leading man was captured nine infants, pre-Qin dust fell on the body, is under pressure in nine infants claw, unable to move even a little bit.

"Behave yourself."

At this point nine nine infants head, stare that lead men.

Qin dust looked towards this man, asked: "? Now, you can say what's going on now."

"offend Yu Family, this day Southern Region of Western China in you never expect to live anymore! "

Qin dust heard this, looked at nine infants.

nine infants a direct head out, pu chi heard, a few leading men's arm.


The miserable howl sounded.

"ask what, answer, do not you?"

leading men face deathly pale and said: "This woman but Ares House Building female war Lord of War Tian Yu Ling Yun ! "

" that why you killed her? "

" Ares House and Yu Family and this is not, this war Ling Yun came to the Southern Region, which we Yu Family martial artist find that we are Feng Yu Young Master Chengfeng the command to kill this woman. "

Yu wind?

Qin dust probably understand how it was.

"Ares floor, and Yu Family should be the same, one of the seven overlord, Building Lord war Tian Yu, also a powerhouse Peak's territory without me, you really dare Yu Family ......"

Upon hearing this, the man then said: "this Xihua days, three giants, seven overlord, has always been, the surface may cooperate, privately Zhibuding you kill me, I kill you people, nothing afraid of "

His words, Qin dust and then said with a smile:". that I encountered, hard luck, and God of War floor and I was still some sources, this woman, I saved! "


man leading complexion changed.

"You have saved no less than her, here near the million li area are Yu Family site, you can even kill me and so on, you can counterbalance ecstasy territory, territory powerhouse it without me?"


Qin dust palm grip, nine infants sent directly to the person on the west.

At this point, Lee idle fish embrace the TV drama war Ling Yun, looked towards Qin Dust Road: "Master, You really know that war Tian Yu?"

"ah ...... "

Qin dust nodded and said:.". Yunyang first return to the city to talk about it "

" good "

clean, master and disciple with two the war lost consciousness Ling Yun, return Yunyang City.

on the road, Qin dust with his right.

"I was ninth World Babel Great Emperor, has also been called a lot of people for the body Dili, eighth World transfer to another body refinement, book" The body of the book. ""

"Chen Xing Yi with me, together traveled for three days, and everywhere people are more body refinement with high and low, rich "body book" in the record. "

" That year, came to the West China days, to get to know the war tian Yu, but that all the ten thousand years ago. "

Qin dust in three days after IV.

From the nine origins Pill Emperor, to refine days Great Emperor, then Feng Kong holy, is the final eighth World Babel Great Emperor.

and the ninth world, is located within the three days.

him to this life now, probably gone through thousands of years of time.

from the eighth world, 10,000 years much time, the almost 20,000 years.

war Tian Yu 20,000 years ago, it has yet to quadrupole realm.

In a flash, Mars became the floor of the Building Lord.

"This is the time to 40,000 years, in three days, many, many things, great changes are happening."

Qin Tian Yu dust like the thought of war in general , then said with a smile: "but this kid, it should not be changed so much."

Lee busy fish is slightly smiled.

It appears that the, Master still very fond of.

Two late-night return to the government within the cloud, other homes inhabited, cloud frost also gave orders not to disturb others at random.

Ling Yun will have to fight on the couch, Qin dust then said:. "Fish, her clothes faded"


"What ah ah, doctor benevolence, non-discriminatory, smelly brat, did not experience gentile!"

Lee busy fish embarrassment faded clothes for the war Ling Yun, only to see his body, round after round of bloodstains, deep visible bone.

Qin dust then said: "First it helped her deal with trauma, life ring damage to the environment is the foundation of my really problem, too slowly nursed back to health."

"ah ...... "

busy time of night, finally the war Ling Yun life stabilized.

2nd day, cloud frost comes, we are asking Qin dust cloud frost ask for some medicine ingredient.

is the frost from the mouth of the cloud, now we learned of two cases.

"Yang Tin House there is now also engaged in a auction, I can now be sure, some people secretly helped Yang Family, we deal with Yun Family, and must not influence Yunyang the city!"

cloud frost'm sure, Yunyang city, the existence of Pill Master, she knows.

Qin dust cloud frost listening to his right, eventually pick up a pen to write a few doors pill recipe again, to the cloud frost, said with a smile: ". Continue"

"to continue the auction, continue grinding out new medicine pill, as long as the cloud Xiange a medicine pill, the effect is better than Yang Tin House, cheaper, Yang Tin House will be lost."

looked Qin dust is readily write six kinds pill recipe, a cloud frost spent some time.

She can not help but think, just two months ago, Lee idle Fish said, Qin dust wake up, be sure to repay their Yun Family.

Lee thought she was just some Hansha busy fish, not taking seriously.

But now it seems ......

Lee busy fish that is not Hansha, but he knew Qin dust have the ability and strength.

With the pill recipe, it would have a medicine pill, suppression Yang Tin House, and not too difficult.

"Young Master Qin, thank you!"

"Do not mention it." Qin dust bluntly: "I do not just to you Yun Family, but also to export my stupid discíple foul smells. "

cloud frost nodded.

"These days, there Xiange cloud too busy these last medicine ingredient, has hopes of finding, and within ten days, will be sent, when the time comes to the joint of your medicine ingredient, brought together. "

" good. "

Qin dust clear, the core of the pill technique, he was out, Yun Family make good use of, defeated Yang Family conspiracy, not problem.

Yang behind Family certainly Pill Master support.

However, to address the pill technique, at this point want to beat him Qin dust, do not say Xihua days, that is, in three days, no one can do it.

This self-confidence, Qin dust is still there.

in a row a few days time, master and disciple duo, there is daily war among the coma dressing Ling Yun, Li busy fish is accustomed to.

Every time helped dressing, Lee idle meditation fish is a hundred times: Master is a healer, I was assistant doctor, doctor benevolence, I'm not taking advantage!

On this day, a large morning, Qin dust wake up from among the meditation.

Lee idle time these fish dressing has been quite skilled, do not stare at Qin dust.

hospital, Qin dust slowly gymnastics.

pa!! !

a very loud applause Pakistan, is outside the room, Qin dust in the courtyard, are heard clearly.

without a long time, Li busy fish out from another room, holding medicinal liquid, swollen cheek.

Qin dust looked at, like laughing and simmering.

"Master, she woke up."

Qin dust nodded and said: "ah, look out ......"

"Master, you ...... you intentional, right? "

Lee busy fish aggrieved.

No wonder the past few days do not go to Master dressing, let him come.

This is a woman wake up and see the whole body naked, the man standing beside a fraud, and up is a slap in the face.


Qin dust with a straight face: "You forgot to say as a teacher, doctor benevolence, Evil That gentleman behavior, be misunderstood, sometimes inevitable. "

Lee busy fish lengleleng, no words to refute.

At the moment, the door opened again, a shadows, leaning on the doorframe, weak standing there.

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