Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1651 The darkness before dawn

Wait a minute, I am responsible for the death of the Snow Dragon King, so let me do it first.

An Qing said!


Yan Xuefei, who knew An Qing's identity, was the first to disagree, but it was already too late. An Qing herself had already rushed to the enemy camp.

If something happened to An Qing, how could she bear it?

Haha, there's me too! Old Gao Lang, the leader of the Giant Shark Gang, laughed and also stepped up to the sky.

In an instant, except for Yan Xuefei, the Eighteen Immortal Emperors on the Time City stood on the high sky at the same time, like pillars holding up the sky!

In addition, more than a hundred Immortal Emperors followed closely behind, each one with high momentum and shocking fighting spirit.

Even when faced with enemies that were several times more numerous than themselves, they did not retreat at all.

Huh, stupid, ignorant!

Seeing this, Shang Yuntian's face darkened.

In fact, he didn't have much hope in persuading surrender, he was just giving it a try.

Seeing An Qing suddenly attack, Shang Yuntian shouted.


Next, there was no room for relaxation between the two parties, and the war began directly.


Su Yu, Feng Ruqing, Ancestor Xue Dao, Zui Xin, they were fearless and faced the twenty or so Immortal Emperors eighteen who were charging towards them.

It can be said that it is an army against an army and a general against a general.

Almost instantly, terrifying waves exploded, the earth roared, and the clouds in the sky were shaken away.

It didn't take long for the ground to be stained with blood and corpses strewn everywhere.

Cries of killing, angry shouts, and wailings intertwined with each other to form a bloody and tragic picture, with rivers of blood flowing all over the ground.

Seeing this scene, the many monks watching the battle around the City of Time were extremely frightened.

As time goes by, everyone in Suiyu City can no longer support it.

Although every participant in the battle in Time City has high fighting spirit, they cannot bear the huge disparity in numbers.

The Yan family fought hard, and many of their children were injured. For example, the ancestors of the Yan family and the Taishang elders were seriously injured.

Many masters of the Divine Palace Realm from the Sword Dynasty also died.

But every Immortal Emperor who is about to fall will choose to self-destruct at the last moment, trying his best to cause harm to the Snow Dragon tribe.

Of course, the most important battle situation is still on An Qing's side.

What determines the outcome of a war is top combat power.

Therefore, the Immortal Emperors above Seventeen in Time City were tightly suppressed, their clothes were stained with blood, and their bodies were severely injured.

After Su Yu came back from serious injury, he said to Yan Xuefei: Let her take action, even if it comes from the back.

She was Beibei in his mouth, and Yan Xuefei shook her head, not wanting her goddaughter to be exposed to others.

Boom boom!

Suddenly, as the fluctuations spread, dark clouds gathered in the sky above the City of Time, and there was a faint sound of thunder.

Among the monks who were watching the battle from a distance in Time City, many had their pupils widened and took a breath, their expressions extremely incredulous.

What a rare and rare scene it was, they couldn't tell whether it was a disaster or a wrath!

Seeing the thunder rolling in the sky, many monks who stayed in Time City had unparalleled excitement on their faces.

This feeling is like a ray of light suddenly appearing in a dark and desperate situation.

Great, it's the emperor...

At this moment, Dongfang Honghong, who was scarred and beautiful, also showed a ray of joy.

This was divine punishment, but it was not from Ling Yun, but from the naughty Beibei.

Although Shang Yuntian's expression changed, he was not too shocked.

But there was a hint of uneasiness in his eyes, and it always felt like this thunder was conscious.

As expected, these divine punishments fell and went straight towards the Snow Dragon clansmen.

There were screams one after another, followed by the falling of black coal-like corpses, which was a bit too horrible to watch!

Damn it, it's divine punishment, it's absolutely unmistakable. That man is here. Hall Master, my subordinates suggest retreating immediately.

One of the elders of Xuerong Hall was breaking out in a cold sweat. When he thought that the Supreme God Lord was here, his feet were shaking and his scalp was numb.

The key is that the Supreme Lord has another identity, that is the ancient Pluto!


To be honest, if he retreated now, he would be cowardly. In the future, he would still have the face to hang out in the Dragon Clan, and his expression became unnatural.

No, attack in, it's just Wuhun Continent, why should he meddle in other people's business!

Shang Yuntian gritted his teeth and refused with one word. The crowd was so overwhelmed that they could hardly breathe.

With the help of Divine Punishment, the monks in Time City have been relieved of a lot of pressure.

Yan Xuefei looked at the sky and murmured to herself: Is he taking action?

Right now!


This sound of the piano penetrated gold and broken stone, like a heavenly sword, cutting through the sky.

All the hundreds of thousands of Snow Dragon tribesmen with low cultivation levels immediately felt a headache when they heard the sound of the piano, and their bodies could not help but slow down.


Shang Yuntian noticed it and couldn't help but stop temporarily.

Could it be that there is still a supreme piano master in the City of Time?

Not only Shang Yuntian and the Snow Dragon Clan, but even An Qing, Yan Xuefei and others had a look of astonishment on their faces.

At such a critical moment of life and death, there is still someone playing the piano?

Isn't the sound of the piano the same as the empty piano sound a few days ago, but the melody is a bit exciting.

The little guy was playing the piano score that Ling Yun had just taken out. His proficiency was very unfamiliar, so he dealt a heavy blow to the enemy.

A lady's piano is placed in front of her.

At this moment, the little figure was playing the piano with his hands, and there was a terrifying power surrounding his body. In conjunction with the sound of the piano, the sound reverberated throughout the nine heavens and ten earths!

And the piano score that Ling Yun took out was a song about war, the darkness before dawn!

As the little guy plays, the sound of the piano makes people invisible. The sound of the piano is like a sword, clanging like a knight, cutting the ends of the world with his sword!

Ripples of terrifying power burst out, like thunder exploding.

The million soldiers suddenly found that the sword in their scabbard began to tremble involuntarily, as if they were worshiping the emperor in the sword.

At a certain moment, the little guy picked up a string at will, the wind and clouds changed color, and the world resonated with him!

Heaven and earth resonate, and the sky vibrates!

This scene made everyone speechless in shock!

The weapons in the hands of the Snow Dragon Clan's hundreds of thousands of troops were shattered, and many people fell to the ground, having been shaken to death by the sound of the piano.

Hundreds of thousands of troops were knocked back at the same time. Their faces were pale, blood gushed from their mouths, and their heads seemed to explode! A song of darkness before dawn drives back the snow dragon army!

There is absolute silence between heaven and earth.

The repelled Snow Dragon Clan army all had pale faces and blood on their mouths.

There was unprecedented fear and fear in their eyes.

The sound of a piano resonated with the heaven and earth. The destructive power was so strong that thunder erupted from the sky.

At this moment, Wuhun Continent trembled a few times, and Tiandao thought: I was so scared just now!

At this moment, everyone's expressions on the walls of Time City were frozen.

The song ends! !

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