Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1642 Defeat the enemy with one move (third update)

Fei Wuming frowned, he came here for one thing, why was it so difficult.

Don't force me to go on a killing spree. You alone are no match for me.

If it's not Wu Ming, don't be so presumptuous. This is Wuhun Continent, Baihua Palace, not the territory of your demon clan. Feng Ruqing snorted again, her eyes unable to hide the killing intent.

In the past, Baihua Palace had already repelled the attack, but now it was different. Everything had to wait for Beibei to make a decision, otherwise it would be An Qing or Long Yanran. In short, she had no right.

You want to hit me?

Beibei pointed at herself and blinked a few times.

Oh... you can also say that. Fei Wuming nodded, his smile getting stronger.

An Qing said: Beibei, if you don't pay attention to him, he is just a fool.

Yeah, Aunt An said she won't let me play with fools. Beibei shook her head, her look was like looking at a fool.

Hahaha, I didn't see a few beauties. It's really unfortunate.

Fei Wuming raised his eyelids lightly and blinked at An Qing and Long Yanran who were wearing black veils.

An Qing breathed a sigh of relief and said to Feng Ruqing and the others: Why are you standing there in a daze? Catch him!

Fei Wuming pulled out a sword, laughed and said, Hey, the beauty is angry.

Boom boom!

Su Yu was the first to take action, then Ancestor Xue Dao, Zui Xin, Feng Ruqing and the others all fought against Fei Wuming.

They fought all the way from the main hall to the outside, and the pillars around them were about to collapse.

An Qing protected Long Yanran and Beibei, and the group quickly left the hall. At this moment, everyone felt a fire in their hearts.

A wonderful ceremony was ruined by a demon clan member.

There was no sign of the little guy and Yan Xuefei outside the main hall, and they didn't know where they went.

The little guy must have gone back after getting the gift. Yan Xuefei would have left the Baihua Palace if he wasn't angry.

Beibei watched from the side, and she frowned slightly as so many people could not do anything to a demon named Fei Wuming.

An Qing touched Beibei's head and said, Beibei, let's show him some tricks. It's best if he never comes back.

It's time to show off, otherwise most of them will not be convinced. Long Yanran said.

Beibei nodded and shouted: It's thundering. Everyone, go home and collect your clothes.


It was a bolt from the blue, and the night was filled with dark clouds and strong winds.

Beibei wondered if her newly learned sword-drawing stance was really as awesome as her handsome uncle said.


She also wanted to be more popular, how about fingertip sword energy? How about a move called Thunder Half Moon Slash?

Or is it the wind and the remaining clouds that will destroy the world?

Thinking of the most destructive wind and residual clouds, Beibei's smiling face gradually solidified. She has not learned yet.


Look at me, Beibei Divine Palm!

She slapped Fei Wuming in the middle of the crowd, and the huge power gathered into a palm seal that reached the sky.

Fei Wuming paused for a moment, then made a move with his wrist. As the sword edge vibrated, the terrifying sword energy spread across the void and swept towards the palm print.


In an instant, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth seemed to boil.

The torrent of moves that seemed to destroy the world swept through the void, causing the surrounding space to collapse inch by inch.


Everyone only heard a sound of vomiting blood, and there was thick smoke all around.

Holy shit, the Overlord is really a child.

It's too fierce.

A lifelong practitioner is not as good as a child. I am ashamed and ashamed.

What's the result? Isn't Wu Ming dead?

It's almost as good as not dying.

Recalling the slap just now, everyone broke into cold sweat and their scalps were numb.

Beibei stood with her hands behind her back, but her feet were shaking a little, because the palm just now had no moves, which cost her a lot of strength, and her body was a little overwhelmed. She would still have to use moves in the future!

After the smoke dissipated, Fei Wuming was lying in the palm print with his face covered in blood. The huge palm print seemed to be embedded in the ground.

This scene scared everyone. They all swallowed their saliva and looked at Beibei. This new overlord was no ordinary child.

The families who originally had doubts about Baihua Palace turned pale at the moment. Fortunately, they disagreed in their hearts and did not say it out loud.

Ahem, I've learned my lesson. I'll see you later.

Fei Wuming held the sword in his hand tremblingly and stood up slowly. He never expected that the gap would be so big, and he was defeated in one move.

Stop him quickly.

Su Yu shouted, but it was too late. Fei Wuming cut through the void with his sword and ran away in full view of everyone.

Next came the time for everyone to flatter themselves. Beibei didn't like it very much, but she had to stand there and listen to everyone's nagging.

She couldn't leave before the time came, which made her feel like being the overlord wasn't fun.

The little guy has returned to the City of Time, has been on Yan Xuefei's back, and is still asleep.

Yan Xuefei carried her behind her back and did not go back to Yan's house, but to question Ling Yun about this dangerous decision.

As soon as she appeared in Shuijie City, the Yan family came over to inform her that there was an eighth-grade alchemist in the house, who should be the one they invited.

Miss, Lord Yasha has asked me to wait for you here.

Let's go back.

She looked into the distance, then carried the little guy to her house to rest, planning to return her to Ling Yun later.

When Ling Yun came back from Yan Xuefei with the little guy, he had already sensed it. He could figure out why this happened after a quick guess, and he had no objection to the little guy going to her house.

Brother, come to the middle and help me, don't be in a daze.

Little Erin's voice rang in her ears. The two of them were playing Bull Glory.

Ling Yun was entangled by her and asked him to take Fei, but from the time An Qing and the others went out until now, they have been playing, the king takes the bronze.

Little Erin, don't run around, stay in the middle, there's not even a tower left, and you're still wandering around.

Ling Yun chose jungle. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't grow wings and fly over in the game.

Brother, Cao Cao is here. Come quickly and let's squat on it together.

Okay, wait for me, I'll be there soon.

Ah ha, thief Cao, run away and risk your life.

The whole yard was filled with her laughter.

Oops, the opponent's shooter's bronze positioning perfectly evaded my king's prediction.

Ling Yun: ...


She had just reached the gold rank, and he had led her all the way. Ling Yun himself couldn't laugh or cry.

Yan family!

Yan Xuefei no longer carried the little one on her back, but held it in her arms. She walked all the way to the meeting hall.

Madam, you came back just in time, the alchemist is here.

Gui Yaksha nodded to Yan Xuefei, a little confused about the sleeping little guy in the latter's arms.

Yan Xuefei stuffed the little guy into Dongfang Honghong's arms, looked at the alchemist and said, Are you Leng Chan? Master Leng?

It's me, Onigashima Ichitsu is indeed well-deserved.

Even through the veil, Master Leng could tell how amazing Yan Xuefei's beauty was.

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