white clothed youth looked towards Xie Qing and said again: "My legacy, after you merge, don’t be confused with your mind, your way is still on your own, although I Become Ancestral Dragon, but I walked my way. You should blaze a path for yourself so that you can surpass me in the future and become a true God Emperor!"

Hearing this, Xie Qing nodded and said "Good!"

white clothed youth laughed and said: "Although you and I are father and son, but I have never fulfilled my responsibility as father. I am ashamed of you."

"If there is an afterlife, I will definitely be a good father."

The white clothed youth moved towards Xie Qing walked and merged into Xie Qing's body, disappeared.

And on the huge mountain, the huge giant dragon body gradually shrinks at this time, and finally turns into a crooked Divine Dragon mark, which is engraved on the center of Xie Qing's forehead.

Xie Qing's eyes are a bit dim at this time, slowly kneeling down, and kowtow started talking: "Father, farewell!"

He has always been carefree, and he is fascinated by his own life experience. Fuzzy, in this myriad worlds, the only family he thinks is Mu Yun.

Whether he is Mu Yun's elder brother, father, grandfather, Mu Yun is the only family he always considers.

But when I saw his biological father today, he thought he could face it calmly, but there was still some sadness in his heart.

At this moment, in front of everyone, surrounded by mountains, a winding staircase descended from the sky.

The ladder rays of light are sacred.

"Is the above Heaven's Border as Sir Long said?"

Everyone looked up.

At this time, one after another air-splitting sound in the rear sounded at this time.

It’s just that when the one after another silhouette arrives, the first body, looked towards here, shouted: "Big Brother Mu!"


Seeing that person, Mu Yun immediately silhouetted out.

"Tianfan, what's the matter?"

At this time, behind Zu Tianfan, the warriors of Titan God Race followed, but at first glance, these people were all seriously injured. Extremely miserable.

Furthermore, Zu Tianzhen, is gone!

"Big Brother Mu!"

Zu Tianfan looked towards Mu Yun at this time, with a sad expression in his eyes: "My father...My father was killed by them!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone present trembled.

People gathered around and looked at Zu Tianfan. For a while, they didn't know what to say.

"Zu Tianzhen Quasi-Emperor Realm, the five Palace Lords teamed up. If Zu Tianzhen runs, they will not be able to kill..."

Zu Tianfan is in grief at this time. Said: "My father wants us to escape, this is..."

"He asked me to come to you."

Mu Yun looked at Zu Tianfan's grief, patted Its shoulders.

They naturally refer to the people in the Star God Palace.

Just, how can the unfathomable mystery of the Star God Palace take action against Titan God Race?

At this moment, one after another tyrannical aura burst out in the rear.

Aura, a tyrannical one, came here.

Obviously, when the people of the Star God Palace left, they have been sending people to pay close attention to Mu Yun and Xie Qing entire group.

"Meet again!"

The first silhouette is Di Wen Ting.

Di Wen Ting has several injuries at this time, looks pale, but smiles all over his face.

"Mu Yun, this is a gift for you Mu Clan father and son!"

His palm is one, and the ancestor Tianzhen's majestic body is held tightly by him.


Zu Tianzhen's body burst open at this time.



"Father!!!" Zu Tianfan was furious for a while.

Mu Yun looked towards the front with cold eyes: "Why?"


Di Wen Ting at this moment sneaked: "You really think, you father Is everything you do seamless?"

"absolute beginning Bone Dragon Clan Patriarch Long Baiyu is not dead, it is indeed my Star God Palace never thought of it."

" And the Jiang Family in Jiang Prefecture is supported by your father, and we don’t know, but Furong Tower was written by your father, but we know it."

"Mu Yun, I’m afraid you will not I know, how many people your father has won over the years?"

Di Wen Ting indifferently said: "In the fourth Heaven Realm, the fourth Heavenly Emperor Heavenly God Palace, and Ice God Palace and Titan God Race stand side by side."

"Ice God Palace is the side of the leaf race. Titan God Race has always supported your father, Mu Yun, I’m afraid you don’t know it?"


Di Wen Ting snorted: "In the past, the Bone Race Patriarch Gu Qingpeng, Titan God Race Patriarch Zu Tianzhen, and your father have known each other since Ruler Realm. The three can be said to have traveled along for a long time. Time, but later, the three gradually separated."

"Bone Qingpeng was killed, Gu Tongcang took his place, Bone Race and the fifth Heavenly Emperor came together."


"Zu Tianzhen, these years, it has been hidden, what your father did, I don't know about it, but I don't know it at all, it's impossible!"

Listen At these words, Mu Yun's face gradually cooled.

Titan God Race is also Mu Clan's side. Mu Yun does not know this.

Xie Qing snorted at this time: "So, you killed him to weaken our strength? Then let's try it out. Everyone has fought, fight again, and see who can beat whom!"

Xie Qing holds the Nether God Dragon Spear in his hand, and a whistling sound of Azure Dragon passes by.

Di Wen Que said in astonishment at this time: "Nether God Dragon Spear!"

And several Star God Palace Lords, as well as Xu Cangzi, Youtianque, all stared at startled .

Yes, it is really Nether God Dragon Spear.

"I still know this thing."

Xie Qing snorted: "Laozi took this spear today, and killed some of you!"

At this time, Tianshu Palace Lord and several people looked at this place.

This is not inside the Cangdi Palace Secret Realm, but another piece of Heaven and Earth time and space.

A few days ago, what happened again?

"hehe, Nether God Dragon Spear is a good thing, but, can you use it?"

A sullen laughter sounded at this time.

A voice, slowly appeared beside Di Wen Ting, with a bit of contempt in his eyes.

The person with cold laughter, dressed in a white robe, with long hair tied up, slender figure, gives a feeling of being full of burning aura.

Who is this?

At this time, Zu Tianfan was shouted: "Heavenly God Yang!"

"Heavenly God Palace One of the Four Palace Lords, Heavenly God Yang Palace Lord, is the emperor A capable man under the seat of Yu Tian."

Among the crowd, many people naturally recognize this Heavenly God Yang Palace Lord.

As the Heavenly God Yang Palace Lord appeared, a woman beside him also appeared in silhouette like a ghost.

"Heavenly God Yin!"

3rd day world, Heavenly God Palace overseeed by Emperor Yu Tian, ​​four Palace Lords, two appeared.

Heavenly God Yang!

Heavenly God Yin!

These two are the strengths of Quasi-Emperor Realm.

At this moment, Mu Yun raised his brows, and things didn't seem to be that simple anymore.

Here, Tilted God and Titled Emperor cannot enter, but Quasi-Emperor Level and Half-Step Transformation Emperor can be entered.

The five Palace Lords of the Star God Palace, the two Dragon Race Patriarch, plus Di Wen Ting and Di Wen are missing. Now, the helpers of Heavenly God Palace in the 3rd day world are here.

And as soon as they appeared, there were two Quasi-Emperors.

Fifth Heaven Realm, Heavenly Emperor, God Hyun Gate, and Bone Race.

The eighth Heaven Realm, Heavenly Emperor, Divine Sect, and Soul Race.

The Quartet, because of the trouble of Unfettered Sacred Ruins, can't get out of it.

And the Heavenly Emperor of the seventh Heaven Realm, in the most embarrassing situation, is even more impossible to send someone there.

Di Xuanhao of the 2nd day world, and Di Lei of the sixth Heaven Realm, these two are constrained by Phoenix Clan and Qilin Race.

Apart from this, only the 3rd day world and the fourth Heaven Realm are indeed able to come to help.

Yes, are they just these two?

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