At this moment, Mu Yun felt that she had nowhere to hide.

It seems that Heaven and Earth are all shrouded and swept across at this time.

And he became the target.

No matter where you flee, this heart will come directly to you.

If you can't run away, then don't run away!

Mu Yun made up his mind, with thunder patterns covering his whole body, and Heaven and Earth Furnace is floating above his head at this time.

At the same time, Mu Yun third, the seal of Tai Chi, burst out in an instant.


When it comes to this, it is for desperate sake!

How do you live if you don't work hard?

Mu Yun drank with one word, and the aura inside his body rolled and moved, and the third tai chi seal was instantly slashed out and went straight to the heart.


The seal of Tai Chi detonated the heart, but at this time, it also caused a big shock of rendering.

hong long long ……hong long long ……

The radius of several dozen miles Heaven and Earth is completely gone.

A mountain range was uprooted at this time.

The terrifying air wave bursts into the sky.

Mu Yun's body was wrapped up and disappeared.

At this moment, Xun Yuanshan, with a mouthful of blood crash-bang, looks even more miserable.

He will not die if he loses his heart, after all, his soul is still there.

However, the loss of the heart and the trauma to him are enormous.

Xun Yuanshan looked at the place filled with smoke and dust, starlight shattered, and his heart was slightly relaxed.

lose eight hundred to kill one thousand.

But when it comes to this, I have to do so.

"It's always yours to die." Xun Yuanshan muttered.


But at this moment, a voice suddenly rang around him.

In an instant, a mark of Tai Chi gathered behind Xunyuan Mountain, and an indifferent voice sounded: "Who is dead, isn't it?"


The words fall, and the seal of Tai Chi falls.

The fourth seal of Tai Chi, Mu Yun, condenses.

rumbling explosion spread, all around the space instantly collapsed, Xun Yuanshan’s back was directly hit by a mark, and he was self-destructing his heart. At this moment, he was completely hit by the door. The whole body instantly fell to the ground, smashing into the ground.

At this moment, Mu Yun still has not stopped.

Holding the Ashen Emperor Pagoda in one hand, a tower smashed directly down.


clang clang clang!

one after another sonorous sound, which kept ringing at this time.

Ashen Emperor Pagoda directly slammed down again and again, and the terrifying cracking sound continued to erupt. In the end, Mu Yun didn't have a trace of strength before he stopped.

Now, I should die.

Mu Yun hasn't reached the realm of Emperor Hua, and I don't know how powerful the soul of Emperor Hua is at the realm level.

But the Ashen Emperor Pagoda broke out and smashed it desperately. After all, it was able to smash the dying Xun Yuanshan with no resistance.

At this moment, Di Wen Ting and Di Wen are missing two people, and their faces are extremely ugly.

Some time ago, Mu Yun and Xie Qing jointly smashed Li Kaiyang.

But now, Mu Yun alone can kill Xun Yuanshan.

This kind of growth is too fast and too fast.

Haiyuan and Gu Yanzhong also saw this scene.

Haiyuan said with a laugh: "Worthy of being the son of Mu Qingyu and Ye Yushi, he has the style of Mu Qingyu back then, hahahaha......"

Gu Yanzhong is also nodded at this time .

"Maybe it won’t be long before this kid will become the Half-Step Transformation Emperor. I really don’t know what strength this kid will be after he becomes the Half-Step Transformation Emperor!"

But some people are happy and some are worried.

Xu Cangzi and You Tianque are both gloomy at this time.

The blood feud Wei Wei is dead.

The Dragon White Wing, who was originally a helper, became Dragon White Feather, but instead became an enemy.

Nowadays, Xun Yuanshan is killed. For them, there is nothing to distress. But the problem is that Mu Yun can kill Xun Yuanshan, which means that Mu Yun already possesses the power of Half-Step Transformation Emperor.

If you want to kill this child, it's not that easy.

Even Quasi-Emperor wants to kill Mu Yun, it is very difficult.

The development of things to this day can only be said to be the full stupid of the Star God Palace.

Just these words, a few people only dared to slander a few words in their hearts.

Mu Yun is standing on the ground at this time, swallowing and purifying bloodline power and working, half-Step Transformation Emperor Realm's Essence, Qi, and Spirit, how vast and powerful?

Mu Yun will get this Essence, Qi, and Spirit and gather in the body.


"I know."

Di Wenque's words fell, Di Wenque left.

"Want to go? Dream."

At this time, Long Baiyu held the Common People Seal and smashed it down. The void shattered and turned into a void chain, directly rushing towards Di Wen is missing.

But Di Wenting's silhouette flashed at this time, appearing in front of the void chain, both hands forming seals, condensing a void gate, blocking everything.

At this moment, Di Wen rushed to Mu Yun's body. Without a word, he punched directly and fell instantly.


Fisting wind roars and faces Mu Yun.

At the time, Mu Yun's body was covered by the fist wind, disappeared, and the whole person aura seemed to be annihilated.

After the sandstorm passed, Mu Yun's body was lying between a piece of rubble. Ashen Emperor Pagoda and Heaven and Earth Furnace both protected his body.

"Damn it."

Di Wenque cursed at this moment.

Heaven and Earth Furnace! Great Desolate supreme treasure.

Ashen Emperor Pagoda, an Emperor Artifact.

Even if Mu Yun can't use the two Peak powers, he is already able to defend him from an attack.

"Star God tactics, Heaven and Earth star burst!"

With a single word, Di Wen was very angry at this time. There is blood between the both hands forming seals. The essence flows out tick tick tick, and merges into the star meteorite in front of you.

The meteorite instantly turned into hundreds and thousands feet, as if falling from the sky, directly attacked in front of Mu Yun.


With one word, the star meteorite came to Mu Yun in an instant, in an instant, bursting open.

But right now.

In the void.

The arrows came all the way through the air in an instant.

One after another arrow, full of hundreds of feet long, cut out in the air, fast as lightning, hit the star meteorite directly, and burst open instantly.

At this moment, a silhouette also appeared in front of Mu Yun and fell steadily.

The star meteorite exploded and did not reach Mu Yun.

That beautiful shadow, with a pale face at this time, stood in front of Mu Yun, started talking: "Are you okay?"

Mu Yun was also relaxed when he saw the visitor. Opening his mouth, blood spurted out, mixed with internal organs.

The battle between Ben and Xun Yuanshan has been exhausted. Di Wen missed a punch and almost killed him.

This breath is relieved, and Mu Yun can be regarded as reaching the limit.

"Can't die!"

Mu Yun was struggling to stand up at this time, but she couldn't stand up anyway, lying on the gravel.

On the other side, Di Wenque looked ruthless when she saw the beautiful figure in front of Mu Yun.

"Wen Yuewen!"

This woman from the Half-Step Transformation Emperor Realm has too much supreme treasure on her body.

The dozens of arrows surrounding him should be a set of Emperor Artifact!

When in this Azure Billow World, Half-Emperor Artifact and Emperor Artifact are so worthless. The Half-Emperor Artifact and Emperor Artifact that this woman displays are different every time.

"Emperor Clan lineage, almost dead, and there are not many survivors. You still have to take care of your business. Do you really think I'm Imperial Clan a bully?"

Di Wen lacked indifferently said.

Wen Yuewen heard this, but just looked at Di Wen's absence, and did not speak.

I saw many friends saying that Long Yunteng was not dead and was replaced by Half-Emperor Artifact. The snail kept taking notes. It was recorded in the notes that he was dead. After checking it, it was indeed not dead. I It’s wrong, but the follow-up plot has been spread out, and there is no way to change it. Everyone regards that piece of Long Yunteng dead, bow and apologize

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