Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1680: Being Disdained (Update 1)


With a whisper, the little guy also ran over, but she knew that this woman also wearing black clothes was not her Aunt Long.

Sister, you hugged me wrong. I told you not to play games with little Irene but you just didn't listen. You must be short-sighted.

The little guy shrugged and muttered.

Hearing this, Beibei stood awkwardly, waiting for Ling Yun to come over.

Haha, I just want to confirm.

The child could only smile awkwardly.

You two come and try. What's wrong with this woman? If you see anything, you can say anything.

Ling Yun put down little Irene, looked at the two children, then touched his chin meaningfully and asked.

Daba, it's not difficult to tell that she is a girl.

Ling Yun: ...

Handsome, and the most important thing is, she can't move, she's injured.

Beibei looked so serious that he almost didn't need a magnifying glass. Ling Yun could only smile and say nothing.

Still wearing black clothes.

As Ling Yun walked over, the little guy said something.

There's nothing wrong with it!

Ling Yun found that the woman was only injured and was unconscious by the lake due to excessive blood loss. There was nothing suspicious about her.

Then a ray of holy light went down, and the woman began to wake up gradually!

Daddy, great, she's awake!

Hearing some noise, Su Xiaoluo slowly opened her eyelids, and then suddenly sat up in shock.

This move was so sudden that the two children were so frightened that they quickly hid behind Ling Yun.

The two little guys looked unbearable and covered their eyes with their hands, leaving a small slit in their hands to peek. They looked very cute.

This set of actions were almost exactly the same, making Su Xiaoluo's eyes widen again, and then she asked weakly.

It guys saved me?

She knew very well that the injuries she had suffered could not heal so quickly. Someone must have saved her life, otherwise she would never have healed without treatment, which was nonsense.

There was only a stranger in front of him with three children.

I, Daddy, woke you up.

The little guy still spoke so innocently.


The person who saved her was not, and it looked right. Ling Yun gave her the feeling that he was not an expert, but a mere immortal.

No matter what, thank you anyway. Why are you here?

Su Xiaoluo was disappointed for a moment, and couldn't help but asked out of curiosity.

Ling Yun said casually: If you are bored, take them out to relax and learn more.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoluo's mouth twitched. Is this a place where anyone can come for a walk?

Outsiders may not know that this is a small forbidden area in the Demonic Realm. Most people come here without coming back.

Sister, why are you here? Sleeping on the ground is not good for your health.

The little guy opened the lollipop in his hand, also curious.

I told you that you don't understand, by the way...why you are so cute.

Su Xiaoluo stood up and squeezed the little guy. The latter seemed to be used to it and didn't have much reaction.

Oh, and you.

Beibei: ...

Where are you going? Let me give you a ride, as a way of thanking you.

I don't know where Su Xiaoluo's communication talisman came from. After burning for a moment, a convoy of vehicles suddenly appeared within the sight of Ling Yun and the others.

Ling Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

On top of the leading wildebeest sat a young man.

The man was about a few hundred years old, looked young, wore leather armor, and had a touch of arrogance and indifference in his eyes.

finally come.

Su Xiaoluo breathed a sigh of relief.

Miss, are you okay? The young man immediately smiled with concern.

I'm fine, let's leave here first. Su Xiaoluo said, then glanced at Ling Yun and the others and said calmly.

Take them for a ride, it's dangerous here.

When the arrogant young man saw this, his expression became even more contemptuous and he said, Yes, is he a wandering demon clansman?

There was a hint of disdain in his tone.

The so-called wandering demons are those who have no fixed abode or are wandering cultivators.

Such people are either committing crimes or committing crimes, or they have low talents and are not welcome.

Of course, there are also some vicious thugs who will also be expelled and become wandering demons, such as Su Yu.

However, Ling Yun's current face is ordinary, his aura is restrained, and he has no power at all. In the eyes of young people, he is naturally an ordinary person, and he has a child with him, so he is probably in exile.

Ling Yun smiled slightly but didn't say anything. Since someone gave him a ride, he was also happy, and the little guy and Beibei seemed to like the corner carriage.

Without waiting for Ling Yun to speak, they climbed up easily, and the little guy wanted to be carried up. Su Xiaoluo was even more willing, and Ling Yun also put little Irene up.

Only the young man couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

Seeing Ling Yun's indifferent and indifferent expression, he couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

What does it mean to just nod?

Our lady is so kind as to give you a ride. Shouldn't you bow down and say thank you?

But with Su Xiaoluo there, he could not get angry. He just said with a slightly sinister tone: Boy, be honest in our team and don't make any mistakes. Also, you can only walk, you know?

Ling Yun frowned and wanted to teach the young man a lesson.

But the little guy's laughter came from inside, and Ling Yun also laughed. This smile saved the young man's life.

There was obviously still room in the car, but Su Xiaoluo didn't say anything.

And the young man obviously wouldn't let Ling Yun ride on it.

Seeing that Ling Yun had no reaction, a trace of contempt flashed in the young man's eyes. It was obvious that the latter was equated with a coward in his eyes.

Along the way, you could hear the little guy and Beibei talking and laughing in the car. They were quite happy and completely forgot about Long Yanran and the others.

Under Ling Yun's consciousness, he didn't notice the brother and sister Long Yanran and Zhao Xin. The star field storm was so powerful that he didn't know if they were lost in it. It would be difficult for Ling Yun to deal with it this time.

Have you heard that the Heavenly King Shuten Doji rebelled against the demon clan and has been on a killing spree recently?

I've heard about it a long time ago. This matter has spread like wildfire and made people panic.

My dear, I didn't expect that the King of Heaven, Shuten Doji, would possess the God-Devil Axe, and his combat power would soar.

The battle between kings is so terrifying.

At this point, the leading young man sighed and shook his head.

Those existences are almost the belief of the younger generation of the demon clan, and they have always been the ones they look up to.

Hearing others talking about these demon kings, Ling Yun couldn't help but feel a little weird and smiled lightly.

Why are you laughing? Are these things funny?

The leading young man caught a glimpse of the smile on the corner of Ling Yun's mouth and shouted unhappily.

Ling Yun was very arrogant and said nothing, just shook his head gently.

King of heaven?

When they first attacked the demon clan, the ten heavenly kings fled upon hearing the news. They were most afraid of being the Divine Lord and the Supreme Lord. Thinking of this, Ling Yun even laughed.

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