Supreme Daddy

Chapter 910 Xiaoxue leaves

Ling Yun comforted her again: You shake your head because you don't want to talk to Xiaoxue, and you don't want to recognize her.

The little guy burst into tears and coughed a few times: Dad, I... want Sister Xiaoxue to change back, change back quickly! I want... to play together!

Ling Yun: ...

Ji Wuxue couldn't bear it, she said: Come Qianqian, sister will give you a hug. You will grow up soon, and we can play together then.

No, I don't want you to hug me! The little guy shook his head and refused.

After coaxing the three children for a long time, they finally accepted it.

Ji Wuxue took a bite of the little guy, smiled, and stood up: I'm still your sister, Sissi, I'm leaving. You can't be so naughty in the future, always worrying my uncle.



Only then did the little guy know that Ji Wuxue was leaving here, and he cried again!

You're not allowed to leave, Sister Xiaoxue, please don't leave, okay? I'll give you the ice cream dad gave me...

Baby, I'll give you some soul crystals, wuwu... don't leave.

Xiao Xue!

Beibei still didn't change her tune. She rubbed her red eyes and said, I'll let you be the eldest sister.

Long Yanran sighed...

Ling Yun walked out, and the voice came back: Parting is for a better encounter. My child, let's not embarrass Xiaoxue, okay.

The little ones held it in without crying, rubbed their eyes and followed Ji Wuxue out.

In the front yard in front of me, the black hole has emerged.

The little guy twisted his mouth and stretched out his hand for Ji Wuxue to hug him: Hug, woo woo...

Boo! Ji Wuxue hugged her, kissed her and put her down, and then it was little Irene's turn.

When Beibei arrived, the latter shook his head and refused, and said, I'll let you hold me, so why don't you leave?

Long Yanran's lips twitched, you are the smartest!

Ji Wuxue knelt down and gave her a hug. When she wasn't paying attention, she pinched Beibei's cheek and said, Beibei, come to my house to play in the future. Do you remember?


Beibei's eyes were filled with tears again.

Okay, goodbye everyone. Ji Wuxue turned her back to them, her eyes had already started to turn red, and she stepped into the black hole step by step.

Goodbye Xiaoxue. Long Yanran waved her hand!

Ling Yun nodded!

After the black hole disappeared, the little guy ran up and threw himself into the air, lying on the lawn crying again.

There's no such thing as a banquet in the world that never ends. Ling Yun turned around and went back to the living room, telling Long Yanran not to worry about her and to let her cry, otherwise she would feel uncomfortable.

Beibei ran back to the room and cried!

Little Eileen seemed to be the most heartless, sitting on the lawn while playing games, crying from time to time.

The little guy didn't cry for long. He turned over, looked at the stars in the sky, and started to count.

Have you counted yet?


Get up quickly, let's take a shower. Long Yanran lay next to her and said.

Is there a story? The little one blinked her eyes, her tears had long since dried up, and she was lying on her back, playing with her feet.

Yes, your father said so. He helped you take a bath while bragging to you.


The little guy laughed, and all his unhappiness was taken away by this laugh.

Little Eileen, your play time is over. Come on and take a shower.

Long Yanran hugged the little guy and shouted to little Irene on the side.

Oh my God, I lost again. As expected, my sister is still better. Little Eileen stood up immediately, muttering dissatisfiedly. She was beaten badly after being beaten for a long time.

The little guy didn't make any fuss while taking a bath. Maybe he thought about it. The bathroom was filled with the laughter of the two of them playing.

A few reckless ants came to the front yard of the villa, and Ling Yun asked Long Yanran to go out and play with them.

These were all killers, hired by the Han family of Bangzi Kingdom. Ling Yun followed the clues and immediately knew who was involved.

Ling Yun was not going to let them go this time. In Blue Star, it should always be the rule to fight violence with violence and to stop killing with killing, regardless of the situation.

As long as there are people, there will be struggles, jealousies, and desires. Blue Star should not break away from the survival rules of the twelve domains.

The killers in the front yard did not take Long Yanran as a weak woman seriously from the beginning, but...

Long Yanran was too violent and beat them to death in one fell swoop. None of them could withstand her punch. The latter shook his head and said he was too weak.

If they hear this, will they be mad to death? Unfortunately, there is no do-over. This is not a game.

Long Yanran also followed Beibei's trick and used the Five Elements technique to fill in two holes. She used the rest for experiments and burned them with elixir fire.

Ling Yun also personally killed these ants. The killers lurking in Jiangbei were all crushed to death by him when he suddenly appeared, and then their bodies were destroyed.

That is to say, in a few breaths, the matter in Jiangbei will be solved, and then it will be solved in China, and then it will be solved in China, and then all over the world. In short, everyone involved will die.

This incident immediately shocked the underground world. The awesome website canceled the killer mission again, and an atmosphere of terror enveloped everyone's heart.

Ling Yun smiled, would it be okay if he removed it? Beautiful thought!

The smart zombie Xiao Niu Pi invaded Niu De Yibi's website and leaked all their internal information, including the list of their organization personnel.

Ling Yun wanted to do this to expose their identities. He thought they must have enemies. He almost didn't need to use his hands. He was so awesome that he could destroy them with just one move.

The fact is that after the names and addresses of all Niu De Yi Bi personnel were made public, they immediately chose to escape or wait to die.

Who wants them to die without knowing it is really frustrating. The instigator, Ling Yun, is leisurely drinking tea. He has just killed so many people, but you can’t even see that he has moved.

In addition to Niu Deyi's accident, the frightened Miao Midang also faced destruction.

Now that he had decided, Ling Yun did not care about anything. The cancer in Miao Yutang must be removed, and he always kept an eye on Anjia.

There was constant thunder in the sky, and in an instant, several bolts of lightning struck, and Miao Midang, who had always been mysterious, disappeared into the long river of history.

Long Xingtian, who was far away in the capital, received the reports from all over the country. He just sighed and smiled helplessly. They were seeking death. Who can blame them.

Now Long Xingtian is going to work as a senior executive in the Dragon Group, intending to hone his experience, otherwise he would not agree to be a senior executive.

He is also a patriotic person. If something happens to the top management, he also knows that there are so many dead now, and those foreign countries are eyeing them eagerly and must fill the vacancies.

Even national security hero Ye Qinghan was promoted to a high-level position. When he learned the specific situation, he shuddered deeply.

He secretly thought that Ling Yun was terrible. He had killed so many high-level officials by one person, and now he was even killing more people.

Now almost all the dragon groups listen to Long Xingtian, and the latter also strictly orders no one to offend Pluto or go to Jiangbei.

Jiangbei Villa!

Long Yanran walked in and reminded Ling Yun: Brother Ling Yun, didn't you help them take a bath?

Oh, let me go, look at my memory. Ling Yun quickly stood up and walked to the bathroom.

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