Supreme Daddy

Chapter 985 Frozen Man (Second update)

Ling Yun laughed...

Yes, Tang Monk's meat is also right.

Beibei shook his head and said: We don't want to eat them, they are so cute.

The little guy nodded and thought he shouldn't eat them.

Little Eileen scratched her head, blinked her eyes, and asked in confusion: Why, the baby is hungry, and he has never eaten Tang Monk meat.

The gray old man's mouth twitched, what were they talking about? What was the ancient ice cicada used to eat? Vomiting blood!

Half fried? Ling Yun asked.

The little guy looked at the ice cicadas flying all over the hole, a little afraid of them, and nodded hesitantly.

Little Irene was so happy that all she could think of was the image of Bingchan being made into delicious food by Ling Yun.

Beibei curled her lips and said: Then...okay.

The cave full of ice cicadas shivered and began to fly everywhere, very afraid of Ling Yun. The grizzled old man flattered him repeatedly and said: Senior is awesome.

Ling Yun waved his hand, and at least half of the ice cicadas screamed, and then he put them away and planned to fry them.

The little guy couldn't bear what was left, so he put it into the palm of her hand and kept it as a pet. It was a pity that there was no Ice Cicada King.

Ling Yun looked into the depths and asked, Is the Ice Soul Divine Pearl inside?

Yes, senior, that's it. The grizzled old man nodded uncertainly. He had never been here before, and the previous Ice Soul Divine Orbs usually lingered in the outermost layer.

He had never been to this place before. Following his answer, Ling Yun took the three little guys and went deeper.

In front of an ice building!

The little guy opened his mouth wide and looked at the statue in front of him!

Ling Yun shook his head and said, these are all frozen people, not ice sculptures.

The gray old man's eyes widened. What kind of place are these? It seems that he has never heard of them.

This is...this is the Great Emperor, and this is the Incomparable Sword Master, the Demon!

Oh my god, all the most famous people are here. The grizzled old man was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped. The people frozen in front of him were all such powerful people. I counted five or six more.

The little guy frowned and pulled Ling Yun and said, Papa, they can still move.

She sensed that those people still had the breath of life!

Beibei tapped an iceman lightly, and the iceman shattered into ice shards. Unfortunately, the devil died before appearing.

The gray old man's mouth twitched. He was not dead just now, but now he is completely dead.

Ling Yun said: Don't move, you all, I'll take a look.

The words have fallen!

He attached one hand to the Great Emperor, and then made a few hand seals. Everything that happened in this frozen place appeared before his eyes like a movie.

The ice cave still has a history. It used to be an ordinary cave and a dilapidated attic.

One day, an old man with a white beard invited many friends including the Great Emperor, the Incomparable Sword Master, and the Demon King to come!

Judging from the picture, they are going to be referees together. The son of the old man with white beard and his most proud disciple will have a showdown, and the one who wins can take over his position as the leader.


After fighting for a long time, his son lost half of his moves, and his disciple won without any accident.

At this time, the old man with the white beard felt compassion and became selfish, not wanting the fact that his son had lost to be spread.

Not wanting anyone else to take over his position, he looked highly at his son and muttered about his disciple's strength.

All of a sudden!

He used the Ice Soul Divine Bead in his body and instantly froze the entire cave. Except for his son and disciple, everyone else was frozen, forming the ice cave at this moment.

Moments before the white-bearded old man was frozen, he gave his son a sword manual and asked him to take it out and carry forward the sect.

Beibei's eyes widened. Isn't that sword manual the one she has in her hand?

After reading it, Ling Yun sneered: Ignorant, since you don't want to pass on the position of master to others, why bother pretending to compete?

He is the head of the Sword Sect, and he returns with one sword!

The gray old man replied, he was shocked to the point of numbness, secretly wondering what method Ling Yun had just used? He could see what had happened before, including the Great Emperor and the others, and he had a chance encounter with them.

The little guy said curiously: Daddy, they are all blocked by the bad old man. They are so pitiful.

Beibei returned pointing a sword and said in a sweet voice: This is him, dead.

She glared angrily at the old man with a white beard, although she didn't understand why the sword book flowed out of his hand.

Ling Yun shrugged and smiled: Maybe, who knows.

The little guy pouted, she saw something good, the Ice Soul Divine Bead was on the top of the cave, and she was staring at the top of the ice tower.

Huh? Where's my sister! Beibei blinked and looked around, but couldn't see her.

Little Eileen said: Ah ha, it's up there.

Several people looked up and saw the little guy preparing to take the Ice Soul Divine Bead.

The grizzled old man shouted: It's the Ice Soul Divine Bead! Why is it up there?

That expression was so shocking...

The little guy covered his mouth and smiled, and was about to reach out to get it, but the Ice Soul Divine Bead radiated a chill and immediately flew away.

Beibei also flew to chase!

Little Irene even breathed fire to stop the Ice Soul Divine Orbs from flying around.

All of a sudden!

A gust of extremely cold wind emanated from the Ice Soul Divine Pearl. The little guy and Beibei were fine, but little Irene and the gray old man were instantly frozen.

The little guy laughed and said, Little Eileen is so stupid.

Beibei flew down and gently touched little Irene's ice sculpture. Then she scratched her head and said she couldn't help it.

Ling Yun stamped his foot, and little Irene and the gray old man were saved. The Bingso Divine Pearl panicked and began to swim quickly.

A smile appeared on Ling Yun's lips, and he said, Fei? It's too late! It doesn't matter whether you did it on purpose or not.

All the ways out are surrounded by heaven and earth cages arranged by Ling Yun. The Ice Soul Divine Pearl is very sharp and will never be foolish enough to get in.

This really surprised Ling Yun. It could actually know the danger.

The Ice Soul Divine Bead couldn't get out and began to stay on the top of the cave. It seemed to be angry, and the cold air in the cave became more and more cold.

The little guy asked curiously: Daddy, why doesn't it go out?

Yes, yes! Beibei nodded, she was also curious.

Little Eileen asked: Is it playing with us?

Ling Yun nodded, half-squinting his eyes, and smiled bitterly: Yes, it is playing with us.

Following Ling Yun's words, the grizzled old man clearly realized that the Ice Soul Divine Bead could escape from the ground. If it was so well-behaved now, there must be something wrong with it.

The chill in the ice cave disappeared for a while. The little guys stared at the ice sculptures with wide eyes and disbelief. They began to melt!

The grizzled old man swallowed his saliva and kept muttering Live, live!

Ling Yun glanced at the Great Emperor who opened his eyes first, and then looked back at the Ice Soul Divine Pearl. It was gone.

The Great Emperor yelled angrily: Brother Yijian, it's a shame that I treat you as a friend, but you actually...

Talking, talking...

He stopped talking and was looking at Ling Yun and the others with vigilance. The little guy and Beibei were hiding behind Ling Yun, and the three of them all stuck out their little heads.

When the sword came back, his momentum was released, and the broken ice on his body immediately broke. He replied: I'm sorry, I have no choice.

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