Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1690: Shocking Others (Second Update)

The sword energy in dragon form shocked everyone as soon as it appeared!

Emperor Jue Tian's eyes widened even more, saying it was impossible. It was obvious that he recognized that this was the sword energy released by the Dragon Bone Sword.

What the hell is this? I'm in a trough...

Master Xuanwen uttered obscenities in panic, his face was dripping with sweat, and just looking at him made him fearful.


Master Xuanwen who wanted to escape was directly surrounded by the excess dragon bone sword energy.

The sword energy then turned into a burst of magic, trapping Master Xuanwen. The more the latter struggled, the more unbearable the pain became, and the miserable sounds could not be heard.

Dead silence!

Dead silence again!

Then everyone looked at Pepe with awe, he was so strong.

That shocking scene also spread throughout the entire Demon Realm.

After the two incidents between Yi Tianxing and Master Xuanwen, no one dared to mess with Peipei, not even the God of Killing Slash.

The demons who had wanted to take advantage of the chaos before did not dare to act rashly for the time being.

Ji Wushuang's eyes widened again, thinking that Beibei shouldn't be messed with, and if he could avoid deceiving them in the future, he should not deceive them, lest they be taken away with a sword.

Emperor Jue Tian murmured to himself: It's impossible. How can the Dragon Bone Sword be unsealed? Besides, isn't this Dragon Bone Sword being auctioned?

All this went beyond the plans he and Wan Sanqian made.

Wan Sanqian looked at Emperor Juetian with the same puzzled eyes.


There was movement on the holy mountain, and all the dark clouds in the sky dispersed.

What is even more horrifying is that above the sky of this holy mountain, there is a pitch black sky that extends all over the Milky Way.

But around the top of the mountain, there is a brilliant night of the Milky Way, which is shocking.

The two elders looked at each other, jumped into the air, stepped on the air, walked into the holy mountain, captured the drunken boy alive, and seized the ax of gods and demons.


I don't know who shouted, and everyone rushed into the holy mountain.

Pepe sighed, the Holy Mountain is the place of death, comparable to another Nine Nether Abyss.

Lord Demon King, when will we set out to arrest Shuten Doji? If we arrive late, we may cause complications.

Next to the luxurious car, the King of Swordsmen said respectfully.

Don't be in a hurry, let them go in first and kill the boy. If you don't know the strength of the boy, you are not afraid. It can be said that I can handle the boy.

The big devil closed his eyes to rest, his tone was very calm, and his heart was calm, as if he was an outsider.


Now that the big devil has given the order, the kings below will naturally obey and stay put.

My subordinates are a little confused. Is Her Highness the Witch here for the God-Demon Ax?

This girl really dares to come here, haha... don't worry about her, she can't take away the axe, but she is the daughter of the Supreme Lord, haha... it's interesting.

The Great Demon King smiled mysteriously. He had been fighting with Ling Yun for thousands of years and had always been the loser, so he was inevitably unconvinced.

Her Highness the Witch and the others didn't go in, is it because...

Yes, so the boy is not stupid, he is very smart. He will use the monsters sealed in the Holy Mountain and the God and Demon Ax to fight us.

The big devil frowned. He was also very afraid of the monsters in the holy mountain.

It's just that the news leaked out, otherwise we could have defended the Holy Mountain, and the God and Demon Ax would be ours sooner or later.

The Heavenly Swordsman had an angry look on his face, and a chill flashed in his eyes.


The big devil smiled calmly.

I would like to pay my respects to Her Majesty the Witch.

The Heavenly King Boxing Saint said to the Great Demon King.

No need to say hello. I know exactly what you are thinking. That child has Ji Wushuang beside him. You are no match. There is also that girl here. You can only ask for trouble if you go.

The Big Demon King knows very well what his men want to do. It is unwise to want to capture the little guy right now. There is no need to provoke the Supreme Lord at this juncture.

Hearing this, the eyes of the Heavenly King Boxing Saint were uncertain, and he made up his mind to capture the little guy alive and use it to threaten Ling Yun!

The little guy's eyes were full of curiosity when he saw so many people entering the holy mountain.

Sister, is it dangerous inside?

The little guy was holding Peipei's battle armor, looking at the latter with watery eyes, full of doubts.

I heard that this giant is sealed in the Holy Mountain. He is very fierce.

Pepe used a rather scary voice to scare the little guy, who immediately turned pale.


She couldn't help but asked out of curiosity: Can he eat people?

Pepe pretended to be shocked, opened his mouth and said, do you know.

Hearing this, the little guy's forehead was sweating.

Ji Wushuang's mouth twitched. She was so powerful, why was she afraid of these things? I really couldn't understand these children!


A bolt of thunder and lightning flashed through the void, as if it was about to tear the world apart!

At this moment, there was a sudden big earthquake all around the Holy Mountain.


It was as if the ancient giant had awakened and stepped on the earth. At this moment, the vast holy mountain vibrated crazily like a drum head.

He's awake?

The king's eyes widened.

No, they encountered Shuten Douji. Alas... I really don't understand why we want to kill each other.

Don't ask why. It was Shuten Doji who abandoned us for the God-Demon Axe. He is the one to blame for everything.

A figure in the distance turned out to be the Heavenly King Fei Wuming whom Beibei had seen.

I'm sorry, Big Demon King... my subordinates are late.

The time is just right. How is the investigation going? Is the person inside the person from ancient times?

The big devil's eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression finally changed a little at this moment.

I found out that he is from ancient times. This holy mountain did not belong to the Demon Realm before, but was a big mountain near the Demon God Sea. I don't know how he ended up here.

Fei Wuming had been staying in the Capital Palace before, went to the clan elder's pagoda, and secretly read the history of the demon clan.

The Heavenly King Swordsman asked: Didn't Lord Demon King know this before?

I know a little bit. You have all been in there, but you don't know. There is a creature in the innermost part of the Holy Mountain that can suck human blood.


The big devil's words made the king beside him tremble.

They knew that the Holy Mountain was dangerous, but they had never encountered a living creature. They thought the Holy Mountain was a death zone, but they heard a shocking secret.

Fei Wuming means that the history of the development of the demon clan is also recorded in this way.

The Great Demon King has seen that creature before. It looks like a human, has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, just like a Rakshasa in hell.

There was noise from time to time in the Holy Mountain, and it should be a battle, but I don't know who it was with, whether it was Shuten Douji or those terrifying creatures.

The space is constantly distorting, which should be the power of the God and Demon Ax.

And this situation directly caused void cracks to appear outside the holy mountain.

Three figures walked out of one of the cracks, and the three little guys laughed after seeing it.

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