Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1612 Playing (third update)

Xue Dropzi smiled and said: Just so, I have that Heaven-Defying Jue!

Seeing the evil smile on Xue Di Zi's face, the golden lion gritted his teeth.

Now, an opportunity was placed in front of him, and he had to be moved.

Okay, no matter what your purpose is, I promise you.

The golden lion finally made up his mind, with a determined look in his eyes.

Seeing the golden lion's expression, Xue Di Zi smiled.

It is extremely difficult to subdue such a man of backbone. He has his own pride in his heart and cannot be violated.

However, what Xuedizi wants is not to conquer, but to use.

After the words fell, a scroll of paper appeared in the blood droplet space ring, densely packed with small words.

Seeing that Xuedizi actually took out the scroll, Golden Lion was stunned again.

What are you doing standing still?

Xue Di Zi urged: Why don't you continue?

You...just gave it to me like this?

Do you want me to kneel down and hand it to you?

Xue Dropzi rolled his eyes.

This is a magical skill. You...are you not afraid that after I master it, I will pass it on to others, and then... Golden Lion said.

Xue Di Zi said nonchalantly: Whatever you want!

Who would be so stupid as to waste his own cultivation and then practice the Heaven-Defying Jue again!

Xue Di Zi is confident that the Demon King Golden Lion will successfully cultivate and reach his previous cultivation level within three months.

Then what do you need me to do? Golden Lion asked.

It's very simple. Collect the top ten ancient artifacts, and the most important thing is to secretly investigate Diya's affairs. Xue Dizi looked at the golden lion and said.

Why not target Hades?

The golden lion's face was full of hatred, and his eyes exuded murderous intent.

You must understand that you have to listen to me, not me to listen to you.

Xue Di Zi said a little angry.


To prevent you from disobeying me, this is a soul mark!

Blooddrop pressed the golden lion's forehead with one finger. The latter's face turned pale, as painful as if his soul had been ripped out.

Golden Lion glanced at Nitian Jue and left quietly. He was very excited. It won't be long before he can take revenge!

Xue Dizi looked at the direction in which the golden lion was leaving, with a smile on his lips, and behind him was Ling Yun's soul.

My subordinate has met Hades.

Well done, now it's fun.

Thank you Lord Pluto! Then...

Xuediaozi, you will be the guardian of the Temple of War from now on. This is the token. From now on, you will be responsible for supervising the Golden Lion.


Xue Di Zi took the token excitedly, his body couldn't stop shaking. What he had dreamed of for many years finally came true.

Xue Di Zi was the person Ling Yun chose among everyone after he came back from the demon world. Everything he was thinking was discovered by Ling Yun!

He wanted to join the Temple of War and become a protector respected by everyone, but Ling Yun made it possible for him. As long as he performed a good performance, he could become a protector unconditionally.

And Blood Drop did a great job, and the Heaven-Defying Jue was true. What Ling Yun wanted was for the Golden Lion to recover his cultivation and reach even more powerful heights.

Outside the prison!

Everyone is waiting for Ling Yun!

Beibei said: Handsome Shu, look at my back, there is something there.

Long Xingtian said worriedly: Let me see what's there.

You can't tell. Beibei blinked at Long Xingtian.

When Long Xingtian took a look, there was nothing!

But Beibei had already bent over and said in a sweet voice, It's true!

Ling Yun sucked out a yellow talisman from her body. It was the bloodthirsty madman who penetrated Beibei's body, making the latter temporarily unable to use his power.

The corner of Long Yanran's mouth twitched. No wonder this child had been so quiet just now. It turned out that his cultivation was sealed.

Ling Yun laughed and showed his hand in front of everyone. Apart from himself, there is probably no other person in the world who can suck out this talisman so easily, he thought in his heart.

What are you doing, little princess?

She also has a piece of yellow paper in her hand. How did she get it?

I saw it, she sucked it out of the child.


Ling Yun turned around and saw that it was really true.

The little guy had just sucked it out of little Erin and was wondering what the hell this was.

Daddy, this is for you. The little guy frowned slightly, with a look of disgust on his face. He was cute and puffed up his cheeks.

Ling Yun was almost slapped in the face, and then he coughed twice: This yellow paper is easy to take out, so don't make a fuss.

Say so!

Everyone looked suddenly enlightened and nodded unconsciously. Whatever Ling Yun said was whatever he said, and some people just blindly worshiped him.

Hearing this, the little guy patted your little Eileen's body with the yellow paper again, and then said with a milky voice: Sister, it went in again, you take it out.

This child just wanted to test whether what Ling Yun said was true.

Beibei's eyes lit up. What a great opportunity. If she performed well, her handsome uncle might give her Wangzi when he was happy.

When Ling Yun wanted to stop him, the little guy had already slapped the yellow paper in. Little Irene scratched her head in a silly way.

Embarrassing Beibei!

At this moment, I kept touching little Eileen's head, but she couldn't suck it out, and the little guy beat his head and said nothing.

An Qing and Qin Xianglian couldn't hold back their laughter. Why don't Beibei be so cute?

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched fiercely, and their eyes kept moving on Beibei and Ling Yun.

Ling Yun was slapped in the face and jumped into the hole he dug himself.

Forget it, let's take a look at the prison.

Everyone then looked at the demon in the prison, he was motionless!

Probably dead.

It's hard for evil spirits to die. They should still be able to breathe.

The ancient demon god was so seriously injured, he doesn't seem to be injured at all, but his breath is very weak.

Everyone pointed at the demons on the ground, with slight surprise on their faces. It was incredible that they could still be alive under such a powerful force.

Shui Lao said: Lord Pluto, should we execute them now or destroy them?

After the Heavenly Prison disappears, you should go farther away, otherwise you will suffer a loss.

Ling Yun looked at the evil spirits on the ground and smiled.


Shui Lao and Ban Kun were puzzled, but Ling Yun had no explanation.

However, the prodigal son Jian Wuying on the side said: Those with low strength should stay away from them. If I guess correctly...

Before he finished speaking, the Heavenly Prison disappeared, and the evil spirits and the others immediately stood up, shocking everyone!


The fist fired by the black feather dragon should have killed a large number of monks, but the fist mark was resisted by the prodigal sword Wuying.

The demon laughed loudly: Haha, Black Feather Dragon, your idea is good.

Shui Lao was very angry. It turned out that the three of them were just pretending to be together. The three guys were as powerful as a dragon or a tiger.

At this moment!

The evil demon, the black feather dragon, and the bloodthirsty demon who stood up were staring at Ling Yun and them.

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