Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1476 Fire Spirit Pearl

Facing Ling Yun's smile, Desert Eagle Ah Diao was deeply frightened and had to tell everything here.

The ancient Haotian Sword Sect was destroyed by Ling Yun. However, those members of the Sword Sect were killed by others, but not by Ling Yun's hands.

And there is a very huge formation left in the entire ruins, the Haotian Formation.

The reason why Ling Yun was unable to use his magical powers was because someone accidentally touched them. The Poison Domain, the Desert Domain, and the Ice Domain were all formed under the influence of the Haotian Formation.

In addition, there are other realms that together form this huge ruins. In addition to the Eight Treasures Heavenly Emperor, there is another resentful spirit in the ruins. It was also a god who died in battle in ancient times, the Hurricane God.

He and the Eight Treasure Heavenly Emperor have already ruled over the resentful spirits in the ruins, and those who dissatisfied have died, so Ling Yun will not encounter any resentful spirits from the ancient Haotian Sword Sect here.

Desert Eagle asked: Sir, I've finished my answer. Can I leave now?

Ahem... I'm afraid you heard it wrong. I never said that you can leave as soon as you say it! Ling Yun said.

Beibei shook his head and said, I can testify that Shuai Shu didn't say anything.

Hearing this, Desert Eagle was extremely angry, and his eyes seemed to be filled with anger as he stared straight at the two little guys.

A plan emerged in his mind. As long as he captured one of them as a hostage, he should be able to leave smoothly.

Lord Jiuyou Mingze, please spare my life. Desert Eagle Ah Diao pretended to kowtow to Ling Yun, but in fact he was secretly planning how to catch them.

I know all your ideas. I'll see how you hang them up.

Ling Yun directly stretched out his right hand, and an invisible force strangled Desert Eagle Ah Diao's throat, causing the latter to be in unspeakable pain.


I am not a merciful person, you can say your last words.

Ling Yun relaxed his strength slightly, and then the corner of Desert Eagle's lips raised a smile, accompanied by the flow of blood.

After all, we are just ants in your eyes.

Boom boom! !

The Desert Eagle exploded, and terrifying power swept around, raising layers of wild sand.

You're still so hung up after you're dead!

Ling Yun frowned, and a barrier rose up around him, blocking this power. If the Desert Eagle had known it, he would have vomited three liters of blood.

Beibei curled her lips and said, You left so quickly without even receiving the divine punishment. How annoying.

Hearing this, Ling Yun could only helplessly touch Beibei's head.

Oh haha, ah, it's over. The little guy saw it clearly. This time she understood what self-destruction was.

Miaoxin said: Amitabha.

Queen Yaoyue: Emperor, how should we go now?

The masters of the desert realm are all dead, so it should be very easy to travel next, but it is still very hot here.

It'll be ready soon.

Ling Yun smiled slightly and pointed his fingers at the desert. No one knew what he was going to do.

Suddenly the little guy was very excited and said in a sweet voice: Daddy, there is a treasure down there.

Why? Ling Yun was slightly surprised, showing an incredible look.

Hahaha, there is something strange in the sky. The little guy pointed at the sky, as if to say, this can't trouble me!

Ling Yun: ...

Queen Demon Moon: ...

Both of them twitched the corners of their mouths and looked at each other speechlessly. What kind of vision was this? Isn't it Beibei's divine punishment?

The little guy was still laughing and slapping his two little palms, seemingly applauding her intelligence.


There was a strange sound, and a golden bead emerged from the desert ground, emitting extremely powerful heat.

The moment the beads came out, the sand lost its heat and became ordinary.

The little guy said: Daddy, that's it!

Phew, there really is a treasure. Beibei said without blinking.

This is the Fire Spirit Pearl. Wherever it is, it is extremely hot.

Ling Yun dissipated the heat around the Fire Spirit Pearl, allowing it to calm down slightly and no longer be so violent.

The Fire Spirit Pearl is also very obedient. Apart from the fact that it emits light, it is no different from an ordinary one and can be watched by everyone.

It also surrounds everyone from time to time and is very spiritual.

Queen Yaoyue's eyes were stunned. This was the first time she saw such an obedient Fire Spirit Bead. It made her understand once again that strength can make everything surrender.

Emperor, I have an unkind request.

Let's talk first.

That... that... can you give me this fire spirit bead? I am willing to exchange it for other treasures.

No. Ling Yun rolled his eyes and refused.

This result not only surprised Queen Yaoyue, but Miao Xin was also very puzzled as to why Pluto wanted so many good things.

The little guy said: Dad, you are stingy, you have so many treasures, why do you want to covet Auntie Yao's?

Ling Yun: ...

What does this mean?

Why does this fire spirit bead belong to Queen Yaoyue? It was obviously discovered by him.

Queen Yaoyue gave the little guy a thumbs up.

Handsome, Beibei also thinks there's something wrong with you.

It's not a matter of stinginess. Ling Yun twitched the corner of his mouth and was extremely speechless. He also knew that this fire spirit bead was very important to Queen Yaoyue.

Queen Yaoyue was extremely anxious, because this fire spirit bead was really very important to her.

No, it just won't work.

Ling Yun held the Fire Spirit Pearl in his hand and flew away with the two little guys in his arms.

On the way, he put the Fire Spirit Pearl into Beibei's body and forcibly refined it. In this way, Beibei could soon become a god.

Beibei looked confused, her whole little face was red, and her body was so hot that she blushed.

Ling Yun stopped beside the huge fossil. Queen Yaoyue and Miaoxin behind were panting again.

Emperor, Queen Yaoyue looked shocked!

The aura of the Fire Spirit Pearl was on Beibei.

Miaoxin swallowed her saliva. Such a treasure was given to a child. How could she be so willful?

She needs it more than you. Ling Yun said.

At this time, Queen Yaoyue had nothing to say. What else could she say? She could only envy the child Beibei.

Beibei blinked her eyes, but she still didn't understand what happened: Handsome Shu, where is the Fire Spirit Pearl.

She wanted to get it and give it to Queen Yaoyue.

Ling Yun said with a smile: Beibei, that fire spirit bead is gone. It has become a part of your body. In the future, your martial arts attributes will have a very powerful fire attribute.

Beibei's mouth twitched, then the treasure of Li Hao is gone? The whole person was a little confused, making people dumbfounded.

The little guy looked up at the extremely huge giant fossil and said in a sweet voice: Daddy, are we here to take pictures?

No, it's a bit familiar. I'm passing by to take a rest.

Ling Yun stared closely at the remains of the giant. There was a power hidden in the latter's body. It was better to say that it was spiritual thought, an unwilling spiritual thought.

(Happy New Year)

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