Supreme Daddy

Chapter 998 Entering the Void (Third Update)

They all saw a small figure next to Ling Yun, but it was blurry no matter how they looked.

The little guy rubbed his eyes, feeling sleepy and wanted to sleep in Ling Yun's arms. Then Beibei secretly whispered to the little guy while Ling Yun was watching the battlefield.


The two of them sat next to Ling Yun, watching the duel between the undead and the sword master in the distance.

The red sword on the sword master's body trembled continuously, splitting into thousands of sword shadows in the blink of an eye, colliding with the sword energy in the void, erupting into dazzling sparks.

Around it, the void continued to collapse and was torn apart by sword energy. It became a ruined place, with chaotic power surging and terrifying.

Ling Yun frowned and secretly thought that the inheritance obtained by this generation of sword masters was pretty good, but the undead could not do anything about it for the time being.

Papa, is it one of us? The little guy pointed at the undead, feeling a sense of familiarity.


It can't do it. Why don't we help it? Beibei said.

Wait a little longer. Ling Yun took a sip of tea, he was not in a hurry.

Beibei and the little guy looked at each other, and the latter suddenly disappeared. Ling Yun smiled.

Haha, guess where my sister went? Beibei squinted her eyes and smiled.

Ling Yun said: Is there any reward?


Then I won't guess.

Ling Yun knew that he had gone to his void space, and he didn't know what the two of them saw in him.

Beibei pouted and diverted Ling Yun's attention, shouting: That's awesome, the one with the knife is the bad guy.

Ling Yun watched the fight in the distance, distractedly observing the little guy's every move in his void space.

The little guy who just entered felt dizzy when he saw the sudden change in the surrounding scene.

Unexpectedly, when I recovered and before I could stand firm, there was a sudden sound of strong wind blowing from my head.


A ball of something passed over her head, scaring her so much that she quickly lay down and remained motionless.

After the thing flew over, it flew into the air again and stopped there.

The little guy felt the powerful zhenqi fluctuations and was so panicked that he lay quietly on the grass and didn't dare to move.

In mid-air, there was actually the fire bird whose body was filled with fire! !

It's just that this firebird is very big, twice the body of the little guy.

It stared at the little guy, and then it became very small, a little bigger than her hand. At first glance, it didn't look powerful at all, but it was quite cute.

The firebird in the sky flew over her head again.

Without its size advantage, it has become so small that little guys won’t be afraid of it at all.

How could she hide anymore? She stretched out her hand to grab it.

Unexpectedly, it turned over nimbly and escaped from her hand. It was so agile that she missed the opportunity.

The little guy was so surprised that he chased the firebird relentlessly, pounced and grabbed at it, vowing to catch this flying guy!

But no matter how hard she tried, she always fell short. Not only could she not catch the firebird, but after trying for a long time, she was exhausted to death.

After a while, she had to give up, stopped and lay on the grass, panting and looking at the firebird in the sky.

No more playing, it's not fun. The little guy muttered, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, which was really cute.

Unexpectedly, the little guy lost his intention to catch it, and instead it slowly sank.

The little flamingo gradually came closer, opened its beak, and made several sharp and cute calls, and suddenly stopped above her head.


The little guy smiled happily and slowly reached out to catch it.

No way?

I chase you desperately and you won't let me chase you. If I don't chase you, will you back me up?

Anyway, the little guy caught it. The feathers on its body were very beautiful and it was a real flame. Fortunately, it had no ill intentions towards the little guy.

The little flamingo did not fly again and remained in the palm of her right hand. It closed its eyes and seemed to be asleep.

The little guy gently held the little flamingo, and gently stroked its head and back with his other hand. The latter made a gentle chirping sound and seemed to be enjoying it.

You will be my little pet from now on. The little guy seems to like this firebird very much, it is as cute as her.

After teasing the little firebird for a while, she remembered the business. She was going to come in to find the treasure, and Beibei had asked her to explore the way.

Lingyun's void space was too big. The little guy was tired. He walked for a long time and didn't see any treasures. He did see a few apple trees.

Ling Yun outside smiled. That was the space where he planted fruit trees. His void was divided into many layers. In the little guy's case, he would be completely lost if he didn't come out.

Soon the little guy couldn't stand it anymore and hurriedly slipped out, holding the little flamingo in his hand.

Beibei was stunned for a moment, and then asked: How is it?

That's the treasure! The little guy's eyes turned gloomy as he held up the little flamingo and showed it to Beibei.

Beibei looked at the little fire bird, and his eyes widened instantly: Is it a strange fire? Haha.

Papa, what is it? I'll tell you, Sissi caught it. The little guy asked curiously, with an arrogant expression on his face.

The little firebird was very afraid of Ling Yun and was trembling in the little guy's hand.

Ling Yun was amused, remembering how embarrassed the little guy was when he was catching birds just now.

Bad daddy, don't laugh.

The little guy suppressed his blush, and he must have thought about why Ling Yun was laughing.

Don't laugh, haha. My daughter is awesome. This bird is an ancient species. It can't be seen in the twelve regions now. It is extinct.

Ling Yun smiled and touched the little guy's head. The latter pouted and stared, imitating Beibei's fierce behavior.


Sissi and Beibei immediately stared at Little Firebird, who was a little uncomfortable and looked at them with inexplicable panic.

boom! !

boom! ! !

In an instant!

The sky is filled with golden sword shadows, turbulent and turbulent, like a river, making people by the river tremble and tremble uncontrollably.

The undead absorb the death energy of the underworld, and their power is violent. Ling Yun nodded, this next generation of sword masters will not last long.

Seen from a distance, the undead's figure is motionless, and its murderous red eyes reveal a scarlet brilliance that seems to penetrate the sky and the earth.

Everyone was shocked and stunned, marveling at the terror of the sword master, who could actually display such a terrifying sword energy frenzy, and also feared the methods of the undead, just like the devil.

The Sword Territory is miserable. They are all the newly recruited younger brothers of the generation of Sword Masters. They were killed by the demon and left no trace of their armor. Many people chose to surrender!

And Ling Yun's order was to leave no one behind, so the screams never stopped and kept coming from the other side.

The little guy and Beibei didn't care about fighting. They took out all their pets, prepared some snacks, and fed them!

After a while!

The little guy was sleepy and yawned repeatedly. She told Ling Yun that she wanted to sleep.

Ling Yun picked her up and gently snapped his fingers to help the undead end the battlefield quickly.

His move shattered the sword domain, and there was another violent collision. In the dazzling light, the world was eclipsed, and there was only one person left in the entire sword domain, and that was the first-generation sword master!

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