The world that the two of them are in seems to collapse at any time.

Those manifested swords, there are hundreds of them.

Those swords are of all kinds, but each one seems to share the same grievances with Mu Yun.

These are all swords that Mu Yun used to use, and in this brief moment, there is no entity, but the sword qi is condensed and transformed.

Seeing this scene, Ren Bo was shocked and said: "It's... the heart of Sword Dao concept!"

The heart of Sword Dao!

Wu Jingzhong was stunned, and said unbelievably: "There are records in the Cang clan, the heart of Sword Dao, the concept that swordsman has pursued throughout his life, Human and Sword Unity, regardless of each other, at the Dao Realm level, reach this level. "Swordsman" is the Grandmaster character in "Swordsman", this kid..."

"Stop him!" Ren Bo shouted: "Let him breakthrough concept, it's even harder for us."


The two shot almost at the same time, killing Mu Yun.

But at this moment, when all around the hundreds of swords felt the murderous aura of the two, they suddenly came together as if they were materialized.

A giant sword made up of hundreds of sword qi, cut down in the air.

puchi puchi! ! !

The bodies of Ren Bo and Wu Jingzhong were turned into two pieces, and their souls were directly cut apart by the giant sword.

"The heart of Sword Dao..."

At this moment, Mu Yun's eyes are bright. Between Heaven and Earth, there seems to be endless wind, whistling and gathering, turning into horror The sharpness of the air.

"The root of Tao is simple and random. Any swordsman's mantra is to approach Tao..."

"Heaven and Earth is the simplest The strongest is the one."

At this moment, Mu Yun seemed to touch something.

In the past, he relied on the swordsmanship left by Master Mie Tianyan, and after reaching the Emperor Realm, he condensed the three moves sword style.

The common people cut!

Slash the universe!

All Souls Slash!

It's just that, this three moves sword style is not Mu Yun's real self-understanding evolution, but a unified concept left by the Master's twelve swords.

But now, Mu Yun grasped the feeling of Sword Dao's heart, with a mirror in his heart, his hand waved unconsciously.

A sword strike, simple, without any bells and whistles, but when the sword fell, the invisible blade broke out in an instant.


A hundred miles ahead, the mountain range roared, and then there was a thousand-mile-long crack that directly split the mountain range ahead.

This sword cannot be blocked by 7th-layer.

Just cut off this sword, Mu Yun's face turned pale, gasping for breath.

The common people cut!

Under the concept of Sword Dao's heart, he deduced this move and cut it out directly. He was powerful and domineering, but he almost exhausted his efforts.

The root of the common people is to have common people in their hearts, but how vast and boundless is the common people of New World, how much can Mu Yun trifling 3rd layer of Daozhu?

Although Mu Yun looks pale, Mu Yun doesn't have any decadent color, on the contrary, he is full of joy.

I thought that the three styles of Clan Slash, Universe Slash, and Wan Ling Slash were no longer useful as they arrived at the realm of the Daozhu Realm.

But now, I understand the essence of the heart of Sword Dao, and once again evolve with the heart of Sword Dao, it is just a move from the common people, which is extremely powerful.

Only next, Mu Yun dare not continue to evolve Universe Slash and Wan Ling Slash.

He is afraid of directly evolving himself to death.

This kind of deduction consumes martial artist's mind.

For any level of martial arts, it is very difficult to create and spread.

It’s just that Mu Yun understands better, this style is not perfect yet, it is already so overbearing, if it can be deduced to be perfect...

Don’t think too much, Mu Yun silhouette will show off and leave here.

And leaving with Mu Yun, but a cup of tea time, in the mountain range, every silhouette comes.

The entire group, dressed in Free and Unfettered Palace disciple clothes, looked all around one by one.

The leader is He Wendong.

He Wendong also turned his face with Qu Qiqi, and took a part of the Free and Unfettered Palace dísciple to prepare for the secret trail.

Just now he felt the fighting here, and he came immediately.

"He senior brother!"

A Taoist 7th-layer dísciple said in horror: "It is the dísciple of the Cang clan, Wu Jingzhong, Yuan Zhongtian and... Ren Bo!"


He Wendong's silhouette fell, looking at the aura remaining on the cracked ground.

"It's really the three of them!"

He Wendong said in astonishment: "How could you...die here?"

These three are following Cang Sadly, it is Dao Pillar Realm 7th Layer itself, and the three of them work together to form the Dao Pillar 8th Layer Realm, which is also difficult to resist.

But now, the three of them are dead here.

He Wendong is puzzled.

At this moment, the air-splitting sound started.

Another line of several dozen people also appeared here.

The leader is the Cang Gongzhong of the Cang Clan.

Cang Gongzhong's expression changed, scolded: "Oh, He Wendong, you dare to kill the dísciple of our Cang clan, Laozi will kill you."

He Wendong is extremely angry. .

"Cang Gongzhong, are you blind? Can’t tell, this is not the battlefield where we fight, we just arrived."

Cang Gongzhong continues to roar. Said: "It's you, who killed Ren Bo and them, I killed you, and avenged them!" Cang Gongzhong is not a reckless person.

But at the moment, he is so irritable, He Wendong immediately understood.

This guy, deliberately!

What Cang Gongzhong cares about is not who killed the three of Ren Bo, but suspects that the supreme treasure in the palace was obtained by him, and wants to kill their entire group!

"Cang Gongzhong, do you think Laozi is afraid of you?"

He Wendong himself is the 8th layer realm of Daozhu, already not far from the ninth column.

Although Cang Gongzhong is Dao Pillar Realm 9th Layer, He Wendong is not afraid.

The rumbling sounded constantly, and the two troops completely played against each other.

And these have nothing to do with Mu Yun.

Fleeing thousands of miles away, Mu Yun looks for a cave at the foot of a mountain, sit cross-legged.

In the cave, the lighting stones are lit and the temperature is pleasant.

Mu Yun carefully experienced the concept of the heart of Sword Dao.

Actually, over the years, starting from the sword intent and step by step promotion to the concept, Mu Yun discovered that the concept fusion between man and sword seems to be endless, always Moving towards a situation that tends to perfection.

Now, Mu Yun also calmed down and carefully summarized his current methods.

First of all, there are Heavenly Art and Swallowing the Heavens Arts. The power of these two broken Dao Art is not to be underestimated, but because of the brokenness, as I continue to move forward in the realm of the road column, The lethality of these two Dao Art will gradually decrease.

Next are Innate Qi Secret Art and Heavenly Nether Sword Art.

Giving these two fathers to myself, the complete Tier 1 Dao Art is the top priority of Mu Yun cultivation.

And this time, Dao Altar collapsed, the road pillar collapsed, and the Dao Pillar was recondensing. The perception of the two Dao Art is even more different.

Apart from this is the Dao array method.

We must master Heavenly Cycle Star as soon as possible.

Only by mastering this Level 1 Dao formation, and being able to fully display the strongest power of this formation, he is not afraid of the 8th layer and 9th layer of the Daozhu.

Apart from this, is the common slashing style that I once again realized.

However, this style power is overbearing, but it loses eight hundred to kill one thousand. If you go down with a sword, the more you spend your mind, the stronger the power of this sword.

However, it also cut a sword.

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