Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1635 Planning to be wanted (second update)

Besides, it's useless to catch Old Man Liang. The latter didn't say it was a divine axe, he just sold it as an ordinary axe.

Ling Yun was not going to intervene and let the little guy find his own place.

The smart Beibei gives advice to the little guy, acting like a little adult.

Sister, we will hunt for him tomorrow. Whoever finds this bad old man will be rewarded...

Beibei looked at everyone and said in a milky voice.

What's the reward?

Hmph, I, Long Beibei, have a lot of treasures in my hands. How about rewarding me with this Golden Girl Sword?

Beibei's mind moved, and suddenly there was a cyan long sword in his hand!

Everyone: ...

Beibei is crazy, giving out such a rare artifact as a reward!

Long Yanran said with a smile: Beibei, you have to think clearly!

Beibei hesitated for a moment, then stared at Ling Yun and said again: How about letting Shuai Shu give out the reward? He has a lot of treasures in his hands.

Ling Yun sensed something was wrong from the moment he was targeted by her, and sure enough, the idea came to him.

Yes, yes, I have the most daddy.

I don't have any!

Ling Yun rolled his eyes and spread his hands.

Daddy is dishonest, what do you think this is?

The little guy muttered, and pulled out a very beautiful dress from the void, but it was for a girl. Looking at the style, it looked very nice, and it was still a modern dress.

An Qing was the first to be happy, maybe it was given to her, her face was a little rosy.

This clothes is at the level of an artifact. Ling Yun hid it so well, so he still didn't look at this little guy.

And this good thing!

Then she took out the Demon Emperor Crystal that Ling Yun had obtained in the Demon Realm from the void!

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched and he said helplessly: Yanran, hurry up and come up with a good idea for them, otherwise she will take out all my old tricks.

Sissi, you don't have to give these as a reward, you just need to give spirit stones. How many spirit stones do you still have in your hand?

Not even one!


Where's Beibei?

There are so many more.

Beibei took out a storage ring, and Long Yanran was speechless as soon as she glanced at it with her consciousness. She said it was more than a thousand, but it was not enough at all!

It doesn't matter if the spiritual stones are not enough. There will be more in the future. We need to find someone first.

Long Yanran happily put away Beibei's thousand spirit stones.

Tonight you two will draw a portrait of Old Man Liang, and I will put it on the wanted list tomorrow.

Long Yanran looked at them and said.

The coke spoiled the three of them, and they immediately went to paint as much as they wanted, all at Long Yanran's command.

Sister, the baby can't draw. You should work harder. The baby can play games and try to get rid of bronze as soon as possible.

Beibei's mouth twitched: Little Erin, you'd better go play with the human machine.


Underestimate her?

Little Erin thought about getting gold to show her sister. It was only a matter of time before she got gold. As long as she met teammates who didn't cheat, she firmly believed that she would definitely get gold after playing for a week!

The little guy got lazy in the middle, so she only drew a few pictures and then started to draw others.

Out of curiosity, Long Yanran did not disturb her, but watched quietly from the side.

She slowly discovered that the little guy's drawing was actually a move, just like the cartoon, and the person in the drawing was Ling Yun.

Long Yanran didn't see the significance of this move, but the little guy knew that it was Demon Slayer: Demon Slayer, using a knife, and she liked it very much.

Sissi, why are you not serious? You are drawing these messy things.

What a mess, this is a very 666 sword technique, Aunt Long, you don't understand, you are just an amateur.

The little guy recalled it for a long time, but she still couldn't figure out the basics of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. She knew the black hole after seeing it a few times, but this Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba was too difficult. She couldn't learn the principles after recalling it so many times.

All right!

As a layman herself, Long Yanran smiled and said nothing.

After the little guy finished drawing, she looked at it for a long time and found that she really didn't notice anything. Then she put it away and went to find Ling Yun.

Seeing Ling Yun chatting and laughing with An Qing, the little guy's eyes were as wide as bells and his ears were as erect as antennas, eavesdropping on their conversation.

This rose is for you.


An Qing was still a little disappointed, and her eyes dimmed the moment she saw it was a rose.

These roses were grown in Lingyun Space. There are only three in total. They are extremely precious and their fragrance is a hundred times that of ordinary roses.

But An Qing didn't take it seriously and ignored it, and Ling Yun didn't notice either. The little guy took out the clothes but didn't give them to An Qing. The latter would have random thoughts in his mind.


You want this flower?


What kind of flowers does the child want? Can you draw a portrait?

My sister said, leave it to her!

The little guy’s eyes turned gloomy!

An Qing said: You two will finish it together. Go help Beibei and go to bed after finishing the painting.

The little guy mumbled and couldn't bear it when he saw Beibei yawning, so he ran back to help.

And An Qing said: There is something going on in Baihua Palace, I have to deal with it.

Today should be the day when Su Yu and the others return from the God's Domain and obtain the Overlord's approval. Tomorrow they can announce the birth of Hot Mars, the Overlord of Wuhun Continent.

Don't be too late.

Ling Yun nodded and came back after personally seeing An Qing out.

Seeing the little guy and Beibei being so serious, Ling Yun smiled happily.

Yanran, when I go out later, I will leave the three of them to you.


Long Yanran was quietly surprised. She was at home alone and managing three mischievous people would be beyond her ability.

Just say I'm sick and go to bed first.


Regardless of Long Yanran's reaction, Ling Yun left. Neither the little guy nor Beibei knew about the whole process. Only little Irene glanced at the direction in which Ling Yun disappeared.

Yeah, yeah, all night tonight, it's all my fault for those pig teammates. The baby has lost another star. Even the king can't carry you.

Little Erin looked at the phone and was very angry. If she knew who matched her, she would beat them up. Such trash has the nerve to play bullshit.

And somewhere in Blue Star, a boy was cursing!

Damn, how could I be matched with such a rubbish mid laner? He can't even defend a tower, and he scolds me for being a jungler.

Ling Yun didn't go anywhere, but returned to Blue Star.

In a restaurant in Jiangbei, Qin Lan was eating alone. She was not in the mood and was alone wherever she went.

Outside the store, there were some gossipy reporters and some rich kids pursuing her, which she said was very annoying.

Recently, she had not slept much for several days because of the stock market, which was really worrying her.

Beauty, you are eating alone!

A discordant voice sounded, and Qin Lan was very annoyed. She had already told the clerk that no one was allowed to come in, but she just didn't listen.

When she turned around, she saw Ling Yun, and she was surprised and happy!

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