Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1608 The Death of the Demon Lord (Second Update)


A heartbreaking pain caused Demon Lord Yu Qingjue to scream in agony, and large beads of sweat spread on his face.


Ling Yun did not reply, but instead stepped hard on Demon Lord Yu Qingjue's body with a powerful kick, crushing his chest, and his heart, ribs, etc. were all shattered.

Demon Lord Yu Qing never imagined that his glorious life would end like this!


Seeing Demon Lord Yu Qingjue's soul floating out, Ling Yun squeezed it hard in his hands. He didn't expect that Demon Lord Yu Qingjue wanted to take his body and be reborn.

Qiu Mo was so frightened that he pissed his pants. The demon lord in front of him was so cruel.

Ling Yun pinched the soul of Demon Lord Yu Qingjue and turned to look at Qiu Mo with a strange smile on his lips.

Don't, don't... don't kill me, I was wrong, I was wrong.

Qiu Mo was dripping with snot and tears, his whole body was dirty, and he was very embarrassed. He had been tortured by the black mist and was no longer human.

Ling Yun shook his head: You deserve to die. You were the only one who died, but now you are implicated in several others.

When the black blood lines covered every part of the skin of Qiu Mo's body, the blood lines burst in an instant!

Black mist drifted between the sky and the earth, but there was no trace of Qiu Demon.

When Ling Yun stepped into the demon world, four demon kings died, one was Qiu Mo, and the other was Demon Lord Yu Qingjue. The last two were both true gods. It was a heavy loss to the demon world.

Demon realm!

Maple Leaf Forest!

During Ling Yun's absence, the Demon King Golden Lion was tortured, and he just wanted to see Hades as soon as possible.

He still didn't believe that the one who captured him alive would be Hades. Didn't the latter say before that he would never invade the demon realm?

Why hasn't Daddy come back? The little guy muttered, looking at the place in the prison where the Demon Realm Gate was destroyed just now.

Long Yanran touched the little guy's head and comforted him: Qian Qian, don't ask so many questions. Brother Ling Yun must have something to do.

Isn't his job just to be a nanny? The little guy pouted.

Long Yanran hesitated for a moment, and the child became less easy to fool and became much smarter.

Are you hungry? I have a piece of bread here, it tastes like butter.

Long Yanran and the little guy sat on the ground and began to share the bread. The latter licked his mouth, indicating that he was hungry.


Long Yanran seemed to be using all her strength to open the bread, but in the end, what was given to the little guy was only the size of his thumb!


No, here you go!

Such a big piece of bread, give her this bit! !


The little guy threw away the piece of bread in his hand, then took Long Yanran's share, opened it hard, and gave a thumb-sized piece to Long Yanran.

Big friend, you don't need to eat so much.

After the little guy finished speaking, he nibbled on the biggest piece, leaving Long Yanran stunned.

Long Yanran didn't know whether to laugh or cry, looking at her still digging at the mud: Is Sissi angry?


Is there any more? Look at this land, it's almost broken by you.

No more picking.

The little guy curled his lips and threw the wooden stick in his hand far away, then turned his eyes around the prison in despair.

Aren't they tired? They've been running all the time. The little guy asked in a sweet voice.

Why are you tired? Why don't you run when you are tired? If you stop, you will be killed. Do you want to run or not? Long Yanran responded.

Daddy said, if you can't beat me, run away. I'll definitely run!

The little guy nodded, then his eyes dimmed, and he thought of her father again, muttering why his father hadn't come back yet.

Long Yanran didn't know what to say, so she said in her ear: Sissi, you should take advantage of your father's absence to trick your mother's son. Aren't you hungry?

Wow, why didn't you tell me earlier? The little guy's eyes lit up, and he suddenly smiled so cutely.

Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. Your mother must not be fooled. I'll help you ask first. Let Beibei take the lead first, and then you can come on.


The little guy was so considerate that he took a bite of Long Yanran's cheek and smiled brightly. The latter pinched her cheek and smiled helplessly.

After a while, Long Yanran came to An Qing's side! !

Sister Qing, Brother Ling Yun hasn't come back yet. Sissi, Beibei, and little Irene are all hungry. Look at Sissi, she has already eaten the bread. Long Yanran said with a somewhat complaining tone.

An Qing looked at the little guy. As expected, the latter was looking at Tianlao intently, chewing bread in his mouth. For a moment, An Qing felt distressed.


There was nothing she could do. It would be good to eat some bread at this time, but none of the three of them liked the food she cooked.

Then what should we do! An Qing sighed helplessly.

When the time came, Long Yanran raised her eyebrows and said, If you ask me, give the three of them some solid food first, and then give it to Wangzi to deal with it first.


Nothing to worry about.

If it is too easy to get, they will not cherish it. Let them answer the questions and give them if they answer correctly. An Qing continued.

Long Yanran thought for a while, this method was not bad, and it made some sense.

Then An Qing thought about the questions and answers, and asked Long Yanran to call the little guy over.

Long Yanran didn't know what the question was or what the answer was. She didn't dare to ask, but An Qing said, just two questions and asked the three little guys to line up.

This is easy to handle. After Beibei answered, he told the little guy the answer. Long Yanran was most worried about the latter.

Beibei, come here quickly. Long Yanran shouted softly, and Beibei in the crowd immediately turned around.

Silly aunt, what is she calling? Beibei muttered.

Fortunately, Long Yanran didn't hear it, otherwise her image of a violent woman would have come out.

Although he was very reluctant to go there, Beibei still trotted over and said to the golden lion before leaving: Drink the pepper water for him!

Hearing this, everyone beat Ling hard. From now on, when he comes out to travel the seven realms, he must not offend this child.


Oh, don't touch me. Long Yanran touched Beibei in her arms, dumbfounded.

Did you call me to eat?

Ahem, that's about it. Your Aunt An is going to give you Wangzi.


The premise is that you have to answer the question. It's very simple. Now that you are the first, go ahead.

Beibei: ...

She knew it wasn't that simple, it turned out there was a pitfall.

When they came to An Qing's side, the little guy and Irene were both waiting in line, and the first position was reserved for Beibei.

Little guy: Sister... come on, you come on!

Long Yanran almost got cramps from laughing. Why is this kid so funny? He talks like a battlefield.

Beibei walked up to An Qing and said in a milky voice: Aunt An, please ask me quickly. After asking, I'm going to drink Wangzai.

The distance here is still far away from the little guy's. An Qing asked: Two questions, who am I?

Beibei blinked, how could it be so simple? Looking at An Qing's sincere and beautiful eyes, it shouldn't be the same!

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