Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1500 Beibei comes to the rescue

An Qing was the strongest. With one move of the setting moon, he killed more than a dozen Snow Dragon clansmen. The Ghost Queen was also temporarily able to deal with the enemy with ease.

That's too much bullying, Empress!... I want your life! the Snow Dragon King said angrily.

Separate the three of them.

Fierce fighting broke out, dragons continued to hover in the sky, and the fighting spread to all directions, setting off bursts of thick smoke.

An Qing said: You find an opportunity to go out and call for reinforcements, but they won't give up.

Little sister, I'll fight my way out later, and you can go back to the Yan family! Yan Xuefei said.

A dozen or so people besieged her, and she used up her strength a little quickly, but the dragons were born with strong physical strength, strong body, and hard dragon scales, so it was difficult to hurt them.

However, she also killed many Snow Dragon tribesmen who had cultivated themselves as Immortal Emperors.

The clever Snow Dragon King started reincarnation tactics and used formations to continuously consume An Qing and the others' strength until they were ready to be unable to hold on any longer.

You have the guts to kill more than a thousand of my people. No matter who comes, they can't protect you. You must die.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, the Snow Dragon King was quite angry.

Smelly woman, bah!

In a sneak attack, An Qing was hit by an arrow in the back, but everyone was stunned next.

It was obvious that she was hit by an arrow, but the arrow seemed to be stuck, and then fell straight down.

An Qing sneered: This is what a villain did!

The dress she was wearing was a gold-plated skirt made by Ling Yun himself. It was a genuine artifact and was invulnerable to swords.

The Snow Dragon King frowned. He knew that An Qing, as the empress, must have a magical weapon. He didn't expect it to be that dress, and he immediately became evil-minded.

He immediately transformed into a hundred-foot giant dragon and roared at An Qing. The terrifying power seemed to explode the world.

Thick smoke rose from the ground, and the sky and earth changed color.

But An Qing cleverly dodged it, and with one move, snow drifted into the world, and the void of heaven and earth split open. It was so terrifying that one man and one dragon were indistinguishable, and no one around him dared to get close.

Immortal dragon body.

The snow dragon king's original snow-white dragon body suddenly turned black, giving people the feeling of wearing armor, but in fact, this was a martial art that their dragon clan did not teach forbidden techniques.

An Jing was forced to use his sword to block the Snow Dragon King's dragon head, and the latter bared his teeth.

The Snow Dragon King was secretly excited. The sword in An Qing's hand was also a magical weapon.

Boom boom!

An Qing was hit and fell straight into the ground. Although her body was intact, she was suppressed and could not hurt the powerful Snow Dragon King at all.

No matter how powerful the martial arts are, it's the same!

It's useless. My king has an immortal dragon body. With you, it's impossible to hurt me.

The huge black dragon hovered in the sky, looking down at An Qing and the others.

The Ghost Queen looked at the sky, swallowed her saliva and said, It's so powerful. Is this the Dragon Clan?

This was her first fight with the Dragon Clan, and she acted very surprised.

Not far away, a small figure was secretly watching the battle, and kept applauding An Qing and the others with his small hands.

The Snow Dragon King's small eyes were staring straight at the sky, and there seemed to be a trace of disdain in his eyes.

For sure!

She had seen the ancient evil dragon Zhu Jiuyin, and she had also seen the earth dragon conjured by Ling Yun using the Five Elements technique. They were both bigger than this one, so she was not shocked at all.

Little one, who are you?

A sharp-eyed dragon guard was right behind Beibei.

I'm Long Beibei.

Beibei answered subconsciously, and then covered her mouth in embarrassment. She thought to herself:


The guard frowned and began to think. He initially suspected that it was a child from the Dragon Clan, but he hadn't seen it here for so long, so his suspicions remained.

Go on your way.

What was Beibei afraid of, so she turned to glare at the guard. The corner of his mouth twitched and he suddenly became angry. Although his position was low, not just anyone could be so rude to him.

you wanna die.

The guards don't care what identity Beibei is, they just kill him. No one here will know about it anyway. Even if Beibei has a noble identity, he will not be found out after he dies.

Besides, the situation at the moment is messy and can be framed.

Beibei was a little unhappy when she saw An Qing and the others gradually losing to the Snow Dragon Clan. Now this guard provoked her again, and one can imagine the result.

Seeing Beibei frowning, the guard was stunned for a moment, then his face was full of fear, and he knelt on the ground, his body trembling.

Spare your life, spare your life...

The evil dragon essence flashing between Beibei's brows made him involuntarily choose to surrender. This was a kind of oppression from the Dragon Clan's power. His heart was not strong enough and he was easily affected.

No one with Long Yuan can be offended by him.

Those who possess Dragon Yuan at such a young age must have reached the peak of the Immortal Emperor. For example, the king of their Snow Dragon clan has one, but he has never seen it, only heard about it.

Such a big Long Yuan was still at the peak of the Immortal Emperor. Did he seek death just now? This guard regretted it to death.


Beibei frowned slightly, snorted coldly, clapped his hands, and the terrifying white flames took away the life of the guard without any screams.

Everything here is quiet and no one knows!

Snow Dragon King Yilong fights against An Qing and Yan Xuefei, but the Ghost Queen can no longer hold on.

An Qing said: Go and help her, I'm fine, don't worry about me.

Yan Xuefei shouted anxiously: But...

She actually wanted to say, you are Sissi's biological mother and you must live. If the Ghost Queen and you can only choose one, then I will choose you!

Seeing that the Ghost Queen was hit by an arrow in the back, Yan Xuefei couldn't say anything.

An Qing's eyes suddenly turned cold, and her brows furrowed slightly as she said, Let's go...don't hinder the Emperor and Empress from fighting.

Yan Xuefei came back to her senses and gave up on the ghost queen in her heart. The latter was also shouting that she didn't need to come over. She felt like she was giving up.

An Qing was so angry that her momentum changed. She temporarily defeated the Snow Dragon King. With the sword in her hand, she killed many people with one sword and saved the Ghost Queen. The three of them retreated while fighting.

Hahaha, you can't escape.

The Snow Dragon King's red eyes were looking down at them from mid-air.

Beibei curled her lips and rolled her eyes roundly, looking at the people attacking An Qing and the others, and imitated Ling Yun in snapping her fingers!

Damn it!

Depend on!

F*ck, f*ck, what a strong force.

For a moment, everyone except the Snow Dragon King lay on the ground, unable to move, and the dragon in the sky was also suppressed.

Hahaha, it's fun.

Beibei's milky voice sounded. When An Qing heard it, she was overjoyed at first, and then she became sullen, wondering why this child sneaked here.


The ghost queen was surprised and said that she never expected that she was saved by a child, and finally realized that the latter was extraordinary. This is the real master who hides his secrets.

Yan Xuefei held her forehead helplessly. She came as soon as she came, so she couldn't keep a low profile.

Beibei came to An Qing's feet in an instant and tugged at the latter's skirt: Aunt An, Beibei is here to save you.

An Qing and the three of them said: ...

Just don’t be a disservice!

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