Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1610 Waste (1st update)

and this.

The little guy took it out from the void, and it looked like a cherry tomato!


Egg fried rice with tomatoes? Long Yanran was speechless.

An Qing smiled and said: As long as she is happy, just let her do it.

After a while!

The rice is ready, but An Qing is worried about whether the egg fried rice made from this rice will affect the taste.

“There are only two ingredients, it’s better to make tomato scrambled eggs!”

No, no, no!

The little guy shook his head slightly.

At this time, Leng Rushuang came over. After understanding their thoughts, he said that he could stir the tomatoes into the eggs and then fry the rice!

The little guy's eyes lit up: Yeah, that's it!

They were still doubtful whether they could eat such egg fried rice. This was the first time they heard about it.

Leng Rushuang said confidently: I can do it, I'll do it.

The little guy is worried and is supervising from the side!

After Leng Rushuang picked up the cherry tomatoes, she always felt a little unusual, and so did the egg. There were nine lines on the surface of the egg.

After everything was ready, the little guy said in a sweet voice: Fire! Fire...

Make a fire now.

Leng Rushuang looked at the little guy's excitement and couldn't laugh or cry.

here has!

A ball of strange fire appeared in the palm of the little guy's hand, frightening Leng Rushuang.

Exotic... Huohuo.

Leng Rushuang stammered as if she had seen something incredible.

Long Yanran was so shocked that she broke into a cold sweat and said speechlessly: Your strange fire is too strong and cannot be used, otherwise this pot will be wiped out.

What should we do?

Use mine.

An Qing looked at them and said, she also has strange fire and can control it very well.

This is my first time cooking for the little princess, so I can’t be careless.

Leng Rushuang touched her chin and thought hard about how she must leave a good impression on the little girl.

Under the supervision of the little guy, the most expensive egg fried rice in history was cooked, and the aroma was fragrant.

Not bad.

When Long Yanran smelled the fragrance, she started to praise it.

The little guy was holding his rice bowl and smiling from ear to ear. An Qing touched the little guy's head with a doting look on his face.

The taste isn't as good as Ling Yun's, but it's not bad either. The little guy looks like he's starving as he eats it one bite at a time.

Leng Rushuang and Sufina on the side were drooling at the sight. They could both feel that the ingredients of the egg fried rice were absolutely extraordinary, and the attractiveness of the egg fried rice made his soul tremble.

Leng Rushuang murmured to herself: I felt it right, that's definitely not a tomato, and that egg too!

An Qing glanced at the pot and saw that there was still three-quarters of it. She looked at Leng Rushuang and the others and said, You guys should eat some too.

Leng Rushuang and Sufina were a little embarrassed until the little guy said, It's a waste if you don't eat it.

Leng Rushuang suppressed her excitement: I've made a profit, I've made a profit. This meal will help me improve my cultivation level.

At this moment!

Shui Lao came over. He came to see An Qing. Now that Ling Yun has not come back, they don't know how to deal with the golden lion here and the evil spirits in the prison!

it's here!

Only An Qing is considered the biggest. The emperor and empress of the underworld is already a fact.

Empress, how should they deal with it? Shui Lao asked cautiously.

Don't worry about it in advance. Your body hasn't recovered yet. There are some leftovers here. You can eat some. An Qing looked at Shui Lao and said.



Long Yanran and Shui Lao questioned almost in unison.

How could such a precious thing be possible?... Leng Rushuang's heart was bleeding with pain, but An Qing spoke and she did not dare to object.

Shui Lao sneered in his heart. After all, he was also the leader of the underworld, but he was allowed to eat leftovers!

I have forgotten that the river has flowed across the underworld for so many years. Even if the sky breaks apart and the world is destroyed, I will never be able to eat any leftovers.

But when he really noticed the egg fried rice in the pot, his eyes widened.

who is he?

He is also an old monster who has lived for who knows how many years.

That egg fried rice is extraordinary!

He looked around for a moment, and after making sure that no one had seen through his disdain, he held his job with a laugh.

It's okay, then I'd rather be respectful than obey.

I have been in the underworld for so many years, and I have never eaten such delicious rice. Shui Lao tasted it bit by bit, for fear of wasting any bit.

Shui Lao's whole body was trembling. This egg fried rice was really different. He even licked his rice bowl clean, and then turned his attention to the pile of garbage.

The garbage contained eggshells, tomato remnants, and uncooked rice.


This is... Lingmi!

Where is this tomato? Oh my god, isn't this the cherry tomato of the divine world?

And this egg!

Ninth level magic beast egg.

Shui Lao couldn't help but cry as he ate. Such a strange existence made into ordinary egg fried rice really made him beat his chest.

Grandpa, I also know it's delicious, so there's no need to be moved to tears. The little guy said with a smile and narrowed eyes.

Shui Lao said: If I can get it back by crying, I would be willing.

Leng Rushuang and the others naturally heard Shui Lao's words, and felt shocked in their hearts.

Shui Lao looked at the little guy and said, Little princess, where did you get this cherry tomato.


Cherry Tomato?

Isn’t this just a tomato?

There is still room for daddy.

But now there are none. She picked them all from a tree, and the whole family was in the pot.

This only happens once in tens of thousands of years. Of course, for Ling Yun, it only takes more than three months for these to mature.

If Shui Lao knew, he would probably be furious.

There was a huge roar and thick smoke billowing from the prison.

After the smoke and dust dispersed, the evil demon fell, the black feather dragon also fell, and the last one standing up was the bloodthirsty madman.

When everyone was shocked, the bloodthirsty demon also fell, resulting in three losses.

Shui Lao suggested breaking the sky prison at this moment and capturing them, but this suggestion was a bit difficult, that is, they were helpless against the sky prison.

Because many people have tried it, and no matter how hard they work together, they can't break it. It's too tough.

The only possibility now is to wait for Ling Yun to come back!

The little guy secretly told An Qing that she had a way to find Ling Yun.


An Qing looked at the little guy and asked.

It's true. It only takes one can of Wangzai to activate Hei Bu Liu Qiu Men. The little guy's eyes turned gloomily, his face full of seriousness.

An Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but if it was true, then of course she would give it.

The little guy who got Wangzi secretly carried Beibei and little Irene on his back, and then turned around after sucking him. He looked like he was eating secretly, which made Long Yanran and the others laugh to death.

The child thought he had not been discovered, but in fact everyone knew.

In full view of everyone, the little guy exerted his strength, and it was impressive. She dragged out a foot from the twisted black hole, which was Ling Yun's.

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