broke out from him. “bang! “A horrible momentum rises to the sky and envelopes the entire great hall!”

“This momentum?” Yun Bufan suddenly became stunned. He found that the momentum of Little Five Elements has directly surpassed the existence of Xiandi. Deity, the momentum of this is Deity, it should be absolutely certain that it is the ten-level Peak. , Half-God Level, other super powerhouses, there is absolutely no such momentum!

“weng!” The five-color rays of light flashed, and the first time flew toward the Little Five Elements and blended directly into his body. Little Five Elements calmly looked at Yun Bufan: “Can let me into your Immortal Practiced in Mansion!”

Yun Bufan’s Immortal Mansion, Little Five Elements can come out on their own, but if you want to go in, you really have to rely on Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan to smile, the blue light flashes, and the little Five Elements disappears directly!

Yun Bufan looked at He Lin shook the head: “That thing is the water wave, you will buckle from my treasures to see if there is anything that is particularly suitable for him. If not enough, deduct some of!”

“Dedication, no need!” Shui Yuanbo hehe smiled and stood up, watching Yun Bufan shake his head and said: “If it is not for worship, we may not get these things, that is, even if I give it to Little Five Elements. Let’s go!”

“Say, change, water Yuan wave, you don’t talk, let He Lin handle these things well!” Yun Bufan waved his hand, Shui Yuanbo sat down helplessly, He Lin continued to find it. Treasure, then pick up a pink bead, brows frowned, look at Yao Yao!

When I saw this pink bead, Yao Yao eyes immediately lit up, He Lin smiled and opened the mouth and said: “Yao Yao girl, if I guess well, should you be a mutant fairy? And your direction of variation There should be some connection with confusion and illusion!”

“He Young Master Lin is really good!” Yao Yao’s eyes flashed. Since that time, because of the relationship between the dragon and the dragon, she has changed, from the upper fairy to the mutant fairy, not only the strength has skyrocketed, but also innate Talent Divine Ability and some special skills are also a lot stronger!

But since she mutated, it was the powerhouse of the Three Emperors that could not see her body, and He Lin, even a word broke, which made her have a mysterious feeling to He Lin, He Lin shook the head: “Since So, I think this bead is most useful to you, recognizing Master refining it, you and the drunk and ruthless crossing tribulation, the grasp will be bigger!”

“Oh?” Yao Yao’s heart, crossing tribulation, this is her heart disease, she and the ruthless strength of the drunk, but a lot worse, double crossing tribulation, will undoubtedly drag the drunk, Yun Bufan knows this, not help Laughed : “sister-in-law, I haven’t sent you anything, this bead, just when I sent you!”

With a big hand, the pink beads appeared in front of Yao Yao, and the drunk and ruthless face showed a hint of excitement. Looking at Yun Bufan, he said: “out of the ordinary brother , many thanks!”

Yun Bufan smiled at the shook the head. It can be said that this trip to Secret Realm has a great reward for everyone. He Lin continued to rummage and then picked up a pair of transparent gloves.何林complexion slightly changed :”divine silk ?”

“What?” Yun Bufan sees He Lin expression, knowing that it is definitely a treasure, He Lin said solemnly: “Young Master, is divine silk, divine silk is God World Supreme Treasure, to just to soft, But in general, it only blends a little into the refiner, but it is made entirely of gloves from the divine silk. I have never heard of it!”

“Hey, this glove, it’s a bit strange, this glove, what level of Immortal Artifact is it now?” Yun Bufan looked at the divine silk gloves, and started to feel warm, not to be a little surprised!

“Immortal Artifact?” He Lin smiled, shook the head: “Young Master, this divine silk itself is a divine object, it is woven into a glove, how could it be Immortal Artifact, this is a Divine Artifact !”

“Oh? Divine Artifact? Gloves?” Yun Bufan was in the heart and looked at He Lin said with a smile : “He Lin, I remember it, this divine silk glove, was originally one of the things I got? ”

“Yes, Young Master!” He Lin nodded, Yun Bufan said with a smile : “This is good!”

“weng!” blue rays of light flashed again, war madness and misty snow appeared in front of them, watching Yun Bufan and the others, the war madness could not help but wonder: “Cloud brother, what are you doing?”

Yun Bufan talked to the treasure exchange and told them about it. The war madness laughed and took out two things that he got, and Qian Qiu Xue also took out two things, Yun Bufan said with a smile : You can be said to be lucky, this glove, but Divine Artifact, is what I got, you can use it!”

“Divine Artifact?” was a mad sneak peek, and then he was shocked. He had already merged the space seeds of the martial arts gods. Not only did the strength increase be a thousand miles, but for God World, he knew more or less, but It is very rare!

Even so, in Immortal World, he also knows the preciousness of Divine Artifact, but Divine Artifact is his favorite glove. He took a deep breath and took it seriously, then to Yun Bufan. Said solemnly: “Cloud brother, many thanks!”

Yun Bufan smiled at the head and looked at Qian Qiu Xue’s eyes. It was a bit weird. He found that the breath of the snow was colder and seemed to have a breakthrough. It took only a long time for this snow to break through. Yun Bufan Don’t feel weird!

“Did you forget the purple jade I got?” Qian Qiu Xue saw Yun Bufan’s weird gaze, and could not help but slowly open his mouth and his voice was cold!

Yun Bufan glimpsed a little, this reminds me of the mysterious jade piece that was obtained in the ruthless star field, the size of the nails obtained by Qian Qiuxue. I remember that Qian Qiu Xue said that if she reached the Emperor, with the energy of this jade piece, she Can be improved quickly, it seems that it should be the effect of the jade piece!

“This is, Hanyang Steel? Young Master, haha, good things, this thing can be said to be absolutely good for you!” He Lin picked up a round golden steel piece, and later laughed and said With a smile : “Young Master, this Hanyang Steel, now can be said to be the best for you!”

“What is the best for me?” Yun Bufan sighed and then felt the breath of extreme firm and fierce in Hanyang Steel. He couldn’t help but move: “You mean, Jin Lingzhu?”

“Yeah, Young Master, your golden spirit beads, if you want to upgrade to the level of Immortal Artifact or Divine Artifact, this Hanyang steel is the best medium, which is originally the metal of extreme firm and fierce, can completely blend you Jin Lingzhu, in this case, your strength can be increased by one level, and the grasp of the cold light is even greater!”

He Lin looked excited, Yun Bufan frowned, and looked a bitter smile, this Hanyang Steel, but the things of the snow, Little Wei was watching, he was really embarrassed to open!

“Yun Bufan, war madness, this Divine Artifact suit, originally yours, since this thing is useful to you, then when I sent you, thank you for the Divine Artifact suit!” Qian Qiu Xue saw Yun Bufan’s expression, self-deprecating smile, but the mouth is cold, cold voice!

Yun Bufan glimpsed, then whispered: “So, happy thanks autumn snow girl!”

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