Chapter 515 snatching treasure

“A great momentum, Yun Bufan, the strength of Yun Bufan, has actually increased, but realm, or four-level Xiandi, no breakthrough, but I feel that his strength should be comparable to the six or seven-level Emperor!” Yun Buzi looked at Yun Bufan at the center of the whirlwind, and was not shocked by a burst of whispered muttered!

“Ancient gods, a god of ancient times, even so wonderful, realm has no breakthrough, but the strength is a lot of increase!” Ye Hongchen’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye, a dream of a lonely heart frowns: “If it is such a cultivation, he It’s not necessary to go to the center of the dragon whirlwind, Yun Bufan, there should be other purposes!”

“Yes, if he only cultivates like this, the power of Qingshenfeng and Yinlei, he can’t absorb it all, and the things in it can’t be obtained at all!” Peng Wang came over from the side, and his eyes flashed: “I think Yun Bufan’s plan should be to absorb the power of this Qingshen and Yin Lei, and then let Divine Beast win the things inside!”

“The Divine Beast?” Road dust, Ye Hongchen and Meng Guxin looked at Mo Qilin. At this moment, Mo Qilin’s eyes were staring at Yun Bufan’s direction as if he felt Ye Hongchen and the others. Look, Mo Qilin’s cold eyes glance at the past!

The road dust and the others are all chilling in the heart, and the dust is silent. The Divine Beast seems to be paying attention to Yun Bufan. Whether it is true or not, everyone is still alert. The Divine Beast and the drunkenness of the other party are not simple, and the Qing Emperor and the cold light are also closest to Yun Bufan!”

Peng Wang and the others looked at the dust and the others in a weird way. As the supreme powerhouse of Immortal World, Peng Wangxiang channel dust they must have hidden methods, cold light and Qingdi can be close to this tornado, the road dust them There is no reason for three people!

Peng Wang himself is also very confident. If the method is completed, you can definitely enter this tornado. However, Peng Wang’s goal is not these treasures. These treasures may be Supreme Treasure in Immortal World, but in God World. It is estimated that it is broken copper!

“It seems that the goal of the three people is the same as us. King, Xiong Wang, have to be careful, retain strength, remember, the gateway to God World is our ultimate goal, the so-called antiquity Treasure and ancient treasure, let them compete for it!”

The sneer of Peng Wang rang in the minds of the kings and the bear kings. The kings and the bear kings were quietly nodded, and their eyes were also looked at Yun Bufan. The three of them did not find out, the road dust, Ye Hongchen and Meng Gu The heart of the three eyes is also passing a trace of cold mans!

“weng!” “weng!” Yun Bufan’s body floated, and Tian Leizhu and Locking Wind Bead swung around him, spinning around him, emitting azure’s rays of light and silver white rays of light. The breath of Wang Pin Immortal Artifact is unveiled!

“weng!” Tian Leizhu lightning flashing, Yun Bufan Shen shouted in a low voice: “Thunder, come out!”

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” thunderbolt flashing, Thunderbolt’s Immortal Artifact soul Lei Gong appeared in front of Yun Bufan, watching the surrounding silver thunder, Lei Gong looked happy, and then respected Yun Bufan respectfully: “Master! ”

“Lee Gong, if this silver ray lets you absorb it all, what level can you reach?” Yun Bufan looked straight at Lei Gong and glanced at the silver thunder among the dozen tornadoes around him.

“These silver mines, if all absorbed, at least let me reach the Imperial Immortal Artifact, even reaching Divine Artifact is not impossible!” Lei Gong’s eyes flashed: “This is not the same silver mine, this is pure silver mine essence. Ah, all are pure Force of Thunder, no need for refining and conversion!”

“What?” Yun Bufan startled: “At least the Imperial Immortal Artifact? Maybe even Divine Artifact?”

According to Yun Bufan’s prediction, it is not bad to reach the Immortal Artifact. At most, the Immortal Artifact should be used, but the chance is very small. There is a strong heat in Leigong’s eyes: “Master, where is this? Here is the silver mine, It’s almost exactly the same as God World’s Silver Thunder. God World’s Silver Thunder, even the Divine Artifact of the thunder attribute is coveted, not to mention I am the Immortal Artifact!”

“Okay, okay, okay!” Yun Bufan did not expect that there would be such an unexpected surprise. He took a deep breath and said to Lei Gong sole solemnly: “Thunder, you will absorb it, you can rest assured that the god of the gods Wind, I will let the Wind Lady absorb it, and the two of you will cooperate to give me all the silver and blue winds, and then advance!”

“Good!” Lei Gong suddenly rejoiced, Yun Bufan whispered, Locking Wind Bead abruptly azure light, “weng!” azure light flashed, a white-haired old lady in front of Yun Bufan appeared in court, respectful salute: “Master !”

Yun Bufan calmly nodded, looking at Fengpo solemnly asked: “Wind, what is this wind, you should know? I want to know, if you absorb all the Qingshen wind here, what can you achieve?”

