Supreme Daddy

Chapter 946 It’s all over

Little Irene took advantage of the little guy and Beibei not paying attention, and she ate those bugs. She could improve her cultivation by eating these bugs, which were better than soul crystals.

Because I ate it secretly, I took a few bites and my mouth was full of yellow color.


Beibei caught sight of it.

Handsome, look at you, if you don't cook, little Irene will be so hungry that she will eat shit.

She imitated the little guy and pinched his nose. Long Yanran couldn't help but laugh or cry. This little creature really regarded bugs as shit and couldn't change it.

Ling Yun had a headache. He waved his hand and said, I'll do it in the afternoon!

The sky chirped...

The flaming tiger on Ling Yun's shoulder flew out and ran outside in an instant.

When everyone heard the cry, they immediately reacted and knelt down.

The messenger is here!


Ling Yun sneered, a mythical beast like a roc? messenger? He was dying laughing!

Don't be unreasonable, you must kneel down. A certain Immortal Emperor shouted, kneeling on the ground and pointing at Ling Yun and the others.

Ling Yun stood up and walked directly out to see the so-called Dapeng envoy.

The little guy laughed and immediately followed Ling Yun. Beibei had already arrived outside.

As soon as they came out, they saw a huge roc bird that covered the sky and the sun.

The Flame Tiger was also gradually growing in size. The two glared at each other, full of deep hostility to each other. They seemed to be natural enemies.

After everyone in Star Reaching City knelt down and worshiped, they were looking at the two of them.

A flaming tiger with its whole body on fire, and a roc with shiny black feathers.

The roc is a mythical beast in the realm of the God of Death, and is quite popular with the God of Death. Due to its personality, it will not surrender to anyone. The God of Death could not bear to kill it, so he made it a messenger, and everyone must respect it.


What came out of the roc's mouth was just one word.


The Blazing Tiger was also on the ground, grinning and staring at the Dapeng.

Everyone scolded the Flame Tiger: Where did this monster come from? It actually provoked the messenger.

Needless to say, Ling Yun also knew what to do, and killed the Dapeng Bird.

There is a huge difference in strength between the two. One is slightly better than the Demon King level, and the other is at the Demon King level. The Blazing Tiger is no match for the Dapeng Bird.

Beibei said: Little Huzi, bite its wings.

This was a good suggestion. The roc bird had indeed changed its moves. It was very handy in the sky, while the flaming tiger was at ease on the ground.

Zi Ran said hurriedly: Sir, call your horse back quickly. It is an envoy, and his strength is as great as the heavens.

Queen Yaoyue smiled: What kind of son are you? You called him that, what kind of messenger? It's just a dead bird.

dead bird…

These words must have made everyone angry, and everyone around them drew their swords.

Long Yanran quickly grabbed the three little guys and let them go aside to avoid being affected by the sudden fight.

Kneel down? A certain Immortal Emperor pointed his sword at Queen Yaoyue!

Or die!

The other one was even more ruthless, slashing at the flaming tiger with one knife, killing the chicken to scare the monkeys!

Fiery Tiger: ...

Ziran: ...

She said everything she needed to say, let it go as it happened.

Go! Queen Yaoyue hid behind Ling Yun, she was being smart.

Go, you go, I will do the damage from behind, and you have to protect me and my sister. Beibei's round eyes kept rolling.

The little guy secretly uses his ultimate move, Shenwei!

It's a pity that her Blood Dragon Yuan can't be used.


Do you feel it?



What move, I can't move! A certain Immortal Emperor lay on the ground, his face pale.

I can move a little.

Why is there nothing wrong with me?

Let me touch it, oh... I'm fine too. Where are you acting?

Everyone was confused. The little guy scratched his head and looked at Ling Yun. The latter shrugged. Some of their Immortal Emperors have strong physical skills, but their divine power cannot be compared with the supreme suppression.

Qixian fought with the immortal emperors who were fine, and the surrounding land was rolled up, rumbling, and many houses collapsed.

There are more and more people in Star Reaching City, and they are really united.

Zi Ran couldn't control the crowd, so she said urgently: Follow me, otherwise you will all die. The situation here will soon attract the Death Knife and the Bull Monster Saint. They are the guardians of the law.

Ling Yun nodded at Long Yanran. He knew what Ziran was planning, so he asked Long Yanran to take them away from here temporarily.

Master Ziran? You...

I'm not dazzled? They are enemies, and the envoy is still there.

Everyone was puzzled, but they didn't stop Ziran because Qixian's ultimate move left them no time to look around.

You leave too! Ling Yun said displeased!

Queen Yaoyue shook her head: I want to watch a show, you can't stop me.

Qixian shouted: Cousin, help.

Facing so many perverts, he was unable to fight against all four with his two fists. He was punched many times and stabbed several times in the back.

After Ziran took Long Yanran and others out of the city, the little guy and Beibei wanted to go back. Long Yanran had already thought about it.

She said: Don't worry, there are many treasures here. If they come out, they will rob one. The treasures are all yours.

The little guy and Beibei thought it was a lot of fun, and their little heads kept nodding.

Queen Yaoyue sat cross-legged on the ground, and as soon as the lady's piano came out, she started playing.

After listening to a piece of music that disturbed people's minds, everyone went a little crazy and complained to each other. In the end, they started fighting each other because of a little dissatisfaction.

The roc muttered: Sacred weapon? Lady's harp! Who are you?

Judging from the tone, it knows Lady Qin, so Ling Yun cannot let him go. The Dapeng must die because Ling Yun wants its memory.

Some knowledge. Queen Yaoyue said in a pretentious manner, even though she was fake, she had to take it seriously.

Humph! Humph!

The roc bird made a few strange noises, the music of the Lady's Piano became chaotic, and everyone in Star Reaching City immediately regained their consciousness.

damn it!

Smelly bitch!

I'll give you eighteen bucks, I'll eat it raw, it's a witchcraft.

Suddenly Queen Yaoyue became the target of a group fight. She shuddered violently, and Qixian shouted: Cousin, you go first, go out to find them, I will take care of them.

Queen Yaoyue looked at Calm Lingyun. She stopped playing and slipped away in an instant. A few of them chased after her. Qixian retreated towards Lingyun while fighting.

Ling Yun waved his hand and knocked away the Immortal Emperor beside Qixian.

Qixian gasped and said, Thank you.


There's something wrong with the air!

Everyone had the same question as Qixian. They stopped temporarily and looked at the sky. The roc was about to fly away. It was very scared!

tread! tread!

The ground collapsed, there were earthquakes, and rumblings, and everyone could hardly stand.

The flaming tiger is in pursuit!

Suddenly, a purple thunder appeared in the sky, like a dragon breaking through the clouds, shocking the world. One of the wings of the roc was hit, unable to fly, and it fell outside the city.


Ling Yun doesn’t allow it!

The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the air was shattered like a spider web, which was extremely scary.

Qixian looked at the sky and lowered his head. He was suddenly frightened and collapsed on the ground. Unknown to him, Lingyun's momentum changed and a pair of golden luminous wings grew out of his back.

The first god form has arrived...

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