Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1649 The army attacks (second update)

Ling Yun frowned slightly, raised his hand, and pointed it as a sword without even offering it.

The terrifying sword light shot out from the courtyard and slashed at Master Qingyi and the others.

The color of the red-robed Taoist's face changed, and he felt a sharp sword energy rushing towards him that made him suffocate.




Three voices fell, and the three of them, Master Qingyi, received their lunch boxes at the same time.

The only ones who can escape from Ling Yun are the God of Thieves who possess mysterious ancient powers, and the mysterious stone tablet of unknown origin.

These scumbags stayed up late at night. They let them go last time, but today they got even worse. They were still beating them near Lingyun's courtyard, just to seek death.

Yan Xuefei also knew that it was Ling Yun who had taken action, so she was not shocked. She said thank you softly and left. The disparity in strength was too great.

As soon as the three elders of Xuerong Hall died, there were three more corpses on the ground. They were quickly discovered by others, and the news spread immediately.

At the same time, in the territory of the Snow Dragon Clan, above the main hall of the Xuerong Hall, a thundering roar came out.

A middle-aged man wearing a dragon python green robe, with an extremely cold expression, clapped his hands, and the chair he sat down silently turned into dust.

This middle-aged man is none other than Shang Yuntian, the owner of Xuerongtang, a powerful Immortal Emperor 18, who can compete with the Ghost Emperor before his spiritual energy is revived.

His strength is not much different from that of a Territory Lord, but now that his spiritual energy has revived, his strength is even stronger.

Did the three of them die in Wuhun Continent? Shang Yuntian said in a gloomy tone.

That's right. said an elder who was kneeling on the ground below.

Wuhun Continent doesn't have an explanation? Since Situ's death, Wuhun Continent has become more and more unruly. Shang Yuntian said coldly.

“I still don’t know who did it!”

Okay... okay, even a small martial soul continent dares not to take Xuerongtang in its eyes. Shang Yuntian laughed angrily, and his voice shook the entire hall.

Where are the four secret guards?!

Four powerful Immortal Emperor Seventeen breaths burst out, like beacon fire and smoke, and four figures in iron armor appeared.

My subordinate is here!

Follow me and massacre the Martial Spirit Continent! Shang Yuntian's voice was like thunder, and he stepped up to the sky step by step with great momentum.

What makes Shang Yuntian angry is Wuhun Continent's disrespect to his Xuerongtang. As a branch of the Dragon Clan, they have their own pride.

Shang Yuntian and the four secret guards, five masters and strong men, went out together, and the other elders of the Xuerong Hall also gathered together.

In addition, there are hundreds of thousands of Snow Dragon Clan troops accompanying them, preparing to completely wipe out the entire Wuhun Continent.

Killing a continent is nothing to the Snow Dragon Clan. They would not have dared to do so before.

Because the God Realm does not allow it, once such a thing happens, the God Lord will punish the Snow Dragon Clan, but now the God Realm has no deterrent effect.

A certain elder said: Hall Master, we are attacking Wuhun Continent now. Wouldn't it be nice to catch someone by surprise?

It makes sense. We immediately requested the Snow Dragon Clan Imperial Palace to let them open the space transmission channel for the purpose of Hot Mars.

Others nodded one after another, and their morale suddenly increased.

The royal family will agree. Everyone gets on the flying boat and prepares to fight as soon as the space teleportation formation is opened.

Shang Yuntian shouted, with murderous intent pulsing in his eyes.

Conquer the Wuhun Continent and kill them if you don’t accept it. It’s time for the Snow Dragon Clan to survive in a different environment.

It is impossible for the Snow Dragon Clan Royal Palace to object. Their king died in Wuhun Continent. It would be best for Xuerongtang to help them now.

In the early morning, the Snow Dragon Clan's army pressed on the territory, killing with the force of wind and thunder, and the army headed towards the City of Time.

Baihua Palace, as the leader, immediately united many forces to fight back.

Early the next morning, An Qing went to meet up with Baihua Palace. After a few hours, the Snow Dragon Clan had reached a hundred miles away from the City of Time.

As for the little one going to school today, they should go by themselves. Ling Yun didn't plan to send them off, but they actually didn't object.

So she took out her beloved stroller, carried Beibei and little Irene, and set off happily. All the classmates she met along the way cast curious and envious looks.

Long Yanran looked at their figures and smiled silently.

Monitor, what is this?

Some classmates looked at Beibei and asked curiously.

This is high technology. You don't understand. It's just a car.

Beibei said.

Sissi, your family is so kind to you.

Some students are very envious, just like country people who have never seen the world.

The little guy nodded, and in order to show off her car, she readily agreed to let them all take a tour of the academy.

The entire Mingcheng Academy became lively, everyone was watching the little guy's stroller.

The entire City of Time began to be closed down. Some people couldn't hold it any longer and wanted to escape from this place. However, places like the academy were still relatively quiet.

The Wuhun Continent was in danger, alarming the hidden powerhouses on the continent, such as the old dean of Mingcheng College, and she also went to the front line.

Lingyun Courtyard!

Long Yanran went out to buy groceries, but came back in a panic. She probably heard that the Snow Dragon Clan army was approaching the border.

Brother Yun, the Snow Dragon Clan is really ignorant. In just a few hours, they have already occupied most of the Spirit Continent.

Ling Yun said calmly: It's nothing. The new overlord of Wuhun Continent encountered this without making it public. It's normal for many small families to rebel.

Why did they suddenly go crazy? Long Yanran was puzzled, although she didn't quite understand this kind of thing and had never cared about it!


There was a hint of coldness at the corner of Ling Yun's mouth.

Three Xuerong Hall elders died yesterday. They couldn't hold it any longer. They had old and new grudges. What happened last night was the trigger.

I accidentally stung a hornet's nest.

Ling Yun laughed and cried, the Snow Dragon Clan was indeed a bit anxious to jump over the wall.

Near noon, the war was getting serious. The Snow Dragon Clan's army came to the gates of Suiyue City. People in the city were panicked. Although everyone in Baihua Palace announced that the overlord was about to take action, they still could not appease the people.

And Long Yanran was going to pick up the little ones from Mingcheng College, and Ling Yun was also lighting a fire to cook, and everything seemed to have nothing to do with him.

There were many things that involved him unless he was forced to do so, so he usually just stood by and remained a qualified outsider.

Daddy, I'm back.

As soon as the little guy came back, he ran towards the kitchen to see what delicious food was being prepared today.

Wow, you've cooked so many dishes, are there any guests coming?

The little guy looked at so many half-finished products, his eyes widened and he licked his mouth.

Beibei heard the commotion and ran in. When she saw this scene, she let out a sigh of relief.

Wow, are there any guests coming today?

Hearing this, Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. No one would believe the two children if they said they were twins. Their tone of voice was almost exactly the same.

It's just for you.

Ling Yun replied with a smile!

Today is their first entrance exam, so it’s a little extra meal for them.

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