Supreme Daddy

Chapter 908 Successful departure

Ling Yun didn't even blink!

I saw that the little guy was very good at controlling the fire dragon. The fire dragon coiled up looked very beautiful.

The order of putting all the medicinal ingredients was correct. It took about ten minutes, and no one said anything during this time.

A strong fragrance of red pepper came to my nose, and the little guy laughed.

Beibei and the others shouted, It's done, it's done, laughing from ear to ear.

Ling Yun was shocked again. The medicinal materials could be used to refine five pieces at a time. The little guy was able to refine two pieces in his novice stage.

Dad, look, Sissi is not bragging. The little guy smiled broadly and imitated Ling Yunxukong's play with the pill.

Long Yanran was dumbfounded. After confirming that it was true, he gave her a few mouthfuls and praised her to the heavens.

Ling Yun came back to his senses, suppressed the shock in his heart, smiled and asked: Tell dad, share how you learned it?

The little guy paused, rubbed his forehead again, and was organizing his words.

After her hesitating and vague narration, Ling Yun roughly understood it and even translated it for Beibei and the others.

She saw through Ling Yun's method. The difference was that she built a virtual alchemy furnace in the air, which was difficult to see with the naked eye, while Ling Yun used the air as his alchemy furnace.

In her air alchemy furnace, she kept squeezing with strength, which was roughly the same as Ling Yun's.

Finally, by taking the elixir, the impurities in it are decomposed and how to refine it can produce a good elixir.

This is how the little guy uses it. Beibei is greedy and has learned it again.

Ling Yun slapped him in the face, why didn't he expect this to happen.

Dad, I want a huge ice cream... The little guy started to ask for a reward.

It's like last time. Beibei and the others' eyes suddenly lit up, they had something to eat again.

Ling Yun immediately agreed, saying it was just food, not a problem, and immediately ordered the Sixth Guardian to make it. Anyway, the raw materials were all available, so it was quite convenient to make.

The little ones stopped studying for the time being, ran into the living room, sat at the dining table, and started waiting for food.

Long Yanran said: Brother Ling Yun, can I use Qian Qian's moves?

No, your power cannot control the void alchemy furnace she built. Ling Yun said truthfully.

Although the little guy uses it simply, it is actually supported by strength.


come here.

Ling Yun said, a ball immediately appeared in his hand, Long Yanran's eyes were hot!


Oh! Long Yanran immediately stretched out her right hand. She had seen how Ling Yun handed over the strange fire at Beibei's birthday party.

Huh? That's it? Does it belong to me? Long Yanran looked at the strange fire a little confused.

Just now, Ling Yun put it in her hand and carved some kind of formation, but Long Yanran didn't feel anything at all.

Okay, there are some differences between strange fire and elixir fire. Dan fire is generated in your own body, and there is no domineering alien fire produced naturally in the world.

Ling Yun explained to her and walked towards the living room. The latter nodded after understanding.

At the dinner table!

The little guys had a fork in their left hand and a spoon in their right hand, with eager expressions on their faces. Especially the little guy was so excited that he was sweating.

Long Yanran went over and wiped the sweat from her forehead with a tissue, and said, The little god master is getting more and more awesome. As the contestant who stands out as a novice in alchemy this time, do you have any comments?


The little guy started to get excited again: You have to work hard.

Is that all there is to it? Long Yanran asked again.

No! The little guy shook his head and began to look at Ling Yun, knowing that he was going to take out a huge ice cream, so he had no time to speak. He would like to have an extra mouth later.

Beibei stood on the chair, looked around them, and said: If hard work is useful, why do you need a genius?

Ling Yun: ...

Long Yanran immediately tapped Beibei on the forehead: You are the smartest, the most naughty, and the best at making trouble.

Humph...I won't give you any ice cream. Beibei pouted.

Little Eileen said with a milky voice: Sister, don't give it to her. She eats the most, so I can eat more.

The little guy nodded: Yeah, yeah.

Long Yanran's mouth twitched and she said aggrievedly: You little heartless little ones, have you forgotten who gave you a bath at night?

The little guy and little Irene lowered their heads, and Beibei raised his hands: It's Handsome...

Long Yanran: It's not like we help every night.

Hmph, I can take a bath myself. Auntie, you are so redundant.

Okay, okay, you won't grow taller if you eat alone.

Ling Yun took out a huge ice cream and started to trick them into sharing the good stuff with their relatives.

The little guy ate happily, even Ling Yun had a share. She helped him get it with a fork, clumsily.

Ling Yun touched the little guy's head with a serious look on his face, telling her not to refine elixirs casually in the future, otherwise she would be killed. This was also the key point to tell them.

There are too many villains and greedy people in the Twelve Realms, and it will always be difficult for people to guard against them. Knowing how to keep a low profile is the best way.

She knows how to make alchemy now. She can use it when no one is paying attention. As long as she knows how to do it, she will expose it when she grows up.

The four little guys nodded in understanding, probably Ling Yun's words were in vain.


She was still refining elixirs in the front yard as usual. Since the little one had started training, so after refining it again in the afternoon, she played with the kitten at the aquarium.

When Long Yanran took out her strange fire, Beibei and the others were shocked. The former said that it was Ling Yun's birthday gift to her, and it was the same as Beibei's.

Fortunately, Beibei couldn't react, as Long Yanran's birthday hadn't come yet.

Long Yanran successfully refined the elixir with the strange fire in the first pass. The elixir yield rate was quite high, three pills were produced!

Beibei was a little confused. She learned the tricks of the little guy, and then the tricks of Ling Yun's alchemy furnace. She did it again and again, and she herself became confused.

In the end, Ling Yun had to help her digest it. He first let her know the void refining method, and then personally guided her in the alchemy furnace refining method.

Long Yanran teased her, saying that her life was good, and the treatment of her daughter was indeed different.

Beibei laughed!

Little Eileen is not greedy. Anyway, she learns a certain way, the most traditional one, just to show off when she goes back and make her parents understand.

She is not capable of the void refining method and cannot learn it now, but she still has self-awareness.

The little guy ran over with the kitten in his arms and called him a supervisor.

Everyone was speechless...

When she saw the strange fire in Long Yanran's hand, she twisted her mouth and pointed at the strange fire: Bad dad!

Ahem... Ling Yun spoke first, but he couldn't let Beibei and the others explain: This fire grew out of her own body.

The little guy continued to twist his mouth and shook his head, not believing it!

Do not believe?

Ling Yun whispered in Beibei's ear, a can of Wangzai!

Beibei whispered back to Ling Yun, it didn't matter what Wangzi was, the main thing was that she also believed that it came from her aunt's body.

These words!

Ling Yun: ...

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