Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1669: Traces of the Sky (Second Update)

The little guy would definitely not let Xin Zhao kill someone, so Ling Yun had no choice but to let Shangguan Fei go, and Ling Yun would not embarrass Chen Yan.

In this way, Ling Yun is tantamount to buying and selling by force, which is great luck for Chen Yan.

But Chen Yan didn't know that he was holding the little guy's antidote pill in his hand, and his body was still shaking.

Like Shangguan Fei, she was afraid of Tianmen's Uncle Ma and Zhao Xin.

It must be that Shuai Shu is so handsome that he scared them. Beibei said.

Ling Yun: ...

Is it wrong to be handsome? Beibei's words were too strong and unreasonable, but Ling Yun also liked Beibei's humor.


After giving 10,000 top-quality spiritual stones to Chen Yan, he was sweating profusely and felt as if he had saved his life.

Uncle Ma sighed and said, You're lucky.

The moment Shangguan Fei stood up, his legs went weak again, and when he saw the dragon bone swords placed randomly on the ground, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.


It turns out that this private room is exactly 309!

Shangguan Fei didn't know how he got out of the room. In short, he felt like he had lost his soul.

When Chen Yan returned to her private room, she recalled the last words of Uncle Ma in her mind, You're lucky.

What did this sentence mean? She was so unlucky, how could she be lucky? She smiled bitterly.

Where did Xiaoyan go just now?


In the end, Chen Yan still told Chen Guichen everything that had happened. The latter became more and more trembling as he listened, not because of fear, but because of excitement.

Grandpa... don't scare me. It's just ten thousand spiritual stones. Once it's gone, it's gone.

No, no, no, kid, you are lucky, this pill is a real detoxification pill.

How could Pluto's stuff be fake, so he was saved.

Hearing this, Chen Yan was stunned, and she became even more confused as to what the origin of this 309 was.

In Lingyun's private room!

The little guy was holding the storage ring and grinning from ear to ear. She didn't expect that one elixir could sell so many spiritual stones, and her little eyes suddenly turned gloomy.

She thought to herself that if Long Yanran refined some elixirs in the future, she would have to find a reason to help preserve them so that they could be legitimately sold.

There are only two voices outside, that is Queen Yaoyue and Cold-faced Shaluo. These two people are still bidding, and everyone can only wait quietly for who will be the biggest winner in the end.

Tell me, why does this cold-faced Sha Luo need this ninth-grade elixir?

Oh, you still need to ask? One of Diya's subordinates must have been poisoned.

That shouldn't be the case. There is no ninth-grade alchemist in the entire divine domain of Diya. Even if there is not one, the Alchemy Sect can still be hired.

Don't you know, the Divine Realm is at odds with the Alchemy Sect, so it is impossible to refine elixirs for them.

It's also possible that Leng Mian Sha Luo needs these ninth-grade elixirs, and it has nothing to do with Diya.

Groups of gossipy onlookers were whispering and discussing.

I won't let you go, right? You'd better be wiser to the cold-faced Sha Luo.

Hmph... The Queen is the Queen. It's such a big deal, a total of 280,000 yuan. This is the annual income of the Imperial Realm.

The cold-faced Shaluo looked at Queen Yaoyue with a gloomy face, his eyes almost spitting out murderous intent.

That's not what you can know.

Queen Yaoyue shrugged, and a sneer curled up at the corner of her mouth behind her black silk veil.

You're cruel, I'd be crazy not to accompany you.

In fact, everyone guessed wrong. The purpose of killing Luo Lengmian was not the ninth-grade elixir, it was just a cover for him.

His real purpose is the Dragon Bone Sword, the Sky Mark, and the God and Demon Axe, one of the top ten ancient artifacts.

The cold-faced Shaluo looked at Lingyun's private room with cold eyes, a glimmer of light flashing in his eyes.

I'll let you keep the dragon bone sword for a while. Sooner or later it will belong to Lord Diya. Just because you want to possess a peerless magic weapon is a delusion.

So what if the Dragon Bone Sword was taken by Ling Yun? After leaving the Lion City, he would rob and kill them on the way. By then, the Dragon Bone Sword would still belong to their Diya.

It's just that he didn't expect that when bidding for the ninth-grade elixir, a person who would give him a headache would appear, and that was Queen Yaoyue.

That’s fine!

At least Queen Yaoyue does not have the strength to participate in the next auction, and there is one less competitor.

Almost all the big shots are waiting for the final auction. The former ones are not interested, so they all keep their spiritual stones and wait until the top ten ancient artifacts, the God and Demon Ax, appear.

The Tianmen has appeared, and the Catmull Alliance is also watching with eager eyes. Representatives of the Third Heaven, the Eighth Heaven, and other monarchs in the Dead Realm, all major forces are waiting to see what happens.

The auction continues, and the next few auction items are all fairy weapons.

After rounds of auctions, there were climaxes one after another. Each and every terrifying fairy weapon was taken out, causing everyone around to shout in shock.

Hen of the Sky, the base price is 10,000, the auction begins.

Miss Shi seemed to be tired, yawned and spoke very casually.

Finally, another peerless magic weapon arrived, and at this moment, the whole place was excited again.

Miss Shi has no other introduction to Tian Zhihen, and has not seen where Tian Zhihen is.

Many people came unprepared and just received news that there were ancient artifacts. Unexpectedly, this grand auction was really full of surprises.

Thirty thousand.

The Mark of the Sky is mine, fifty thousand.

Silly, fifty thousand to one!


Since the Dragon Bone Sword was taken, Tian Zhihen became even more popular, so the scene became heated for a time.

Daddy, why are they so happy? Are they stupid?

No foul language.

The little guy's head dropped instantly!


Ha ha!

Beibei was snickering in her heart, but she didn't notice that Long Yanran was hitting her on the head. If the little guy could say this word, it must have been taught by Beibei.


Beibei covered her head in frustration and almost cried. She didn't teach him.

Oh...did they find some treasure?

Brother Yun, tell us about this Sky Trace.

Xin Zhao’s eyes are gleaming!

The Trace of the Sky, like the Dragon Bone Sword, was called a peerless magic weapon by those sword families in ancient times.

Ling Yun spoke calmly, as calmly as if he had never refined them.

The Mark of the Sky is neither a knife nor a sword. It is a ferocious beast among weapons, a divine weapon with the most terrifying murderous intent.

As an ancient divine weapon, it has three forms in total!

The first sword form can be transformed into any sword. Every time it is swung, the terrifying sword energy stretches across the void, like a dragon traveling around the world.

In the second blade whip form, it can transform into a long seductive whip. Anyone who is beaten will feel as if a layer of flesh has been cut off, and the wound will be difficult to heal.

And the third one is the most terrifying form of the ferocious beast. When people and soldiers merge into one, the sky will collapse and the earth will fall apart, making them invincible.

As soon as the mark of the sky appears, it must be killed and returned. Its ferocity and terror are that the owner must expend a lot of strength to defend this magical weapon.

But it is so terrifying, but it also has a fatal flaw. When the true energy is not sustained, the Sky Trace is bound to backfire on its owner.

It is rumored that the sword form of Tianzhihen is engraved with a god-level martial skill, which will destroy all directions!

With one move, the entire continent was shaken, like the end of the world.

As soon as they heard that this was the case, the little guy and Beibei instantly lost any interest.

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