Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1637 Playing Games (1st update)

Lin Qiuyan and Ling Tianyang have been practicing in the past two months, and their current strength has reached the golden elixir stage. Although the two of them want to go to Wuhun Continent with Ling Yun.


They couldn't bear to be here, and their strength was really poor, so they didn't speak to Ling Yun.

Finally, Ling Yun went to see Ling Wensong, who was still very energetic. After chatting with each other, Ling Yun left the capital.

In Jiangbei, Qin Lan returned to Qin Manor for a ride. Her boyfriend originally wanted to invite her to watch the stars together and celebrate, but Qin Lan refused with a smile.

Although I agreed to be his girlfriend, there is no need to celebrate immediately, there is only so much time to come.

Miss, why are you back so early?

Butler Qin looked at Qin Lan and said.

Every day in the past, Qin Lan would get off work at nine o'clock and get home at ten o'clock, but today he arrived at nine o'clock, which really surprised the housekeeper.

It will always be this early in the future.

Qin Lan responded with a smile, her dark and deep eyes like the soft night.

Oh, by the way, miss, a beautiful gift box was delivered to you just now. It's yours.

Take it to my room later.

Qin Lan didn't think much, she thought it was from her boyfriend Jason.

When she finished taking a shower and was drying her hair in her room, she accidentally caught a glimpse of the exquisite gift box on the bed!

Ling Yun's gift, why did he send it to my house?

Out of curiosity, she opened it anyway. Inside was a set of exquisite clothes, silky smooth and made of first-class workmanship.

For a moment, she was deeply fascinated. After coming back to her senses, she tried it. After a while, her face became a little more rosy.

Because this dress fit so well, it was almost as if it had been tailor-made. But the question came, how did Ling Yun know what size she was wearing.

This set of clothes was stolen by the little guy from the void. It was an outfit that An Qing could not imagine. Even An Qing was moved by it, not to mention Qin Lan, who naturally liked it very much.


Qin Lan didn't know what the clothes she was wearing at the moment meant. It was a magical weapon.

Ling Yun didn't know that Qin Lan took it off after trying it on, put it back into the gift box, and threw it in the closet.

Wuhun Continent!

The little guy searched all over the house, but still couldn't find Ling Yun. His little mouth was crooked, and he was about to cry.

Why are you crying? Your father will be back soon. If we don't sleep, we will wait for him. The same goes for your mother. We won't sleep until he comes back.

Long Yanran has tried every method, but this little guy is not as easy to fool as before.

That's right, sister, let's play a game, and soon the handsome man will come back stepping on the colorful auspicious clouds.

Whether you want to play or not, I haven't played some games with you for a long time.

Long Yanran poked the little guy's chubby cheek, and the latter blinked, seeming to be thinking about it.

Sister, let's trick aunt together.

Long Yanran: ...

How to play?

The little guy finally spoke.

How about playing the popular blindfold game on a certain TV station?

Okay, okay, that's fun.

The little guy started jumping all of a sudden. Long Yanran breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the baby was finally done.

Blindfolding involves two people blindfolding each other in a large circle, holding a soft stick in their hands, and hitting each other!

There were four of them, but little Eileen didn't want to play. She had to play games. The helpless Long Yanran thought of the late Qing Dynasty. The latter heard that the little one missed his parents, so he readily agreed.

The four people arrived, divided into two pairs, one for adults and one for children.

In the first game, Long Yanran and Beibei went up. The two people on the field were like fools. They couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north. They could only rely on the subtle sounds made by each other to distinguish their positions.

Wan Qing and the little guy watched from the side and could not interfere with them.

Haha, clumsy.

The little guy couldn't help it anymore and covered his mouth while laughing.


The late Qing Dynasty also found it funny. Beibei and Long Yanran were tiptoeing around, just like thieves.

In the first game of this game, the two faced each other for five full minutes. Neither one took advantage, and the time was up.

After it was the turn of the little guy and Wan Qing, the two of them started to fight blindly, allowing the smart little guy to seize the opportunity and beat Wan Qing into submission with a soft stick.

After playing this game, Ling Yun hadn't come back yet, but the little guy and Beibei got up and didn't go to sleep.

Wan Qing touched the little guy's head, looked at her seriously and smiled: Sissi, we have to go to school tomorrow. How about we go to bed early? Let's sleep with aunt.

The little guy was not happy. He was still sweating and shook his head vigorously.

No, no! I still want to listen to stories, but Auntie Wan Qing can't.

I really can't.

Wan Qing's mouth twitched and she looked helplessly at Long Yanran. She had no choice.


Beibei's eyes were round and round, but Long Yanran wanted to tell some scary stories, but was afraid of scaring them so they didn't dare to go to sleep, so she was very torn.

I'll tell you a story, sister, please listen carefully.

Well, well, I invited my sister to come on and tell a story.

The little guy clapped his hands and made a milky sound, looking quite excited.

Long Yanran was no longer interested. Beibei's story was not interesting, but the late Qing Dynasty was more curious!

What Beibei was talking about was actually the sequel to Demi-Gods and Dragons. She had a milky voice and her imagination was wide open.

She said that one of Qiao Feng's descendants was called Uncle Qiao, who had made no achievements in martial arts and was known as the fifth scum of the war.

Uncle Qiao was spurned by his brothers and sisters. Fortunately, he did not give up. He repeatedly studied Journey to the West, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and other famous literature.

Ha ha.

At this point, the little guy couldn't help but laughed so hard that he held his stomach.

And Long Yanran seemed to be stunned. The story didn't even have a name. Isn't it too casual, Uncle Qiao? Beibei's little head is full of water.

After repeated research, Uncle Qiao finally got an astonishing theory, which is a scientific theory and the ultimate mystery of the human body...

Long Yanran's head was full of black lines: It's so random, I just made it up.

Humph, if you can, make one up. Beibei rolled his eyes.

Beibei, go on, I won't say any more.

Brother Qiao pointed out that his ancestor Qiao Feng got a pair of gloves made of material by chance. He was able to transform his power into dragon-shaped shock waves and use the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, which shocked the martial arts world. awesome!

The little guy didn't blink his eyes when he heard it, and kept looking at Beibei.

Uncle Qiao just now has become Brother Qiao. Long Yanran estimates that if he keeps listening to it, he will become Brother Qiao!

Brother Qiao imitated this naturally formed weapon, and based on its working principle, using ordinary materials, he successfully created a short-circuit thermal effect generator, commonly known as a rice cooker.


Long Yanran spurted out a mouthful of tea!

Damn it!

The rice cookers are out.

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