Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1667 Free Gift (Third Update)


Everyone expressed dissatisfaction. Why did Ling Yun get such a good thing? rather than them.

They are also powerful figures, so they are not qualified?

Hmph, shut up! I haven't even finished speaking. Why are you interrupting?


A man died quietly downstairs. His body exploded and died. This was an inaction, to scare the monkeys.

At this time, no one dared to speak out again, but there were still some gossips.

If he can't prove it, don't blame our Golden Age Auction for being domineering... Humph!

In a certain private room, a glint flashed in Liao Wuxin's eyes.

The Lord of Haiyan City, Chen Guichen, and her granddaughter Chen Yan also attended the Shengshi Auction. They were in the private room on the fifth floor.

Chen Yan said: Their children are also in 309.

Chen Guichen is not worried at all, because he knows that Hades is here, so although it was Xin Zhao who killed Old Man Liang just now, he knows that the person behind it must be Ling Yun.

Leave them alone, these people are simply seeking death for targeting 309.

How could grandpa know?

Chen Yan's eyes were full of questions.

Keep reading and you will find out.

But he just smiled calmly.

Why don't you dare? You're a coward.

Ying Wuwei's contemptuous and arrogant tone echoed through the Shengshi Auction.

Daddy, he despises you.

Handsome Shu, let me beat him up for you.


This sound is the sound of swords.

Everyone suddenly felt a sense of suffocation coming from the ground.

Here comes the sword!

As Ling Yun called out, the dragon bone sword in the ground trembled violently. The three elders guarding him couldn't suppress it and flew out.


A hole was opened in the high platform, and three corpses flew out. They looked ugly and were covered in blood!

This scene caused everyone's expressions to change dramatically, and then a sword made of white bones slowly rose up, reflecting light.


The dragon bone sword came out, and they encountered this situation for the first time in their lives.

Is this the rumored Dragon Bone Sword? The shape is incredible, but it's a dragon bone.

This sword is mine, I must take a picture of it.

I'll pay 600,000.

There was a commotion on the stage, and the sword flew into 309 and into Ling Yun's hand.

For a time, the sky of Lion City was covered with dark clouds.

Wow... what a beautiful sword.

The little guy watched without blinking.

It actually flew into Shuai Shu's hands. Does it recognize Shuai Shu?

Beibei scratched her head and looked at it, her eyes filled with shock. From this sword, she could see something extraordinary.

White light burst into the sky, and the entire private room was filled with light, like white mist.

This is the Dragon Bone Sword. It's very powerful.

Xin Zhao took a deep breath when he saw it up close.

The Dragon Bone Sword flew into Ling Yun's hand, and it was like a slap, hitting everyone's face deeply, causing burning pain.

Tell me, is this sword mine?

Ling Yun said to everyone, looking like he was smiling but not smiling.

Bah, I don't admit it. What the hell? You must have used some magical power. This dragon bone sword is just controlled by you.

The Dragon Bone Sword is mine. No one can take it away. Send the Dragon Bone Sword out quickly, or I'll beat you to shit.

Take it out quickly.

Some people immediately stood up and were unconvinced.

Ling Yun smiled softly and said: Hehehe...hehehe...

It's unreasonable and he's still laughing!

Uncle Ma from Tianmen had a gloomy look on his face and rushed into Ling Yun's private room instantly.


The person in front of him was Ling Yun, who was sitting on the sofa, and the Dragon Bone Sword was being studied by the little guys.


Hades... Hades!

My dear, the people in this private room are not only Xin Zhao, but also Hades. At this moment, Uncle Ma's legs are really numb.

The young one has met Lord Pluto.

Uncle Ma knelt on the ground shivering and kowtowed to Ling Yun.

Xin Zhao smiled and said: You are quite good at being a good person.

But Ling Yun didn't say anything and let him continue to kneel down.

Everyone saw Uncle Ma go in. There was no movement at the moment and they didn't know what was going on inside. They were suddenly curious.

Miss Shi said: Everyone, please be quiet. As I said just now, as long as it is proven that this dragon bone sword is from 309, then it belongs to the latter.

Ying Wuwei was so angry on the attic that he was almost furious.

The loss of the Dragon Bone Sword is small, but its reputation is gone.

In this way, no one dared to say anything, because Shengshi Auction had acquiesced, and it was useless to continue arguing.

The next auction is for a pill, a ninth-grade detoxifying pill.

This elixir is also the purpose of Chen Guichen's visit this time. He was deeply poisoned a long, long time ago.

Grandpa, will we successfully capture the elixir?

Just leave it to fate.

Chen Guichen acted very indifferently, but there was still some desire in his eyes.

It's hard to tell if someone is holding back while bidding.

The starting price of the auction started at five hundred, and many people wanted it at the beginning. After all, it was a ninth-grade elixir, which was very rare.

Ten thousand.

Twenty thousand.

What, do you want to be exterminated?

From a private room above, there was a sinister laugh. If you listen carefully, the words were very threatening and intimidating. The person who just made the bid was instantly frightened.

No, I don't want it anymore.

The person who made the bid just now said quickly, and hurriedly gave up, for fear of offending this person and causing a fatal disaster for his family.

You know the truth.

Everyone looked over and saw that the figure behind was Diya's subordinate.

Chen Yan wanted to speak, but Chen Guichen immediately covered her mouth.

No, he is from Diya. If you offend him, our family will be finished.

But...Grandpa, that pill.

No, no, everything is doomed. He is a cold-faced killer. He is very strong and cannot be offended.

Chen Guichen sighed, and his eyes dimmed immediately.

I will give you 30,000 yuan.

An elegant female voice came from a private room, followed by the Yaoyue Queen, who was dressed in a black dress and looked like a peerless fairy. She was looking at Sha Luo with a cold face.

You...I'm offering you 40,000 yuan.

The cold-faced Sha Luo never expected that the one who stopped him would be Queen Yaoyue.

Aha, daddy, look at it... isn't that auntie? How did she know I'm here?

The little guy was smiling from ear to ear. She thought Queen Yaoyue came to see her specially.

I will not be afraid if others ask Diya. If you want this elixir, let Diya come in person.

Queen Yaoyue said domineeringly, the battle between her and Diya has never come to an end, that's just because Diya didn't take it seriously and just gave in to Queen Yaoyue.

forty thousand.

The cold-faced Shaluo gritted his teeth and stared at Queen Yaoyue with a chill on his face.

Thirty thousand, I'll sell you one if you want.

This time it was the little guy who spoke, and everyone's attention shifted to Ling Yun's private room.

I recommend a book, [The First Dragon King of Eternity] The supreme power in the fairyland, reborn in the city with various pretense and slaps in the face. If you are interested, you can read it and collect it!

This is just a recommendation, don't complain if you don't like it.

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