Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1496 Rescue Mortal Emperor

It's just difficult to do, but it won't give Ling Yun a headache. The simplest and crudest way is to punch away the seal!


Ling Yun didn't want to do this. If other people came here and found that Gouhun and Mortal Emperor were missing, it would cause some people to speculate.

Therefore, Ling Yun planned to take them away without knowing it, and also to create an illusion.

Everyone thought that Gouhun and Mortal Emperor were still sealed, which reduced the troubles of Pojun Emperor and God.

The moment Ling Yun entered the seal through the black hole, Gouhun was meditating, while Mortal Emperor was walking back and forth, feeling restless.


Fan Di was suddenly startled and immediately stared at Ling Yun who suddenly appeared. The latter gave him the feeling of being very dangerous.

This place was sealed, and even he couldn't do anything about it, but Ling Yun came in easily, which really shocked him.

Father Emperor, it's been a long time. Ling Yun smiled softly.

Hearing this, Emperor Fan frowned and did not relax his vigilance at all. When Gouhun heard Ling Yun's voice and that breath, he suddenly opened his eyes.

My king!

Saint Ann!

Gouhun immediately knelt down on one knee towards Ling Yun, performing the ceremony of a monarch and a minister, with his right hand touching his chest.

Get up, you did a good job and lived up to my expectations.

Ling Yun was quite satisfied with the performance of Seduction. After all, he was the one who brought Emperor Mortal out. Even though he was sealed, there was nothing he could do about it. After all, it was the ancient demon god Pojun Emperor who came forward. doesn't live up to expectations, why bother my king to come.

The seductive look in his eyes instantly became indifferent. He promised this with a pat on his heart. In the end, Ling Yun had to go there, which was really embarrassing.

My king?

The man who appeared in front of him was the boss of the person who saved him?



Like that person in memory, Pluto! !

You are Hades!!

As soon as his mind flashed, Emperor Fan's eyes widened and he immediately moved away from Ling Yun.

I am!

Ling Yun admitted and looked at Fandi helplessly.

It turned out to be true. Emperor Mortal swallowed his saliva and roared: You actually dare to show up. This emperor and you are not in conflict with each other. I destroyed the devil's forbidden book, so what!!

not so good.

Ling Yun shrugged, he also hated the Devil's Forbidden Code.

Are you going to come in and kill me? Then come on. I have no regrets. Emperor Fan looked like he was ready to die.

Ling Yun laughed loudly: No, no, no, a lot of things happened. I will tell you when I have time. I am not here to kill you, but I am entrusted by others to save you.


Emperor Mortal looked in disbelief. Pluto actually came to save him. He really couldn't believe it.

Looking at the confused Mortal Emperor, Ling Yun said again: You will know when you return to the God Realm. Let the past matter go by and don't mention it again.

Fandi frowned, as if he couldn't believe the words of Ling Yun, who had a bad reputation, and kept guessing about the latter's intentions.

Emperor Mortal...he is my king, don't doubt it. You have to believe what he says even if you don't believe it. Gouhun said.


Fan Di is lying if he says he is not angry.

Hmph, even if I die here, I won't go with you. Emperor Fan's expression condensed and he began to become suspicious. He didn't believe Ling Yun's words at all.

Ling Yun smiled and said: You are really interesting. I am indeed here to kill you, but not at this time. Your wife wants to see you for the last time before she dies. This is her last wish. I have fulfilled it, so I am here.

Hearing this, Emperor Fan waved his hand and punched Ling Yun, shouting angrily: I will kill you to avenge her.

Fan Di's eyes turned red with anger, and his fist was caught by Ling Yun with one hand, effortlessly.

Guhun said: Presumptuous...


Ling Yun laughed, and two figures appeared around him, slowly forming two familiar people, namely Gu Hun and Mortal Emperor!

Fan Di was dumbfounded. He became more and more uneasy, and he concluded in his heart that Ling Yun was doing something terrible and harmful.

Ling Yun took Fan Di away by force, and Gou Hun followed closely behind him, while the two identical Gou Hun and Fan Di stayed there as normal.

On the other side of the black hole is the Liuxian Palace in the God Realm!

Ling Yun directly kicked Mortal Emperor out and said, Help the God Realm.

After saying this, Emperor Fan looked confused. When he saw the familiar place in front of him, he thought it was just a dream.

You...who are you?

The man who suddenly appeared in front of him made the female disciples of Liuxian Palace who were practicing nearby panic.

To be honest, Fan Di looks pretty good...

This is the Liuxian Palace in the God Realm. Emperor Mortal became more and more surprised. He saw the clothes of Liuxian Palace, but they were still familiar.

A daring madman unexpectedly broke into the Immortal Palace without permission, which is a heinous crime.

A woman's voice suddenly sounded. The visitor stepped into the void and arrived not far from Mortal Emperor almost at the same time, with cold eyes.

who is it…

Fan Di also frowned, his aura rising to the sky, and he did not intend to capture anyone who had murderous intentions towards him.

Ryusen Palace, Chiba!

do not know.

Thousands of Shadows Reaching the Sky Palm Seal.

The Heart Seal of Great Compassion.

Qianye and Fandi faced off with one palm, and the two were temporarily at odds.

After the saint Shangguan Xiu rushed over, she shouted: Master, I wish you a helping hand.

As he said this, he was about to take action against the mortal emperor of unknown origin! !

Do not fight!

A stream of light flew from the sky, it was Fan Di's wife, Aunt Mei!

Xuemei! You...

Seeing Aunt Mei's figure, Fan Di was stunned.


Aunt Mei's eyes were wet, and she looked at Mortal Emperor in shock. She knew that this moment was not a dream, because Lingyun's consciousness told her just now that he lived up to his expectations and brought her husband back.

Everyone was stunned!

After listening to her explanation, Mortal Emperor finally understood everything. It turned out that so many things happened during the time he fell into the Demon God Sea.


Ling Yun asked Gouhun to return to Wuhun Continent to wait for orders, and then returned to the previous three days.

The little guy was impatient with waiting and ran around angrily!

Bad daddy...

Sister, please look out for me.

Well, well, what are you going to do? Seeing Beibei hiding behind the throne, the little guy looked confused and scratched his head blankly.

I found this to be a treasure.

Beibei pointed to the Medicine King Cauldron in her palm.

The corner of the little guy's mouth twitched, it must be, isn't the baby able to move on its own? And the eyes...Isn't that for nothing?

Beibei was embarrassed, then sat on the ground and started to take out the encyclopedia. As soon as the latter came out, Yaowang Ding was shocked.

The encyclopedia said: What difficult and complicated diseases do the two little princesses have? more serious. Beibei stared angrily. say.

The book spirit of the encyclopedia was afraid of Beibei and immediately gave in.

Is it some kind of ancient... some kind of artifact... some kind of tripod? Beibei asked.


Encyclopedia's eyes widened, and this expression betrayed it, even though Yaowang Ding kept giving it winks.

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