Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1659 I’m scared (first update)

But Liao Wuxin smiled and looked at the little guy, who was so scared that he cried.

Woo woo, daddy...


Don't cry, little princess, I'm here. Long Jiani quickly patted the little guy on the back.

It was an unintentional mistake. Who knew that the scene of laughter after the cruelty would scare people.

I'm sorry, I slapped you!


Snapped! !

Liao Wuxin slapped himself twice, just to make the little guy smile.

Sure enough, the little guy burst into laughter and was a little shy, but her eyes turned gloomy.

You are an old man, but you are quite good at life. Ahem, since you are so sensible, I have something to tell you.

Xin Zhao cleared his throat and looked at Wu Xin with a smile on his face.

Master Xin, tell me, I will handle it properly.

Liao Wuxin made a 360-degree turn, leaving others stunned!

Father, you...

Shut up, you bastard. Go on your way. Didn't you see that Master Xin and I were talking happily?

Liao Wuxin glared at Song Weilong with a displeased look on his face. The latter could be described as a ghost. His attitude changed too quickly before and after.

Zhao Xin said: I want to establish space teleportation. You just need to give me the approval. As for the cost?

Oh, it's just such a small thing. All fees and charges will be waived. Besides, this is my filial piety to the little princess.

Hearing this, the little guy's eyes widened. What a good thing.

No need to be so polite.

While saying this, the little guy wiped his hand and a storage ring on Wu Xin's hand disappeared.

Xin Zhao stretched out his hand, feeling extremely embarrassed. He didn't get anything and threw it away.

Seeing the little guy accept the gift, this matter should be over, and the next step is to talk to Xin Zhao.

Liao Wuxin 100% agreed with Xin Zhao's proposal to build a space teleportation array, and said that Xin Zhao would not need to pay a penny.

But after hearing that he was teleported to Wuhun Continent, Liao Wuxin suddenly hesitated.

Can't you afford it?

Zhao Xin frowned slightly and looked at Wu Xin, who gave a wry smile.

No, then the matter is decided.

On the surface, he agreed unintentionally, but he had already calculated it in his heart. If he regretted it later, no one could do anything about him.

Naturally, all this could not be hidden from Ling Yun's eyes. The latter was very perceptive, and his unintentional hesitation betrayed him.

After Wuxin and the Song family left, everyone dispersed, but their minds were filled with questions. The biggest question was that Wuxin, as the Lord of Lion City, was actually afraid of Xin Zhao.

Only then did Chen Yan realize that maybe the person her grandfather was really afraid of was not Xin Zhao, but that cute-looking little guy.

Chen Yan was very curious about her identity. No matter how she asked, Chen Guichen didn't reveal any information and just pulled her away in a hurry.

The main palace of the Lion City.

Liao Wuxin was walking back and forth in the lobby!

Father, why do you want to let Xin Zhao go and agree to his request to build a space teleportation array? It costs so many spiritual stones and we get no benefit at all.

Song Weilong was indignant and angry at Wu Xin's ridiculous decision.

You bastard, it's not your turn to blame me here.


When Song Weilong saw Wu Xin getting angry, his attitude instantly became timid.

Do you know who that child is? She is the precious daughter of the Supreme Lord. How many people have died trying to try on her. You really don't care about life and death, so you just messed with her.

If I hadn't been quick to get out of my way, even I wouldn't have been able to escape.

From the former Tiandao Alliance Army to the former War Temple and the Tianxiahui, behind every top force there is the shadow of that child.

You can't offend her. Unless you can be foolproof, plot others behind their backs, and stay out of it, you have to endure it no matter how much you want to take revenge.

Liao Wuxin said a series of words, and Song Weilong's scalp went numb when he heard it. He felt like he was at the gate of hell just now in the inn.

Then father, what can we do now? It seems that we didn't meet Pluto at the inn today.

Song Weilong looked at Wu Xin and said.

Maybe he is here, maybe he is not here, but it doesn't matter. Zhao Xin and the others must be here to seize the God Demon Axe. Now I will inform Emperor Fu to see how he arranges it.

A smile appeared on Liao Wuxin's lips, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Yes, the Supreme Lord had a conflict with Emperor Fu a few years ago. I guess Emperor Fu will definitely take action. There will be a good show tonight.

Song Weilong was immediately overjoyed, with a sneer on his lips.

We will act according to the situation tonight. If Pluto is not here, then the results for Zhao Xin and everyone tonight can be imagined. If he is here, let them kill each other.

Madness welled up in Liao Wuxin's heart.


The little guy was so happy because he got Wu Xin's storage ring, which contained thirty thousand top-quality spiritual stones. He was smiling from ear to ear.

That bad old man is so nice, I will ask him for one more next time.

The child's eyes were gloomy, and he was trying to make an unintentional idea.

Xin Zhao nodded to Ling Yun: Brother Yun, this old guy is so cheerful, is there anything fishy about him?

He? Can't make big waves.

Ling Yun was not worried at all about what Wu Xin would do. In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy would be shattered. This was self-confidence.

The entire inn was booked by Zhao Xin, and until night came, Ling Yun and the others were not disturbed by anyone.

After dinner, Xin Zhao took out a few invitations from his arms, which were tickets for the Grand Auction. If not, you could only watch them outside, but not bid.

I heard that Shengshi is planning to place a huge crystal in the Lion City to record the auction site. The scene will be very spectacular.

Usually those who get this invitation letter are some big shots, and some get it through buying and selling.

And Xin Zhao got it for nothing by buying it with others, a piece of thirty thousand top-grade spiritual stones, what a fucking black heart.

Ling Yun does not need a ticket. After Zhao Xin and Long Jiani enter with the three little guys, Ling Yun plans to take Long Yanran directly through the black hole.

Auntie, why doesn't my daddy come?

The little guy frowned slightly and was looking around in the private room.

Handsome Shu must have sneaked away to play again.

Beibei shrugged, she didn't feel much anymore, as long as she could satisfy her curiosity, she didn't care who was by her side.

Zhao Xin said seriously: You three stay here well, I will find some deacons here.

Before he came to the Shengshi Auction, Ling Yun told him something, so he went to inquire about it before it started.

The little guy watched Xin Zhao leave the private room, his eyes dim.


With a sweep of her consciousness, she discovered an acquaintance!

She remembered this person very clearly, it was Old Man Liang, and he was accompanied by his grandson, Emperor Liang Wu.

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