“Immortal Artifact!” Feng Po with the slightest hesitation, and then smiled: “Unfortunately, it is only the lowest Qingfeng style, not the purest power, Master, I absorb these Qingshen style, at most can only reach Immortal Artifact Peak, there is still a distance from Divine Artifact!”

Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, then nodded: “Immortal Artifact, it is not bad, well, you will cooperate with the Leigong arc, give me this Qingshenfeng and Yinlei, and then advance it!”

“Yes!” Lei Gong and Fengpo were respectfully complied, and then the souls of the two major Immortal Artifacts flew over to the left and right. Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, his voice rang in Mo Qilin and the others’ minds. : “Ink girl, ruthless big brother, Jin Lie patriarch, you are ready, I am going to absorb this Qingshenfeng and Yin Lei!”

“weng!” “weng!” Lei Gong and Feng Po also ray of light, the surrounding tornado suddenly swept over them, and Lei Gong and Feng Po is very calm, constantly absorbing the surrounding power!

“Chī!” “Chī!” The silver mine is constantly integrated into the body of the thunder, and the thunder is more flashing. The momentum of the thunder is also rising, rising, there is no sign to stop, and the wind is also The same is true, with Fengpa as the center, Qingshenfeng all swept over her!

Lei Gong and Feng Po, at this time became the center of the storm and rain, the road dust saw this scene, the eyes filled with shocked expression: “The power of Qingshenfeng, Qingshenfeng and Yinlei was actually separated. , separated, completely separated, how is this possible? How is it possible?”

Ye Hongchen is also a stunned look, watching Lei Gong and Feng Po: “That is the soul of Immortal Artifact, what is Immortal Artifact? Why can it absorb the power of Qingshenfeng and Yinlei, even the Wind Attribute and thunder attribute of Immortal Artifact Imagortal Artifact can’t be done!”

“It seems that Yun Bufan is really trying to absorb the power of Qingshenfeng and Yinlei here. It is just right, we can also wait for the opportunity to snatch the ancient divine object, and even find the entrance to the 5th-layer!” The flash of light flashes, and the sound is open!

“weng!” “weng!” cyan ray mans and blue rays of light lit up at the same time, the Qing Emperor and the cold light caught the treasure in the tornado at once, and the two quickly fled back and looked at the two The eyes flashed, said with a laugh: “Qingdi, cold light, I did not expect that you two got a treasure, I don’t know if we can open our eyes and see what treasure?”

The Qing emperor glanced at the dust and looked at it. Then he did not speak. He looked at Yun Bufan and his eyes flashed with amazing rays of light. The face of the dust suddenly sank, and the cold light slammed into the dust. Then, I also looked towards Yun Bufan, the Taoist, one of the Three Sovereigns, and I was ignored!

In the eyes of the road, there was an amazing killing intent in the eyes. I saw the Qing Emperor and the cold light, and then turned a gloomy turn, Ye Hongchen and the dream, and Peng Wang and the others had a smile on their faces!

“Wind and thunder double beads, breakthrough, wind and thunder eye, evolution!” The original closed Yun Bufan suddenly opened eyes, a burst of cyan ray mans and silver white rays of light at the same time, Tian Leizhu and Locking Wind Bead Suddenly rays of light, “Chī!” “hu!” Silver Thunder, Qingshenfeng, finally absorbed by them!

“xiu!” “xiu!” Tianleizhu and Locking Wind Bead flew to Yun Bufan’s left and right eyes at the same time, “hong long long!” The eyes of the wind and thunder, like two small vortex, make all the hands The person stopped involuntarily!

The pressure, the pressure of horror, the tremor from the soul, Yun Bufan’s eyes, even let the dust and the others feel a sense of trembling, the eyes of the fully evolved wind and thunder become deeper. It is even more shocking and more horrible!

“weng!” “weng!” The eyes of the wind and thunder azure light and lightning flashed, and then resumed normal, directly into the eyes of Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan broke out a powerful momentum!

“Start!” The road dust whispered, he found out that all the Qingshenfeng and Yin Lei disappeared, or they were all absorbed by Yun Bufan. At this moment, there are dozens of dull treasures falling. On the ground, they all know that it should be the antiquity, even the ancient divine object!

However, faster than them, it is Mo Qilin, drunk and ruthless and Jinlie and the others, drunk and ruthless body flashed a strong dark green rays of light, a dark green jade appeared in his hands!

“weng! “dark green 箫 ray of the light flashed, “Hey!” “Hey!” A scream of sorrow suddenly spread, bursts of cyan ray halo constantly emanating from the dark green jade, Yao Yao, who is on the side, is also standing in the face of drunken ruthlessness, and there is a bang of pink rays of light!

“Bastard! Soul Attack!” The dust complex complexity changed, feeling that his soul is suffering a wave of shocks, not complicatedion greatly changed: “speed to join hands, smash his Soul Attack!”

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